Sunday, September 28, 2014

I'm back!!.... Some News...and the Lucky Winner is....

   Happy Sunday!!    I am very excited and happy to be back from my wonderful trip and also want to thank all of you for taking the time to stop by and take part in my Blog "Giveaway" which I hosted during my vacation.,

   Today, I am here to announce the WINNER, who I chose from a "Random Drawing" of all entries, based on the date they were posted.   I had 15 entries and the lucky winner is Number 9 and that is "Deborah Nolan"  -- Congratulations Deb!   I will be in touch with you today and will get your prize package out in the mail this week!

Here is a what Deb wrote in her post on September 21st!!  

I hope you have a great time in San Diego - I bet the weather is beautiful! (I'll understand if you can't accept the invitation I sent you, but I sure hope you will.)

   And for those who may be wondering, Deb had also emailed me and asked I wanted to take part in the really fun "Creative Blog Hop" that has being going around the Craft World.  Unfortunately, as much as I LOVED the whole idea, I did not have any goodies with me in California and did not even have all my craft contacts, so I had to pass on her invite. If you would like to learn more about this, you can read "Deb's" post on her blog HERE!   Isn't that such a fun idea?  I sure thought so and was a bit bummed that I could not accept Deb's invite!   

   But, I have to admit that I was quite happy to be enjoying time with my son and daughter in law!  I had a wonderful vacation, but admit, I was also ready to come home and the last day, I found I really missed my Hubby and my Pups!   My hubby worked very hard while I was away and that means that my new craft room is all done and I'm now in the process of slowly moving in!!   Yay!  New pictures and a tour will follow soon!   

   It's a ton of work, but I am also doing a major purge and will be donating all my excess supplies to Little Paws Dachshund Rescue, who is hosting their Annual Fundraiser Yard Sale next weekend. I'm so happy that the timing worker out so well and hope that all these supplies, plus some other things we have put aside for the group, will help raise lots of money for the Group!  For more information on adopting a Rescue from Little Paws, please visit their Facebook page HERE!  Or their main page here, to see the available dogs, and to find the adoption application!   You'll also find a link with information about the Yard Sale on the home page!!    Fabre is the Chair for Fundraising and it's because of her that Skye and Zeva came into my life.  I connected with Fabre after another on of my blog followers, (Diane),  read my post looking to find out about adopting a Dachshund.  The rest, as you all know is now history!   I'm very fond of any rescue, especially those who love Dachshunds as much as I do!

Skye and Scoutie
(My First two pups)

(Skye's Sister)
We adopted Zeva just one year this week!
September 20, 2013!

My Babies!

   Before I go, I also want to remind you that there is still time to play in the September challenge over at the a2z Scrapbooking Blog.  Please go Here for all the details!   And, if you are also in the mood for a little crafty shopping, especially for all those wonderful new Hero Arts products, don't forget that one of my blog followers, you may use my DT Promo Code - LISAH15 - anytime you are shopping at the a2z Scrapbooking Supply Store!  Just add your goodies to your shopping cart and once you reach $25,00 (before shipping), simply enter the code and 15% will be automatically deducted from your order total.   NOTE:   The promo is not valid on orders under $25, and does not include the shipping!    It's good on the new Christmas release, the Sales products and even the brand new products, sales products and even the new exclusive Digital Line and a2z is selling for Hero Arts.  Happy Crafting and Happy Shopping!   

   PS:  I'm also currently taking the fabulous "Copic Markers for Card makers" class and have to admit that I'm very behind, because of my trip.  But, I have watched ALL the videos and can NOT wait to start coloring.  And even though I have been coloring with Copics for quite some time now, not to mention how many Copic related classes, I have already taken, this is one that's a MUST for all!   A lot has changed since I first started my Copic Collection and the new tips and ideas the designers have shared in class, has been amazing.   I can't believe how many new things I have learned and and am very much looking forward to coloring in my new craft room, very soon!   To think that I almost didn't take this class, because I didn't think I'd learn anything new  Wow, was I wrong!   I am SO happy to be in the class and am looking forward to another fun filled week of coloring.   I plan to share some of my coloring projects with you in the next few days.    Stay tuned for that and more and I finally get back to crafting! 

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

My "While I'm away" Giveaway!! Winner Tomorrow!!

UPDATE:   Saturday, September 27th!

   I'm back from my fabulous vacation in San Diego and have a great time with my son and my wonderful daughter!    Thanks for all the nice comments and well wishes! 

    Just wanted to remind everyone that the GIVEAWAY is "Now Closed" and ended at Noon Yesterday!  Many thanks to those of you who entered!!  Please be sure to stop by tomorrow to find out who the lucky winner is!   I plan to have my post done about noon !!    

.......By the time you are read this post, I will be in flight to sunny and gorgeous San Diego!!  Woohoo! I will be there primarily to spend some quality time with my oldest son, Brian and his beautiful wife, my "daughter" Meghan.   I started planning this trip back in April and can hardly believe the day is finally here!   Yippee!!   I'll also be there to take them out in celebration of their 2nd Anniversary! It's hard to believe that two years have flown by since they married her on a favorite beach!!  What a wonderful day that was for all of us!!

  I'm also really looking forward to relaxing and enjoy some wonderful warm weather again.   I know we'll be very busy, so don't be surprised if I am not online very much.  I really want to savor every minute with the kids and also really need a nice vacation!

 However, because I have so many wonderful followers, I decided I would host a "Giveaway" while I'm away.   Starting today, September 17th and running through Friday, September 26th, anyone who stops by and leaves me a comment telling me about your favorite vacation destination, will be entered into my Giveaway.    One winner will be chosen by Random Drawing and will be posted here on Sunday, September 28th at Noon EDT!   Be sure to stop by to see if you are the lucky winner!

  THE PRIZE ---  Will be a craft surprise package that contains a variety of fun stamping and card-making goodies.   I already have some goodies for you and hope to pick up a few more things, during my trip.  The last time I went out to San Diego I went to a really cute little scrap store and also had my first "in person" visit to a Dick Blick store, which for me was a blast.  I'm hoping to go back to both and maybe even some new places this time.

   Here is a little sneak peek of the prize far...

   Please be sure to leave your comment and a way to contact you, if your link does not take me to your blog?   Please note that I have to manually 'Approve'  all comments now, due to the high volume of Spam that has been hitting my blog.  But, not to worry, I am taking my laptop and will be checking in from time to time.
    As a BONUS --  Everyone who enters our "September Challenge" over at the a2z Scrapbooking Blog, during my vacation, will have a second chance to win the prize.    Simply leave me a second comment and tell me what date you entered the challenge and what number your card is in the Inlinkz Gallery!

    Our theme for September is one that should be easy for all --- your choice of "Fall or Christmas" cards!   You can find the challenge HERE, along the with the guidelines to enter!   Be sure to scroll down toward the end of the post and look the "Inlinkz".   If you would like to see some fabulous inspiration be sure to check out the daily posts done by members of the Design Team!   You can see my most recent including two cards I created for the blog Here!

     If you happen to be shopping at the a2z Store, while I am away -- you may use my Design Team
Promo Code --- LISAH15  --- to save 15% off of any orders of $25.00 and up (before shipping charges).    Once you cart hits $25.00 enter the code during the checkout process and you'll automatically see the discount!   You can use it for ALL products, including Hero's latest release, as well as the new Digital Kits and even the SALE goodies!  

   This is my little thank you to all my blog followers and everyone who I have met through this wonderful world of crafting!  Thanks for stopping by -- Good Luck!   Bon Voyage!!

Monday, September 15, 2014

Counting down..... only two more days I will be in flight for my trip out to sunny and gorgeous San Diego to visit my Brian & Mehgan (my son and daughter in law), for a wonderful little vacation!  I miss them so much and have been looking forward to this trip, since the day I bought my tickets, way back in April.

    Today, I'm also excited to be sharing a new post and some new Christmas themed cards with you over at the a2z Scrapbooking Blog where I hope I can inspire you to join our "Christmas or Fall" themed challenge this month.   Michelle will also be posted the WINNER of the August Challenge today, so please take a peek at her post too, to see if YOU were our lucky winner!!  Good Luck!!

     I am sharing two little 'sneak peeks' of my cards with you here, but to see all the details, I hope that you'll hop right on over to my a2z Blog post HERE!!

     This is the first card I created and it's all done in what I consider "Non-Traditional" holiday colors which is something I love to do with the majority of my Christmas cards.  I make all of my cards every year and each card is different, I never make two of the exact same cards, and really try to make the special for those who receive them.

   And this is a little peak at my second card, which I also created in the same color theme and also in a "Snowflake" design.  I love that Hero Arts also has some really gorgeous snowflake stamps and dies and will often feature them on my cards.  They are also perfect for "Winter" cards for those who celebrate their own winter Holiday.

    Please be sure to also check out all the fabulous Christmas/Winter and Fall themes projects we currently have in stock now at the a2z Scrapbooking Store.   And don't forget, as one of my blog followers, you can use my Design Team Promo Code - LISAH15 - to save 15% off of any orders you place that are $25.00 and up, (excluding shipping).   The code works on ALL products, from our exclusive Hero Arts Digital line, to the brand new Christmas/Fall Release and even our SALE goodies!    We are also also happy to place special orders, so if you are looking for a product and can't find it in the store, just let us know and Elizabeth will be happy to get it for you!   Thanks for shopping at a2z and thanks for visiting me and playing in our challenges.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Remembering 911

.....I will never ever forget the tragedy and horrific events of 911.  It's hard to even believe at times, that 13 years have now passed since the awful morning.  I will never forget where I was, the feelings fear I had and the feeling of just wanting both my boys back home from school and my husband home from work -- I wanted to know my family was safe and together!!

     My heart goes out to ALL those who lost their life on that day and to those who have since served to protect our country from those who hate us so.  It's so devastating to think that there is still such evil and always those who want nothing more than to harm of kill any U.S. Citizens.  I hope that some day there will truly be Peace in the world!

I will never never forget
September 11, 2001

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Three, Two, One....

   Go!    I am being kind of silly today, but I can't seem to get the number "Three" off my mind and that all started when I saw the new Cue Card for the latest challenge being hosted this week over at CASology !

   And from the moment I saw the cue card, all that seems to come to mind is sayings or things that all related to the number three.    One, Two, Three...or Three, Two, One, or the old poem "Three Blind Mice"....those three special words that we all love to hear, "I Love You"...and on and on!   And even though all these "3's" were flying through my brain, I have to admit that this challenge did stump me for a bit because, I wasn't sure how to put any of those "3's" into a card!   Even when I did decide the card I did want to create, it turned out to the a total "Bust"....or "Fail Card", as I call them.

  I'll start by sharing that one with you, because I always share the good and the bad and although this idea I have used before, I simply do not at all like how this little "Happy Birthday" turned out.  I had the goal of making it for a three year old girl, and that's where the pink came into play, however, I am NOT at all happy with how it turned out!   Bleck!  Needless to say, this card will NOTbe submitted to the challenge.

My "Fail" Card

  And this was the inspiration I had used, to create that card.  It's another card where I used the same basic theme and even the same Hero Arts - Digital Number Kit, but the first version, seemed to be so much better.  Don't you agree?

My Inspiration Card

   And I think the main reason, is because of the colors and all the extras that I put into the first card.  But, then again, I really can't really consider that card, a CAS style card, as it clearly has lots of details, lots of layers and also took a lot longer to create than a CAS card typically should.

   So....I went back to my desk and decided for my next attempt, with a goal of creating a card much more in the "Clean and Simple" style of design.  I found another Hero Arts digi image on the wonderful "Hero Arts - Flowers for All Occasions" CD, that I am so fortunate to own.  I bought this a while back on Hero's website and it has over 150 amazing floral images!  I do HOPE that Hero will bring them back again so that everyone can own these flowers.  Many were originally sold as stamps, but are also now retired!  If you ever see this at a Yard Sale --- grab it!   Here is a picture of my CD cover so that you can see what it looks like.   I'll bet you'll love it as much as I do!!

   The image that I chose for my second card is a very simple one, yet it is perfect for the challenge -- Three Tulips!   I did some editing to change the colors to make it more "purple", my favorite of course, and then simply printed out the image on some white cardstock.  I then picked out same matching cardstock and layered on my tulip image.   To keep in the theme of "three" I added three matching rhinestones to finish my card.   I was going to add the sentiment "I Love You", but decided to leave it plain, so that I can use it in many ways!  I'm much happier with this card and this is the card I will be submitting to the CASology challenge!   Please let me know if you think, this was the better choice.  

My Card for CASology

  I am so much happier with this card and think it's much better for a challenge that is geared toward "Clean and Simple" designs.

   I have one more card to share, #3 today (see more threes again) and this card also featured another of my favorite Hero Arts Digital images.  This one can still be purchased and is part of this kit, which you'll find HERE at the a2z Scrapbooking Store.  If you follow me on a regular basis, you'll see that I have used this kit quite a bit, to make some really fun and easy new Christmas Cards and this is another!   I also want to add the the store has a new shipment of the latest "Hero Arts" - Handmade for Christmas, goodies back in stock too!   Plus, as one of my blog followers, you can free free to use my promo code - LISAH15 - to save 15% off any orders of $25.00 and up (excluding shipping).   You can even use it for the Digital Kits, and/or a combination of Digital items and the new Christmas line. 

  For today's version of my cute little "Feathered Friends" card I changed my colors to have him on a deep blue background and also added the digi "Merry Christmas" sentiment in gold color.  When that did not print out, quite like I hoped, I used a fine line glue pen over each of the letters, then colored that with Hero's Gold Embossing powder and heat embossed the sentiment.  I also used some Gems for her pretty eyes and used a Clear Wink of Stella marker to highlight the "Mistletoe" he's holding.   I rounded all four corners and layered him onto a piece of deep navy cardstock and then popped that up off of a cream card base.   Another very easy hybrid card to add to my Christmas stash.

     Thanks for stopping by and be sure to stay tuned for some fun new things coming soon.  In the meantime, I hope you are all settling nicely into the Fall season.  I'm still not ready to give up on Summer and especially excited to be leaving in just one more week for California.  Hopefully, it will be wonderful weather, and in San Diego, where the kids live, it's pretty much awesome every day.

Monday, September 8, 2014

A marvelous Monday....

.....after a hot and humid weekend and the nasty storms that came though Saturday night, it makes a day like today seem perfect.  It's is so refreshing to have such a beauty of a day!   The skies are a brilliant blue, full of sunshine and the temps are perfect in the 70's.  I only wish we could count on many more of these days, but I know that it won't be long now, before the temps start getting cooler and cooler!!

     On a very happy note -- I'm very lucky that I'll be extending my Summer with my trip to San Diego and that's one of the reason, I decided to take my trip at this time of year.  I'm really getting more excited every day and had hubby get my suitcase out of the attic yesterday, so I can start thinking about what I want to take, and pack up anything I won't need before I go.

     I am also thrilled to have had more time in my craft room and have three more cards to share with you today.  My first card is that card that I'll be taking with to give to Brian and Meghan for their Anniversary.   They tend to like a CAS style and that's the goal I had in mind when I started thinking a about what I wanted to create.  I also wanted to include an "anchor" on that card as that is a symbol that's extra special for them.    I really think they will like this card and can't wait to hand it to them in person!!

   I put my Silhouette to good use today to create the die cut anchor with the heart that is main image on my card.  Once I had the cut, I simply colored it in a soft gray and then colored the heart bright red and added some black twine for a little dimension.    The sentiment is from one of my fabulous Winnie & Walter Stamp sets and I will also be sharing this card over at their blog as well as in their Flick Gallery!   

  My next two cards were created and inspired once again by some of my favorite challenges.  The next one was inspired by the new challenge at "CASology" where the new Cue is "Under" and at first that kind of had me wondering what in the world I could do.  My first thought was underwater, but I wanted something different and that's when I remembered seeing a fun little "Under the Sun" die cut sentiment in my Silhouette ;ibrary.  I took that and combined it with a really cute sun "cut file" and again, put my Cameo to work to die cut those element.   I cut them directly from White cardstock and then used my Copics to add the fun bright colors.  My background cardstock, is actually one of the Hero Arts Artist Papers..  

  And my final card today was inspired and created for the brand new MUSE challenge, which posted this morning.   The card that Therese created is amazing and at first I admit, that I thought I might pass on this, since I knew a card with this type of detail was going to take some time and thought to make.  But, once again, having my Cameo and finally have a machine that actually works well, can truly be a huge benefit in creating fun and different styles of cards.   I started by looking for some type of diamond background over overlay in the Silhouette Store. I did not want to use exactly what Therese did and that's why I went with a slightly different shape, as well as a less detailed butterfly, although I readily admit, her's is stunning.  I wonder how she created it? 

   As soon as I found a few background overlays in the store that I liked, I quickly added them to my cart, checked out and downloaded them to my Library.  This is one of the things I love most about having a Silhouette, the ability to use it to instantly create a brand new design, even when it's something you never owned or cut before.   I then picked out two favorites and die cut both for a piece of Hero's Mixed Pool Layering Paper, which is a quality card stock that cuts very well with my Cameo.   I also love to use the Layering papers to make my own A2 cards.  The colors are wonderful and they are all white on the opposite side, which is perfect for the inside of your cards.   I buy all mine at the a2z Scrapbooking Store and love that Elizabeth always has a nice selection of color readily available.  I then decided I wanted a simply white card base and created that with some Snow Layering Paper.  I also loved the very detailed butterfly on Therese's card and used a new butterfly die I had in my stash from Memory Box.   I also stuck with the colors of White and Teal, which also came from some of the color on Therese's card.   I cut my butterfly in a deeper shad of teal and layered it onto a small white doily before added it to my "Diamond Cut Background".   I finished out my card with a "Love" sentiment, which is a die from Paper Smooches that I die cut in Teal and then coated with Glossy Accents.   

Therese's Card

My Card

   And that's it for today!   The doggies are not happy that I'm on the computer, since they want out -- so I am signing off and heading outside with them to enjoy some more of the awesome sunny September day!

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Challenge Inspired Creations!!

...I'm so happy to be back to my craft desk and although I have not made too many cards this weekend, I do have a few new ones to share and the majority were inspired by some of my favorite challenges.

   I'll start with the card that I created for the 90 Minute Scramble that Janet hosted yesterday over on the Hero Arts Flick Group.    I will also admit that I have two versions of this card, a before and then an after, as I was super rushed in playing this time.    By the time I was back home had time to sign on and read the fun rules, I only had about 40 minutes to create me card and that's not much time, for sure.   Janet came up a very unique challenge and that was to use some form of "book print" on our cards.   Something I only happened to have, because I found some a craft yard sale that was hosted at my LSS earlier this year!  Lucky me!!    And, as always you must include Hero Arts stamps on your project, and at least one should be a main image.

     I wasn't sure where to start, but quickly grabbed my "book print" pages and decided to use whatever stamp set I found first, and that just happened to be this fun "Scattering Leaves" set from Hero.  That also had me thinking in a Fall mode and that also helped me to decide to use the "Gratitude" background stamp and started by Stamping that in "Dark Quartz" shadow ink, onto come cream cardstock.  I then grabbed some Fall colored Distress inks, and quickly stamped a variety of the "leaves" directly onto my book print and then quickly cut out the leaves....and believe me, there was no time for fussy cutting, so they are a bit messy, but then again, in real life, no two leaves are ever the same.   I then die cut a matching cream circle and very quickly added my leaves on top.  The only think I still needed was a sentiment, and I chose the "Autumn" sentiment from a new sets of  "Seasons" stamps from Winnie & Walter.     Luckily, I still had enough to time photograph my card and upload it to the Gallery for the Scramble!   Here is a photo of the card I entered yesterday.

   After the Scramble had ended and I took the time to check out all the awesome entries, which you can see HERE!   I decided to give my card a bit more attention and cut it down and added it to a Kraft Card Base and then tied on some twine for more dimension.   I also took a Black Wink of Stella Marker and highlighted the "Autumn" Sentiment to have it show a bit more and make it darker.   In the end, this is how my card turned out after those couple of updates.

  I also had another Scramble card that I had recently created, where I smudged the sentiment at the very last minute and in an effort to hide it "quickly", I stamped the same Sentiment again and then quickly punched it out with a square punch to cover the "oops".   I never was thrilled with the end result, so I put the card aside and finally took the time to make a slight change to the sentiment today! Here are the before and after images of that card!  

                        Original card                                                        Revised Card


   I am much happier with it now and all I did was remove the square sentiment, and add a new sentiment which I punched with an oval punch and then framed in black scalloped frame!  I also changed the bling and added some larger gems versus the Pearl Pen version I had used the first time!

   My next card was actually inspired and created for two new challenges, the first was this week's MUSE challenge, where I fell in love with this card that Vicki created as our Muse Card.

   I also decided that I wanted to come up with one card that I could make work for a second challenge and that is the new "Patterned Paper" inspired challenge being hosted on Virginia's new challenge blog.

  And this is the card that I created to enter into both challenges.   I started with the inspiration of the fun design and colors from Vicki's card and then chose to add even more patterned paper and even do some paper-piecing, so that my card would also fit perfectly into Virginia's challenge and this is what I came up with.

  And the best part is that all of the patterned papers I used for this card, are actually scraps that I pulled right out of my Scrap bin.   I combined those in my little butterfly which is from this Stamp and matching die set, by Hero Arts.   My sentiment is also from Hero Arts and you'll find it in this fun set "Be Happy", which is exactly the theme and name I thought of for my card!

   My new two cards were inspired by our new challenge being hosted this month over at the a2z Scrapbooking Blog.  I also wanted to try making some more Christmas Cards to add to my stash and have found that I'm totally enjoying just how easy and fast that can be where you are using Digital Images, both of which are from Hero Arts and now are sold "Exclusively" by a2z Scrapbooking Store.   I also was missing my "purple" mojo a bit, so I decided to make both of these in a Purple/Lavender theme, which in case you don't know, just happens to be my favorite color.

   My first card is one where I combined elements, I used an older "Hero Arts" Striped Background paper and then added on my little "feathered friend" which is from this digital kit.   I do all my digital cardmaking in Word, which makes is super easy for me.  It also gives me the option to changes image colors and even some of the lighting and shadowing, which I did to make my adorable bird turn purple.  Adding the frame around him was also done, as well as adding the digital "Merry Christmas" sentiment, which was created in a font that I really like.

  And that brings me to my final card, which as I mentioned is also a hybrid card and this one was also inspired by the new challenge at "Cas(E) this Sketch", based on this sketch, was you'll also find over on the CTS challenge blog

CTS #91

My Card

  This card started with the fun "Merry Christmas" background which is part of this kit, called  Merry Background (DK028) Christmas.   I simply again, played around a bit with the colors to make it a bit more purple, and then also added in some 'matching' digital snowflakes which were also included in the kits.  I printed that onto some of my favorite white cardstock and then adhered it to a lavender cardbase.   I then cut two strips of cardstock for my 'flag" and added two die-cut snowflakes on top, from the SSS Die Set.

    I hope I have inspired you to join some of these fun challenges too -- especially our challenge over at the a2z Blog, where you can enter either "Fall or Christmas" projects for your chance to win a $25 Gift Card to the a2z Scrapbooking Store!    

    My countdown to my San Diego trip continues and today I'm down to ONLY 10 days!   I still can hardly believe that the time is so close!  Speaking of which, I'm planning something fun to be posted on my blog, while I am away!   That post will be shared on September 17th and will remain the main post until I'm back.  Although I'm sure I'll take my laptop with me, I really do not plan having a lot of free time to spend online while I am on vacation.  I really want to enjoy as much time as I an with Brian and Meghan.  

     For now, I'm not sharing all the details, but I can say, I think it's something that you'll all like and it will be fun, so stay tuned for more info on that!   In the meantime, I'm very happy to be back crafting and although looking forward to my next class too!  If you are one who loves to color, who loves Copics or is just started to become interested, then I recommend you head on over to the Online Card Classroom and consider signing  up on the "Copics for Cardmakers" class which starts on September 22nd.   Although I'll still be away for the first week of class, I'm still taking it and know that it'll be awesome.  They also have such an amazing line up of Guest Teachers and there is not doubt I'll learn some new tips and hints. I also LOVE Copic Coloring, it's so relaxing and so fun to work with those amazing markers!   Note:  This class is designed for Beginners and Intermediate users, but I can already tell from what I have seen in the Pre-Class Gallery that there are a LOT of fabulous Copic colorists enrolled!    I think we all like a little re-fresher now and then and that's one of the other reasons I decided to take the class  -- see you there!

Friday, September 5, 2014

Woohoo!! Happy Days are back!!

    After a very long and stressful Fibro flare, I am super happy and excited to finally be back to feeling pretty darn good again -- Woohoo -- at Last!!    With this illness there are not very many days when you feel great, so I won't exactly say that, but after two weeks of feeling pretty darn miserable, the past two days seem awesome and that's making me a Happy Girl!

    Today, I also had some wonderful Happy Mail and that came in the form of a prize that I won from Jennifer McGuire's blog.   She is always so kind and generous, as are the stores and manufacturers who donate lots of the fabulous goodies that Jennifer gives to her followers.    I was delighted to win the prize from this POST, which was two amazing stamp sets from Altenew, who I already know and love.  Ironically, the two sets that I won, were both sets that I had on my "wish list", but had not purchased -- and now I don't have to, because I won them!   Yay!!   I also won some very adorable and fun embellishments which are from a company called Color Cast Designs and one I know of from being one of Jennifer's Subscribers.  First, I will start by sharing pics of the stamps sets, which also include links to the stores, for your shopping please!  The first set was also the set that Jennifer water-colored, so gorgeously in the video shown HERE!   Love, Love, Love how that card came out and I can't wait to try something similar.  I also recently bought the wonderful watercolor paints that Jennifer has also recommended in this post.  I had a gift certificate to Amazon from my Birthday and was very happy to use it to pick up a set of the Kuretake Gansai Japanese Watercolors--(pictured below).   I also totally agree with Jennifer's love of the Peerless Watercolors and have had a set of those for quite some time. Beautiful vibrant colors!!

Persian Motifs

Painted Flowers

  On top of that wonderful prize,  I also won some very cool acrylic type 'card bling' as I call it, from Color Cast Designs.   A sweet variety of the different elements you'll see HERE, in their store! 

  My thanks to Jennifer, Altenew, (Jen and Tasnim) and Color Cast Designs for your generosity and fabulous gifts!  They are all awesome and these are products I know I will love and use.   


    I also recently had a fun little spree at a2z Scrapbooking, as well as at my LSS, when I was there taking a fun Gelli Arts technique class!    Because I have not felt good enough to craft lately, I decided I would share some pics of my new goodies!  I do HOPE to have some new projects to share after the weekend and am very much looking forward to spending time catching up with my card-making and my favorite challenges.

   In the meantime -- here are some of my new goodies, most are form the brand new "Handmade for Christmas" release from Hero Arts, available now at the a2z Store!   

And a slightly different view!
As you can see I also bought a new small
"Gelli Plate", some Gold Leafing, and extra 
acrylic paints -- all for Gelli Printing!

    Since then, the new STAMPtember release has also been release from Simon Says Stamps and I used more of my birthday money to buy some new goodies from them.  My order unfortunately, has not shipped yet, but hoping it will soon because I'm so ready to create and my focus will be on "Christmas" for the next several weeks -- I LOVE making Christmas Cards and can't wait to add some to my stash!!
    I also want to remind you not to forget about your chance to win a $25.00 Gift Card for taking part in our new monthly challenges over at the a2z Scrapbooking Blog!  Our theme for the month of September is your choice of "Fall or Christmas" and the Design Team has been sharing some wonderful inspiration on the blog too, so be sure to stop by and check out their newest creations!  In the meantime, if you are shopping at the a2z Store, please feel free to use my DT Promo code, to save 15% off any order of $25.00 and up (excluding shipping).  Simply enter = LISAH15during the checkout process the the 15% will automatically be deducted from your order --- and yes, you can even use it on the BRAND NEW Hero goodies, as well as the Digital line and even the SALE products!    Happy Shopping!!    

    The countdown has begun --  In 12 days I'll be off to San Diego to visit my son and daughter-in-law and I can hardly wait!!  I miss them both so much and have been looking forward to this trip and some nice relaxation time.

    And just before I come back home, there's a also a brand new class coming to the "Online Card Classroom" and this one is all about "Copics", my all time favorite markers!  It's called "Copics for Card-Makers" and it starts on Monday, September 22nd, which also happens to be Brian and Meghan's Anniversary!   I'll still be in California when class starts, and hopefully will have a little time to watch the daily videos.  If not, I'm sure I can catch up when I'm back home, later that week!

    I was going to pass up this class, since I will miss a few days but then I knew I'd be disappointed and since I do LOVE my Copics, there was no way I could not take part!   If you are interested, you can go HERE for all the details!   I'm thrilled to already be enrolled and have already printed out some of my practice sheets, which I may take to color on the plane!   I wasn't going to pack up too many craft things, for this trip, but I figured if I only take one small box of say 36 Markers, and choose my favorite colors, that will keep be busy.  Plus, I gave Bri and Meg the 36 Piece Copic Anniversary Set, last year, and I'm sure, they'll share them with me.  They both are very creative and with Meghan in Design/Architecture School, they also like to use them for drawing and coloring. 

    Luckily, I have taken quite a few different Copic classes, over the years, so I know a lot of the basics and I'm sure that will be what is covered in the first few days.  I also watched the great intro videos that Sandy Allnock and Kristina Werner, have already shared with the class and think this one, will be extra fun.  I also am thrilled that Kathy Rasoosin is going to be a guest teacher, as I adore her Copic Coloring and already follow her blog too!   


A Little About Me

My photo
Northeastern, Massachusetts, United States
Purple is my favorite color and ironically - Purple is the Awareness Ribbon color for Fibromyalgia, a chronic illness I lived with for over 18 years. In, March of 2015, I was diagnosed with Stage IV Lung Cancer which had spread to my brain. I am fighting hard to win this battle and determined to beat it. I have a amazing Oncology Team, along with the LOVE and SUPPORT of all my family and friends! I am a Mom to two grown sons, Alex is now 25 and married to Acacia, my wonderful new "Daughter" and the parents to my precious Grand-Daughter Harper, and Brian amazingly is 30 and now lives in San Diego. My boys are the greatest loves of my life. Hubby, me and our two "Pups", Skye and Zeva, two adorable Chiweenies we rescued in 2012, all live very happily in a tiny coastal town in Massachusetts. We lost our dear "Scoutie", a Purebred Dachshund, in April of 2015. I still miss him and will forever cherish his memory. I am an avid card-maker and totally love every minute I can spend in my craft room. It's become my passion, a wonderful way to relax and is my form or "therapy".