Saturday, January 31, 2015

Hello out there.....

....It has been days, since I have done any kind of creating or any blogging....!  Needless to say, Winter has not been kind to me and between the bitter cold, our major blizzard and the increased pain of dealing with a bad hip - I've been kind of down and out of the loop!   Of course, the Blizzard we really was something and despite being stuck in for 3 days, we really are very lucky, as compared to some of those who had terrible ocean damage.   We lucked out, never lost power or internet and had plenty of food on hand, and for all of that -- I am very grateful.   We ended up with just over 2 feet of snow and with the drifts, there are some places in our yard, where the snow is still 3-4' tall and we know it's going to last quite a week, with the bitter cold temps we've had.  We are also due for another storm on Monday with the potential for another 12"....UGH!   I so want SPRING!!

    This picture was taken Thursday....after we dug out when the sun was shining's amazing at how deep the snow is on the ground, but thankfully we little built up on the roof, due to the high winds.   We are thankful for that, as we do NOT or want to worry about roof trouble....

 The dogs all did great and for the most part, spend a lot of time sleeping and staying warm and snuggly in their beds.  
Zeva, (taken the day of the storm), 
was very happy to say in bed all day!!

Scout was my "brave" boy and did venture out
quite a bit during the storm wearing a nice warm fleece.

Skye - maintained her favorite spot on the corner
of the couch, but kept a watchful on all the snow outside...!

   Thankfully, Hubby was home for two days and that was a life saver as far as all the shoveling that had to be done.  Even with the help of Alex, who arrived on Wednesday with a snow-blower, it still took hours to get the driveway and deck, cleared off.   We also have special paths that were dug for the dogs to easily get down the back stairs of the deck, to their fenced area in our yard.  

      Today, I thought I would PUSH myself to at least make one card for the awesome "Clean and Simple 4" Class that I've been taking all week at the Online Card Classroom.  As usual, it's been another fun-filled and jam packed class -- I only wish I was feeling better, so I could spend even more time participating.   

    This card was inspired by two different days in class, one being the day that everyone was working with "Die Cuts", Day 2, and the second being Day 4, where the focus was on adding "Texture" on our cards.  I really LOVE all the great new tips and hints I have learned, yet again, in this amazing class.  I am always so pleased with all the online classes and they've yet to ever disappoint.   Kristina, Jennifer, Julie and all the Guest Designers, always go over and above to make every class a JOY!!   I highly recommend these classes and LOVE that we have lifetime access.  

  This card, as I noted was inspired by Day 2 and Day 4 and was done in my "Signature" color of Purple, and also in a SPRING theme!  The perfect way to help me forget about all the snow outside.
In addition to adding this to the Class Gallery, I am also submitting it to these fun challenges.

  I am now heading into my new "upstairs den" to try and do some of my "pre-surgical" physical therapy exercises, which I might add, have been a LOT more difficult (painful) than I expected.   Even so I do hope by starting a bit now, it will help me be trger and make it easier for me after my surgery.

  This coming week, will be extra special, as my oldest son, (Brian) is coming HOME for a short visit and I just PRAY the weather does not affect his flights.  We have one more storm due Monday and he's due in Tuesday afternoon.  As long as I can make it to the airport on Tuesday to pick him up, I'll be one happy Mom, and so far, it kooks like it should be much better on Tuesday!  YAY!    I can't wait to see him and know that will be the medicine I need to make me smile,    WooHOO!  

  Hope YOU are ALL having a much better winter and good health too!  There is nothing better that good health and I am so looking forward to happier, healthier and warmer days --- Come on SPRING!!

  Oh, and one more thing --- I want to send out a BIG CHEER to my beloved "New England Patriots" who will be playing in the Superbowl tomorrow night.   I hope it's a super game and I truly hope they come back with another WIN for all their fans, here in New England!   GO PATS!!!!

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Checking in....New things...

   Sorry I have not been posting! Sadly, my bad HIP has kind of taken over my life and at this point, and it's not causing me pain to simply try and sit at my craft desk..which is the worst.  I LOVE to create and spending time card-making has also been my little form of "therapy" and relaxation and an escape from the daily down side of living with Fibromyalgia.  Now, having this added discomfort and not being able to sit very long, has really put a damper on doing a whole lot.  At this point, I'm very ready to have my hip replacement surgery, not only to alleviate this pain, but also to feel better, get back to walking and being more mobile and also most of all, to be feel good and feel well enough to create, which I MISS so much.  Thankfully, mu surgery is only a few weeks away now and with all the appointments I have to take care of,  have a lot to get done and I'm sure the time will fly by.   I'm also feeling a bit better, now that our temps have risen a bit and are more seasonable.  We even had a day in the mid 40's this week and for January that feels really good.   The bitter cold days were brutal and that cold, really hurt me physically more than ever before.  I can only hope that next winter will NOT be nearly as bad, once I have my new "titanium" hip!   Yay!

     This post is an update of what I have been doing, along with some fun new things that I wanted to share~!   Happy things that are keeping me busy, and also helping to pass the time until I have my actual surgery.   I can't wait!   I am dying for Spring and know that once Spring arrives, the surgery will be behind me, I should be feeling MUCH better and be able to get out and walk, more like my old self again!   Woohoo!  

    Happily, there is a brand new class starting next Monday, (January 24th) in the fabulous Online Card Classroom !  It's called "Clean & Simple 4" -- Techniques Made Simple -- and I am very happy and excited to already be enrolled.  I know I may not be able to participate too much, right now -- (My hip has decided that be even more painful when I set, so I am struggling to do any cardmaking ), but I know I can sit back watch the videos and play along later.  I LOVE these classes sand have taken EVERY one.   Hope to see you there and already know many of my "online" craft friends are signed up too!  YAY!

     I'm still trying to play in some of my favorite challenges from time to time and did enjoy the last "Hero Arts Flickr Group" Scramble, which was the 100th -- Imagine that!   These are the two card I made, and our theme was to use your all time favorite Hero goodies and that in itself is a challenge, since I am SUCH a huge Hero Fan.   In the end, I did get two cards done and did use two of my many favorites, including my "signature" color -- Purple~

    And speaking of my beloved  Hero Arts  have you seen the new Catalog --- I'm in LOVE with this release, and think it's by far, one of the best in a while.  I can hardly wait for these goodies to be in stock over a a2z Scrapbooking Store.   BTW --- Instead of stepping down from the a2z Design Team, until after my surgery, I've had the opportunity to now be part of the team again, and am NOW instead on a little leave, basically like a Medical leave of absence and I love it.  I really missed the daily interaction with all the DT members and now love being part of the group again.  I am also looking forward to being back to creating again very soon....hopefully as soon as I am more mobile and can sit at my desk and create again!    In the meantime, that means you use my DT Promo Code - LISAH15, to save you 15% on any and ALL orders of $25 and up, (excluding shipping)!  Simply enter the code to your cart during the check out process.  The promo CAN be used for all the brand new products too.   WooHoo!  I'l be sharing updates, as soon as the new goodies are all in the store, but be sure to stop by often and check out the latest new products along with more stock that has been added to the special "Sale/Clearance" section.

a2z Scrapbooking Store

      Plus, there is always a chance to win a Gift Certificate to the store, for playing in our monthly challenges on the a2z Blog.   This month's challenge and details can be found HERE!   Be sure to always use at LEAST one main Hero product and follow the current theme to be eligible to win.  Our them for January is "New to You" -- we love to see your using your NEW Hero Arts products !  I

      And on the topic of challenges, did you know that Simon Says Stamp has a new Flickr Group, well the group is not so new, but they NOW also host a monthly Challenge at the Flickr group in addition to their Monday and Wednesday weekly Blog Challenge.  You can join the group HERE and enter their current challenge too --- This month's theme is "Spots and Dots" and I must get my own card done and entered soon.  I'm a huge fan of Polka dots and also a fan of the SSS exclusive products  -- they are Hero are pretty much my all time favorites and I love combining the two together!

   I also attended a fun little Amuse workshop this past weekend here in town.  I have a friend, "Tobey" who is an Amuse Demo and also a local Inn Owner, who hosts Scrap/Craft Retreats at the Inn along with monthly Amuse Workshops.  If you are every in the area, or would like to shop for Amuse, you can find Tobeys' Amuse Online Store at this LINK!   And the next link will take you to her Inn -- The Linden Tree Inn, which is so quaint and a wonderful Bed and Breakfast!!   

    So that's my update --- everything else is pretty good.  The dogs are all doing pretty well.  Scout, my Senior boy is now being treated for Cushing's Disease, which we hope will make him feel better soon.  Skye and Zeva are very happy, but do miss getting out.  THEY hate the cold and prefer being snuggled in their beds or on the couch near the wood stove...especially on the really cold days.  We all are hoping that Winter will be over soon and that Spring comes early this year!  

Monday, January 5, 2015

Shake, Shake, Shake.... would think after watching tons of videos on creating "shaker cards" that it would be something that would be easy.  After all, they've become quite popular and have been all around blog land for the past several months.  Even today, one of my favorite designers "Jennifer McGuire" shared a new version on her blog.

    But, let me tell ya, that these are NOT easy to make --- at least not for me and especially when instead of following along with one of these wonderful videos, I decided to go for it "blind' and make from my Memory...LOL!   Yes, you can laugh, because I have no memory as I quickly learned again today.

    You can be sure that should I EVER decide to make anther shaker card, Ill be certain to do so by following a more of this from "memory" stuff...that's for sure.   I can however say that the end result is NOT nearly as bad as  thought it would be.  There are a LOT of "mistakes" but I think I did a pretty good job of hiding them with my design.

    And WHY did I even make this card -- well that's all because of the fabulous MUSE card that Vicki shared as the inspiration for this weeks' challenge!  Love Love Love it and seeing hte red, white and black I was determined to try one and go with a Valentine them, using one of my newest die sets "Stitched Heart Dies" from SSS!

Vicki's Fantastic Card

My Card

   In addiction to the MUSE Challenge, I am also entering this "shaker" to these fun new challenges  Please feel free to come on over and play along!
    I am happy and excited that I have finally taking on the "challenge" of creating a shaker card.  Not sure what made me wait so long?  Probably because I do NOT see them as EASY or very CAS cards and right now those are my favorites.  I do like how it worked out and hope the IF I do try another one, I will learn from my first trial and it will be even easier.



Thursday, January 1, 2015

Happy 2015!!!

    I am so happy that 2014 is now in the past and very much looking forward to a much happier and healthier 2015.   I am thankful that I'll soon be having surgery and hope that once I am on the mend, that it will be the beginning of a fabulous New Year, full of lots of good things and great health.

    Today, I am actually excited to be here to share a new card, especially since my ability to create is very limited these days.  I wanted to start fresh for the New Year and make a card that I could enter into a few of my favorite challenges.  If you know me, you know that I really LOVE taking part in challenges and it's my little way of practicing my card-making skills and also a way to help me come up with new card ideas.

     This card not only incorporates ideas from a few different challenges, but also has been breaking out some of my "newest" craft goodies, most of which I am using for the very first time today.   The first of which, is the latest "January Card Kit" from Simon Say Stamp, which I absolutely LOVE. Sadly, it's also the last kit I'll be buying for a while, as I am now focusing on a new goal of ONLY buying "Craft" supplies that I really need or those that will be replacing something I am tossing or purging from my stash.   This is NOT going to be easy, but since I have fallen so far behind on trying to finish my new craft room along with trying to totally organizing all my things.  I'm still purging "big time" and will be donating several more boxes of supplies, all to "Little Paws Dachshund Rescue", who will be selling then at upcoming craft fairs and during the fund-raising yard sales!    I am determined to be very successful at this new "GOAL" for 2015 and also feel it's necessity.  I have SO much right now, that I am totally overwhelmed with the task or organizing ...and that in itself is why I really am happy about this.

     Once I am all organized and have my new room, all neat and tidy, I am sure, I'll slowly continue to purge and then in time, will add some new things to my collection, but for now, its' simply crazy and has become a very bad and expensive habit.  I am also focusing on being debt free and no long want to use Credit cards to make ANY purchases...something that also is a huge goal and must do for me.

   Today, i'm delighted to share my first card for 2015, along with all the fun supplies I used to create it.  It's a card that showcases my signature color "Purple" and also uses many of my favorite product lines.   It's a Thank You card, perfect to use to stay thanks to my family and friends for some fabulous Christmas Gifts.

Card Ingredients:

Purple Ribbon/Stash
Purple and White Cardstock/Stash

  And these are the new Challenges where I am submitting my first card of 2015.   I invite you al to join me and play along:

    Oh and the one the thing I will still plan to do is take more classes and workshops though-tout the year, both online and at my LSS.   I am already excited about the brand new "CAS 4 -- Techniques Made Simple" class that starts later this month.  I am already enrolled and can hardly wait for this to begin.   Clean and Simple is now my favorite style of card-making and I have taken every class every offered at the fabulous Online Card Classroom - Love these classes!  If you would like more details or to sign up, please go to this link!   Hope to see you there!    Class starts on January 26th!!

  Wishing everyone a Very Happy, Healthy, Fun and Loving 2015!  May it be a wonderful New Year for us ALL!!


A Little About Me

My photo
Northeastern, Massachusetts, United States
Purple is my favorite color and ironically - Purple is the Awareness Ribbon color for Fibromyalgia, a chronic illness I lived with for over 18 years. In, March of 2015, I was diagnosed with Stage IV Lung Cancer which had spread to my brain. I am fighting hard to win this battle and determined to beat it. I have a amazing Oncology Team, along with the LOVE and SUPPORT of all my family and friends! I am a Mom to two grown sons, Alex is now 25 and married to Acacia, my wonderful new "Daughter" and the parents to my precious Grand-Daughter Harper, and Brian amazingly is 30 and now lives in San Diego. My boys are the greatest loves of my life. Hubby, me and our two "Pups", Skye and Zeva, two adorable Chiweenies we rescued in 2012, all live very happily in a tiny coastal town in Massachusetts. We lost our dear "Scoutie", a Purebred Dachshund, in April of 2015. I still miss him and will forever cherish his memory. I am an avid card-maker and totally love every minute I can spend in my craft room. It's become my passion, a wonderful way to relax and is my form or "therapy".