Thursday, May 31, 2012

Is it Friday yet???

....All day long for some reason, I have been thinking if was Friday?   I don't know why, since it's already been a short week with the Holiday, but I just can't seem to keep my days straight.   Luckily, today is pretty much over and at least tomorrow is Friday, which is always one of my favorite days.

   I will be here waiting for a tech from DirecTV to come and upgrade our dish and also a DVR recorder to the new HD TV we now have down in the Family Room.   It's actually our first HD TV and we quickly learned that without HD service, the TV doesn't look nearly as good as it did in the store.  On the update, Alex no longer uses or watches regular TV, so we are returning his box, which will save pretty much the difference in the cost to upgrade and there is no charge for the Install.   We will need a new dish, but hopefully all the wiring is fine.   Another bonus is that we were able to upgrade to a FREE DVR HD Box for the new TV and that was solely because we've been with them for such a long time.   My Appointment is between 8 and 12, and it always seems that my tech arrives at 11:55 or totally forgets and never comes.  Part of the reason, we have some of these bonus perks is because we've such bad luck with the local techs they hire to do the work.  Maybe this will be a good one, time will tell and I'll let you know!

   I have been a bit behind in posting for that last couple of days and I'm here now to share all the newest cards that I have created since my last post.   I had a minor surgical procedure and also had another skin cancer "frozen" today, so I'm kind of sore, but hope that I'll be better tomorrow and can enjoy another weekend crafting.   The good news is that I have now totally organized my two new drawer units, that we bought at IKEA and I really took my time to make everything very easy to find!   One of my next projects is going to be to do the same the super large closet in my craft room and that totally FULL of extra goodies, Christmas stuff, and all kinds of other things that I seem store throughout the year.   I know it'll be very nice to have it organized and I'm sure I'll be doing a lot of purging from that area!!

   My first card today was one that was created for the Greeting Card challenge this week over at The Outlawz.  The theme was to use Animal Print somewhere on your card and I did that by finding a cute Zebra background in the Silhouette store, which I cut out on Black Paper.  I then found this adorable little Zebra image that was one of the print and cut images, and make it very easy to print and cut him out.  I did add a little extra colors with my Copics and a fun little Sentiment from a new Paper Smooches Set that I bought down in Baltimore.

    In addition to The Outlawz Challenge, I am also submitted my little zebra card to this week's Animal Kingdom (Challenge # 37), over at Bearly-Mines Challenges, and finally to this week's Anything Goes Challenge being hosted over at Die Cuttin Divas!  My die cuts are the zebra background, as well the the zebra and both the circles I used for matting this cute little image!!

    My next card was created mostly for fun and to continue practicing coloring with my Copics, but it also works out very well for the Pink and Green Challenge that is currently being hosted at Color Me Creative Classroom, which is a free challenge open to ALL!   You do NOT need to be enrolled in the classes to be part of this challenge group and you can also join the Mixed Media and SmashBook Group and their challenges for FREE!   The more the merrier and I hope you'll come on over and join the fun.   Suzanne is such a wonderful designer and friend and I'm so lucky that I finally had the chance to meet her down in Baltimore!!

   This adorable little image is another from the cute Rosie Collection at DigiStamp Boutique.  I just love her and have all the collections that she is in.  This one is really fun, as it reminds of of the days where we played with Hula Hoops as kids and I had a bright pink one, just like hers!!   Very Cute!!

    And I have one more card to share which is a HyBrid card, which is a combination of digital and regular cardmaking and in this case I used this pre-colored Digital Images from Hero Arts that is sold by Two Peas.  If you every need to make cards very quickly, and do NOT necessarily have time to color images, then these are perfect and more and more companies are started to offer digi images in both black and white and in color too!   I love that the floral images from this set, both look as if there were painted with watercolors.   You can find this set (Garden Flowers) HERE at Two Peas, along with many many more!!

   And this is one last easy Mixed Media project that was inspired by the color in this week's Color Combo Challenge, at The Outlawz.  I started by using a variety of inks an Perfect Pearls along with matching colors stocks all to create this little butterfly bookmark.   The butterfly was made from two different butterfly die cuts, both of which I cut on my Cameo!  I so that that machine and am so happy that I bought it!!   

  I think that is everyone, if not, I'll add them to my next post.   I can hardly wait to have my new camera and see how I like it for taking photos of my projects!!   I tried Alex's for awhile, but his was too complicated for me and I don't have time or patience to figure it all out!!    Hope you are having a terrific Thursday and that you have a nice evening!  It's a gorgeous day here and I love that it's almost 6PM and yet all my windows are open and it's perfectly comfy!!


Monday, May 28, 2012

I Love IKEA!!!

  And after a long day of shopping, I'm now beat -- but I had so much fun heading down to IKEA today and we sure came home with lots of wonderful new goodies.

   Alex had decided to go down to look for a new storage unit of some sort as he's been in the process of totally reorganizing and updating his bedroom.  He recently had bought a long new desk and decided that once he moved the funiture around, he wanted some type of storage unit/shelving system to keep his huge TV on, now that it was on a totally new side of the room.   As it turns out, he did buy bookcases and lots of other things, but the one major thing he went for was not at ALL what ended up being his major purchase.  Instead he bought himself a brand new Queen Size Platform Style bed, a brand new Memory Foam mattress, and all new bedding, pillows and such to go along with it.  I guess he has finally decided he now longer wants his Twin bed and this will be perfect to take to a first apartment too.  He also bought the matching chest of drawers and I think it's all going to look very nice.   He had recently painted his room two shades of gray, already has black window treatments and a black/gray rug on the hardwood floors.    His TV is also black and all the accessories are black, gray and white!!    Acacia bought him some throw pillows to match his new bedding and also a full-length mirror, as he's never had one!!    Of course, I ended up paying a big chunk of his bill, as he had no plans to make this purchase before we left.

     I also bought two brand new Alex Drawer Units to add to my Craft Room and hubby is now working on the assembly, which takes a lot of time.  Out of all the different items we have bought from IKEA, these drawer units seem to take  along time, but I really like them so much and they are well worth every penny.  The two I bought today will fit right under my Craft Desk and will replace two of those plastic roller units I had been using in the past.   I also have two of the larger Alex Drawer Sets and LOVE how much they
VIKA ALEX Drawer unit IKEA Create a table with a personal touch; table tops are available in various sizes and designs.
   I also picked up some more organization type boxes and two for the rail systems that I want to use for some of my punches.  My last couple of things were some more insert units for my Expedit Shelves and this time I bought them one in Clear and two of the Fabric Cubes in Bright Pink.   Acacia also has an Expedit Bookcase at her house and she bought some more inserts, a new pillow and some smaller goodies, including a cute baby gift for a friend.   I think we browsed every area in the store and it sure felt good to bet back into the truck for the ride home.   I took them out for a late lunch early dinner at Bertucchi's which is a place they love to go.  I enjoyed a yummy Frozen Strawberry Daiquiri, as soon as we sat down and chose a delicious Chicken, Rigatoni and Broccoli dish.  Alex had Pizza, (of course) and Acacia has a nice yummy Chicken Caesar Salad.   We all split a yummy dark chocolate layer cake and headed home.   After that we felt very full, but were excited to be almost home.

   We had left before 10 am and by the time we arrive back it was almost 5 pm....a very long day for me, but since I can sleep in tomorrow, it's perfect!   Alex and Acacia are now the in the process of removing his old bed to the cellar and are now working on assembling the new bed!  I'm sure they won't finish much else tonight, but I know he's excited to finally have a nice large bed, especially since he's 6 feet tall and had been sleeping in a Mate's Bed for the last several years.

   I have ONLY card to share today and it was one I had started yesterday for the weekly Sunday Sketch Challenge at OWH.  This is a copy of the sketch for the week and my card follows.   I had also colored up a few cute digi images for my new projects and they are also posted below.

    I think these images from DigiStamp Boutique are adorable and the one in purple is going to be used for my CAS Card for this week's challenge at The Outlawz.   I did not have time to finish my card, and right now I'm totally beat, but I do hope to have it all done and posted tomorrow!!!   I will also be working on this week's Greeting Card Challenge which is an Animal Print inspired projects and sounds like FUN!!!!

 Update:   This is the finished card that I made with the sweet image above!!   It has now been submitted to the CAS challenge at The Outlawz, as well as the monthly Customer Challenge at DSB.

    I have also since finished coloring the second cutie, (below), but have not had time to make her into a card.  I hope to do that tomorrow!!

   I've also finally given up on my camera and did end up ordering the a new Canon Digital Camera yesterday from QVC.  I was impressed with the promo and the value, and it was also their "Today's Speical Value", which typically is a great price.  I also opted for the 5 payments and that way, I'll only have 1/5th of the price on my credit card during my 30 trial period.  That is one thing I truly LOVE about QVC, their 30 day unconditional money back guarantee, and although I've rarely used it, I do think it's a great way to have to chance to actually TRY the product and STILL not lose out, if you do find you don't like it or it's NOT worth the price.  I always love when they have items on "Evil Pay", too as I can pay over time, without any interest!   It's had a lot a great reviews and was also listed as one of the Top 10 Cameras over on Amazon, yet the QVC package was less money and a better Deal!!  I'm excited to get it and hope it will help with my photos.  My camera is a bit outdated now and I think the new Canon one will be a plus for me!!  
    That camera and my shopping Spree today at IKEA, are the end of my shopping for awhile now and I also used the last of the money I had left from my trip to Baltimore!  Time to save up for some new things, in the Fall.  I don't shop much in the Summer, but I'm very ready to spend lots of time creating and can't wait to have my room, even more organized!  YIPPEE!!   It's been a wonderful weekend for me and I enjoyed every minute!!

    Hoping you all had a weekend as wonderful as I did and that you also found lots of time to craft, relax and have fun with family and friends.   As always.....Happy Creating!!

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Happy Memorial Day Weekend!!!

   Are you having a wonderful weekend?  I sure am and even though most of it is being spent at home, I'm totally thrilled to have lots of time in my craft room, especially after being away last weekend.   I am also very happy that I'll be heading down to IKEA tomorrow with my son Alex, his girlfriend, Acacia and Acacia's Mom, Patti.   I think it'll be fun to all go together and I already have my list of the new goodies I want to pick up for my craft room.

   Today, I'm also happy to be sharing four new cards, all inspired and created for a variety of fun new challenges.  My very first card was created for a Recipe Challenge over at Crafting by Designs and also as my way of remember Memorial Day and the beginning of Summer, which is my favorite season.   I chose to create a Red, White and Blue color inspired card and started with this wonderful little digi from by Lori Designs.  If you know me well, you'll know that I LOVE whimsical and fun images and also love the color with my Copics, which is exactly what I did on this card.

  This card is also being submitted to the new "Colors of Your Flag" (Red, White and Blue) Challenge hosted over at The Crafty Pad, as well as the new "Anything Goes" Challenge #28, being hosted over at Here come the Boys

  My next card was created and inspired by the new Color Combo Challenge over at Catch the Bug, which is Bugaboo's Challenge Blog.  I have included a copy of this week's Color Combo, which is one that came from Design Seeds.  

     If you recognize that cute little flower image, you'll notice that I colored it up in different colors for another challenge earlier this week.  It's such a fun image and you can find it over at the Bugaboo store HERE!
      My next card also features another cute digi from Bugaboo and this card I created for this week's Twisted Thursday Challenge over at 'The Outlawz'.  Our challenge this week to was create a project that featured a sport and I chose 'skating' as that was one of my favorite childhood activities and something we did all winter long.  I also happen to love this little image and it makes me smile.  I colored him up with my Copics and added some Crystal Lacquer to add the wonderful dimension and shine.   It was a really fun image to color and I hope you'll join me and hop on over to The Outlawz and join the fun.

    I am also submitting my adorable little Skating Bird, to this weeks' challenge over at Dream Valley Challenges, where the current them is Humor and where Bugaboo is the current sponsor!!

     And next we have what may have turned out to be my favorite card today.  It's another sweet little digi image and this one is from DigiStamp Boutique and is sweet little ballerina, named Rosie.  You can find her in a little collection over at the store HERE!   I created her with a few challenges in mind, all are outlined below.  She was also colored with my Copics and the colors were inspired by the new color challenge over at the Color Me Creative Classroom.

  I am submitted this new card to each of these fun challenge and I encourage everyone to play along.  They are all open to all crafters and are all really fun groups!

  And now I'm heading back to my desk to work on two more challenges.   One is the new CAS Challenge being hosted at The Outlawz and the second is the new Sunday Sketch Challenge, being hosted over at Operation Write Home's - Stars and Stamps Blog.   I am sharing a copy of this week's sketch and hope it will inspired YOU to join us!!

Have a wonderful day!!!

Saturday, May 26, 2012

What a wonderful day!!!

  Today, has been such a fun and creative day for me, despite the fact that it did not start out well.   I was awake bright and early (way too early for a Saturday morning), because of some hip pain.  I have no clue what I did, but I was out and about most of the day yesterday and I think that did me in.   But, it was so worth it, in a way, because I had a great time yesterday out shopping and also was happy to have all my morning chores done really early today.

   By 9am, I had everything done, my pain meds were working and I was ready to spend the entire day in my craft room.   Alex was also up early and decided that he was going to totally re-organize and re-arrange his room (much needed), so I did help him out a bit with ideas and then left him on his own to do all the work.   Now, he thinks he may want to go down to IKEA tomorrow to get some new things, and if he does, I am going with him, because I LOVE IKEA and can always use some new organizational goodies in my craft room.

   I also want to change this room around and hope to get some new ideas and plans in place for FALL,  I think I will have either replace the carpet and repaint my room, or have some other type of flooring put in.  And if I go through all the moving around, I will definitely want new paint and will change my colors for sure.  It's exciting for me to change room colors and move furniture and I also LOVE to organize and get things nice and neat!

   I have five new card to share today and they were all created for a variety of challenges.  I've also been very much back into coloring with my Copics and will be starting my new online class with Suzanne on Monday.  If you are new to Copics or want to learn how to color with them, I highly....and I mean HIGHLY recommend you take one of Suzanne Dean's Classes.   Her coloring skills are absolutely awesome and her classroom and one the road classes can NOT be beat!   You can visit her classroom here and join the main site for free to feel your way around.  You can also join the Smash Book, Mixed Media or Copic Challenge for free, and for a new way to meet all the members.  I'm sure you quickly see WHY I like Suzanne so much!!
   My first card today was created with a new challenge in mind and that is the "Spring Colors" Challenge being hosted over at Oozak.  It's Challenge # 2 and you can find all the details HERE!!   Be sure to also check out the Oozak Store, as Rusty has continued to add all kinds of fabulous new things.  Not only does he have a fabulous deal on Copics and all the accessories, by he now has lots of my favorite Memory Box, Oodles of 6X6 Paper Packs, Distress Markers and so much more!!

   This is the card the I created for the challenge and I also kept with a Spring theme, choosing this cute little flower digi that I recently bought for Bugaboo.   It is also being submitted to this week's coloring challenge over at Crafting by Design!

  My next card was also colored with my Copics and created for two new challenges, both of which are challenges related to memories.  The first is this week's Paper a la Mode Challenge over at The Outlawz and the second is the new "Memories/Remembering" inspired Challenge at Crafting by Designs.  

   One of my fondest memories from this time is year is the flowers that grew in my yard at the house I great up in.   We had lots of beautiful flowers in the gardens, but some of my favorites were the gorgeous Poppies that grew in the side garden and also the garden out back, that was right under my bedroom window.  The colors remind me of sunsets and days at the beach and whenever I see a Poppy I also think back to my childhood.  I was one of those lucky kids who grew up in a wonderful home in the perfect kind of neighborhood.  Everyone knew each other and it was a place where you never had to lock your doors.   I lived in the same home from the time I was born, until the day I was finally moving out on my own.    I loved that house and wonder what it's like inside now.   Sadly, after losing my Dad, so young, my Mom found it was hard and too much for her to keep up that nine room home, so she sold it back in the early 90's.  It's since been sold a few more times and the outside looks much different than it once did.  Some day maybe I'll be brave enough to go there and tell the owners that it was may family home, and see if they'll allow me to see my old room -- that would be nice....but also bittersweet.

  Many of my best friends, were those I met in that very neighborhood and grew up.  It's so nice to have friends that you've known all your life.  Many have now bought their parent's homes and live there to this day!   It was a wonderful place to grown up and I'll always cherish my memories of family and home and all the great people I grew up with.

   My next card was created for with Christmas and Stars in mind and inspired by a few new challenges.   I again have used a cute Bugaboo image, and colored my cute little Reindeer with my Copics.  Most of the papers I have used today have been from Echo Park, which is fast becoming a favorite.  I absolutely the Polka Dot collections and love the combo of colors in each set. I hope this cute card will put a smile on your face and make you think of fun times at the Holidays!

  This card is being submitted to each of these fun challenges and I hope you'll play too:
    And least but not least, I have two more cards to share, both of which were created for today's Scramble over at the Hero Art's Flickr Group.   Our challenge today was to create a card/project using a Wedding theme and at least one product from Hero Arts.   If you are new to Scrambles, they are hosted every couple of weeks over in this group and are ALWAYS fun.  You have 90 minutes from start to finish to create your project and upload it to the Gallery.  You can make as many projects as you, as long as they fit the requirements.  We never know the theme in advance and at first, I thought for certain, this was going to be really hard.  In the end, once I start digging through my Hero Stamps, I found it was really fun and easy and manged to easily create both these cards within the time frame.   

    The first card above, went together pretty quickly and started with this sweet LOVE stamp from the Hero Arts "Untitled Word Shadow" set which is part of the Art of the Card Collection.  I stamped it in black and then colored the red section with my R29 Copic Marker.  I then layered it onto black and red scalloped hearts which I cut with my scalloped circle Nestie dies.  I layered those onto a doily and then embossed a card front in my Cuttlebug, in a floral design, (sorry but I don't know the name)?    I sure wish the companies that make embossing folders would start to list the name on the folder.  I know there are a few that have them, but NOT many!    To finish I simply added everything onto a Red Hero Arts Card!

    This second card, which turned out to be my favorite also started with a Hero Stamp from the 'Untitled Hearts"  set, which I stamped in red.  I then took created my card from some Red Hero Hues Layering Paper, which I turned inside out, so that red was on the inside.  I used a Memory Box die to cut the heart window and added the stamped heart to the inside.  I then glued on a Red Beaded Stick pin that I had from a recent Swap, along with a tiny white bow.  My sentiment is from a new Lawn Fawn Sentiment Set and was stamped in black and cut out.  I adhered on some red and white polka dotted washi tape and added the sentiment on top after edging it with red ink.  I finished it off with more red gems also from Hero!    I really FUN card that would be great for Valentine's Day too, if I simply changed the sentiment!  In addition to the Scramble, this card is also being submitted to the Wedding Challenge # 14 being hosted over at Simply Create Too.

    I am working on a few more cards, but not sure I'll have time to get them posted today.   Please stop by again tomorrow and I hope I'll have them done then.  I'm taking a mini break, while DH puts the AC unit in my craft room  -- Yippee!  It's up in the mid 80's today and pretty humid, so I'm very happy he is putting mine in first!   It's been a wonderful day and I hope to spend an equal amount of time creating again tomorrow.   Alex and Acacia are now waiting for Monday to head down to IKEA, which is also fine by me.   I still plan to go and will look forward to it.  I haven't been there for at least a year or so, as I don't LOVE the long drive, but once I get there, I LOVE to browse around.   They have so many awesome products and I really love all the wonderful organization goodies they have.  I want to get some more boxes to fit in my Expedit Units and I'm also look for another drawer unit, possible two to fit under my craft table!

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Sunshine and Blue Skies....

    I am having a wonderful's absolutely gorgeous here today.  Lots of bright sunshine, blue skies and beautiful fresh air with temperatures in the 70's.   I love this weather and it's so refreshing to have all the windows open and feel the breeze blowing in....!!

    I'm also totally enjoying spending time in my craft room again and have two new cards to share with you now.  My first card was inspired by this week's color combo challenge over at The Outlawz.  This is a copy of the color combo that gals provided for this week.  The twist is to  incorporate inking or a painting technique into your project.

   And this is my card, which started with this wonderful tulip image from Wax Fruit Company.  I started by printed out the tulips and then colored them with my Copics, using the colors from the challenge.  I then added a layer of 3D Crystal Lacquer to give them that wonderful sparkle and shine.   While they were drying, I worked on my background, which I created using an inking technique I learned from Jennifer McGuire and Tim Holtz.  To match with the colors I used three different Distress Inks - Spun Sugar, Spiced Marmalade and one of the brand new colors, Squeezed Lemonade.  I took the pads and stamped each color twice, directly onto my craft mat and then spritzed the colors with some Perfect Pearls mist.  I then took a piece of white cardstock (cut down to A2 size) and ran it through the ink/mist mixture until the entire piece was colored.   I used my heat tool to dry it and then cut one piece to use as a mat for my tulips and cut another piece to create the scalloped border on top of the card.

     I really love how the crystal accents adds that wonderful shine and dimension to each flower.  And although it doesn't show well in the photo, the perfect pearls/ink background also has a wonderful shimmer!!  
I am submitting this card to each of these challenges:
    My next card was inspired by this new Photo Inspiration Challenge being hosted over at Through the Craftroom Door.   If you have not been over to the Challenge Blog or to the Magazine site for awhile, then you'll want to be sure to come on over.   The magazine has a new owner and editor and that is Colleen Holmes, who is also the owner and creator of The Outlawz Challenges, and a great friend to me.  It was also Colleen who hosted the wonderful retreat I attended this past weekend in Baltimore and she made sure it was an event we all loved.   For a sneak peak of the very first new issue, please hop on over to the TTCRD main site HERE.   You can also find all the details on subscriptions/renewals here and if you would like to submit projects for possible publication, please go here!!    

      This is a copy of the Photo Inspiration that was provided for the new challenge.  I think it's a gorgeous room and my first thought was to use the colors, as I love the orange, teals and white.  

     Then I noticed that the teal pillow in the photo had butterflies on it, so I decided to find a butterfly in my digi collection and use that as my main image and use the colors from the photo to color my butterfly and to use to match up with my background papers.  I chose a new little image I had just brought during a sale at Bugaboo Stamps and colored her with my Copics.  I then picked out a selection of matching 6X6 papers from my Echo Park stash and put it all together to make this cute little card.

    This card is being submitted to each of these fun new challenges, I hope I can inspire you to join me and have some fun.
   And that's it for now today!   I'm going to be heading out of town tomorrow, as I have a medical appointment and then will also be stopping by my LSS (Absolutely Everything) to see what's new in the store, since I'll be in that area.   Tim Holtz actually taught at the store this past weekend, which I missed, since I was away.  But, I'm very happy and exited to know that I will be home to take a class with Dyan Reaveley when she comes to teach in July.  I've already taken a class with time at the store and also online and for me, the trip to Baltmore, was easily a better choice and so much fun!!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

I'm Back with new Cards and Pictures too!

  And so excited to finally be back in my craft room and working on some cards.  It's been over a week since I have made a card and I could not wait to sit at my desk and start on some new challenge projects.
   All three of my cards today were created for new challenges at "The Outlawz" as well as some other fun challenges that helped to inspire me.   I'm sure happy to be back to creating and missed it so much.  Tomorrow, I plan to spend the entire day creating and I'm also very happy to be starting another class!   I'm taking the Level 5 - Copic Class over at Color Me Creative and I know it's going to be fabulous.  It's the only Level that I have not already completed, and now I can hardly wait to start back in.  After meeting Suzanne, (at last), this weekend I was more eager than ever to sign up.  Plus, you know me and I absolutely LOVE taking classes!

    Being back in Copic Classes has me back to coloring again and it's so much fun and oh so relaxing.  I could color away the day and that's exactly what I hope to do later and all day tomorrow.   I used my Copics to color each of the cards I'm sharing today.   My first card was created with two challenges in mind. -- The Paper a la Mode Challenge at 'The Outlawz' and also this month's Anything Goes Challenge over at CMC.  

    My cute little digi image is from Bugaboo Stamps and was colored with my Copics, along with some Glossy Accents.  The card base and the circle accents were both embossed in my Cuttlebug with some of my newest folders.   In looking at this now, I'm thinking it would be a sweet get well card, or an every day friendship card too.

   This next card was inspired and created for the new CAS Challenge, also hosted at The Outlawz.  The theme for this week is spring and spring colors and the challenge was to create a spring card using the colors - Pink, Yellow and Green.     This card again features another sweet floral digi from Bugaboo.  This card was also colored with my Copics and I used 3D Crystal Accents to add the look of water to the flower jar.  My checkered and polka dotted papers are some of my favorites from Memory Box.   

    I have one more card to share and this one was inspired and created for this week's Greeting Card Challenge at The Outlawz, where our theme to was use Strawberries as our inspiration.   I knew right away that I wanted to use this adorable Strawberry Cupcake digi image from A Day For Daisies on my card.   This too was colored with my Copics and for my frosting I added a layer of white chunky glitter.  The "Sweet" Sentiment is a digi sentiment and red bling is called Twinkle Goosebumps, which is new to me.  It's by Queen and Company and I bought it this weekend while down in Baltimore.   We had a great time taking a little field trip to do some shopping at Photo Scraps, which is Colleen's LSS.   

   And before I sign off, I'm sharing a few pictures that I took this weekend.  Please keep in mind that I'm not a great photographer, but I sure had a lot of fun with all these great ladies and I am already looking forward to being part of the next event which is already being planned for September 2013.  

Friday night Dinner (Table One)

Another View (Friday Night)

Friday Night (Table Two) 

Friday Night (Table 2)

Sunday Morning (Lobby)

Pat and me

Goodie Bags for ALL!

Sunday Afternoon - Advanced Copic Class

Sunday Morning (Lobby)

Sunday Morning (Lobby)

    As you can see, there were lots of smiles and laughs and we all had a wonderful time.   Every one is so friendly and kind and it's as if we've known each other forever.   I want to again say special thanks to Colleen for hosting this wonderful event!   It's the most fun I've had in ages and you can bet, I'll be there again next year!

Sunday, May 20, 2012

What a weekend!

   I have had such a fun-filled weekend in Baltimore.  It was a blast to meet all the Outlawz Gals and also to meet and take classes with Marti Wills and Suzanne Dean.   Once I am back home I hope to have lots of fun new pics to share.

    I want to say a special Thank You to Colleen, for organizing and hosting this event.  Thanks also for coming up early and meeting me on Thursday and for the nice dinner we had that night.  Thanks also to my friend Sharon for coming down and spending the weekend with me, despite battling the misery of a tooth abscess the whole time.  You are a trooper and I enjoyed your company so much.  Thanks also for taking me out tonight and having Scott and the kids come down to meet me too.  Hi to Cameron, Finley and Lily - I had fun with you all, and was so happy to meet you.

    I will always remember this weekend and all the laughs we shared.  I am looking forward to seeing you all more often in the challenges over at The Outlawz.  Thanks to Theresa for allowing us ride with you and Pat to the craft store and dinner on Saturday night, you are a wonderful driver.

   Hugs to you all! I had so much fun and can hardly believe it is over.  The time flew by and I loved every second. WooHoo!!!   I am off to bed--wiped out, but it was so worth it!   Nighty night!  Hope everyone travels home safely!   See you all online tomorrow - it was a pleasure to be part of the event and to meet everyone who was there!

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Up, Up and flying away....

  .....Flying out today for my long-awaited Girl's Getaway Weekend!!!   I am so excited that today is finally here and that my adventure starts later this afternoon!    I'm flying down to Baltimore to be part of the very first -- Outlawz Rodeo, a fun-filled Getaway Weekend being hosted by The Outlawz Challenges!

   By the time this posts I will likely be on my way to the airport for my afternoon flight and by dinner time today, I'll be hanging with Colleen, some where in Baltimore!!  I can can hardly wait to finally see her in person and give her a big hug!

   On top of that on Friday, I'm finally be meeting up with another wonderful friend, Sharon, who will be coming down to Baltimore and stay with me for the weekend.    She is one of the very first crafters I ever met and we've been hoping to plan a way to meet for almost 5 years now.  That day is almost here and I know she is going to be so much fun to meet and spend time with this weekend!    And if that is not enough, I'll be meeting so many other wonderful online friends and crafters who I have spent a lot of time with online these past couple of years!    I'm so happy to be making the trip and can't wait to be there and see everyone!  

    The weekend is going to keep us all very busy and I'm also looking forward to my Mixed Media Class with Marti, on Saturday, along with an awesome advanced Copic Class with Suzanne on Sunday!  

    We'll also have lots of other plans and will all be meeting up for dinners, trips to the Harbor area, as well as a trip to a local Scrapbook Store!   FUN FUN FUN!!!  Let's hope this girl can survive through the entire weekend and not miss a thing!

     I'll be flaying back home Monday afternoon and will post an update for you sometime on Tuesday!  I'm bringing my camera and iPad and should then have lots of fun pictures to share!  

     See you all next week and for those who are attending the event -- see you tomorrow!!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Flowers and fun...

....after being offline and not crafting for the past few days, it's so NICE to finally be feeling better and to also be back to creating.   It seems like it's been ages since I have spent a lot of time in my craft room and I really missed it.
     Today, is all about flowers on top of created two new cards, both that feature floral images, I am also very happy and excited that my boys both bought me gorgeous hanging flower baskets for my garden hook that is in front of our deck.  I love hanging two big pots of flowers there every year and it's become a bit of tradition that they start me off every Mother's Day!    I am very happy to know have two new gorgeous hanging baskets, both different, but both with lots of pretty purple flowers.  I'm such a lucky Mom!
     And speaking of lucky and fun things, I've super excited as this is the week that I'll be heading down to Baltimore for "The Outlawz Rodeo-Getaway Weekend".  After months and months of planning it's finally almost time to go!  WooHoo!    I'm so happy to have this wonderful opportunity and can't wait to be meeting up with some very dear friends!
      Both my cards today were actually created for challenges, both of which are hosted at The Outlawz.  The first one was created for this week's Paper a la Mode Challenge, where the theme is Get Well cards.   I created this sweet little card with a cute digi image from Bugaboo Stamps.  I colored with my Copics and then layered it onto matching papers.   I used a lot of coral and teal and find I am really loving this fun color combination.  I completed my card with a sweet little sentiment from a Hero Arts set.

             My second card also features some of the same pretty colors and was another digi image that I colored with my Copics.  This wonderful floral images if from Wax Fruit Company, and has always been a favorite.   This card was created for today's CAS Challenge also at The Outlawz and it's a Birthday Card that will be for Meghan, my future daughter-in-law.   I'll miss Meg's Birthday, while I'm away, but will be sure to call her and we are already planning to get together, as soon as I come home.   The fun thing is that Brian and Meghan's Wedding is planned to be ONE year from now and will be the very same weekend, in May of 2013.  We'll not only celebrate their wedding, but also Meghan's 25th Birthday - which will make it even more special.

      I'd also like a take a minute to say THANK YOU to all the member of The Outlawz Design Team, and to Colleen, the creator for having such a fun site.  I love taking part in challenges and find it a wonderful way to practice card-making.   I was even the lucky winner of two different challenges this month and was thrilled to hear that wonderful news!   I was a winner in last month's Greeting Card Challenge and also in the Twisted Thursday Challenge -- WOOHOO!    My thanks to Spesch Designer Stamps and also to MarkerPop (formerly known as, iCopic), who sponsored the challenges that I won!   Thank you ALL very much, it was truly a wonderful surprise!

  And before I sign off for today, I would also like to say Happy Mother's Day to all the wonderful Moms in the world, including my own.    I know for me becoming a Mom has always been one of the greatest joys in my life!   I love my boys so much and feel so lucky to have them in my life!!

Thursday, May 10, 2012


 ...and doing some relaxing too!!    I have a very busy week ahead with lots of fun and exciting plans, so I'm taking a few days off from blogging to be  well-rested and ready for my trip!  Woohoo!!

     Wishing everyone a wonderful weekend  -- Hoping it will be filled with lots of sunshine...

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Sharing cards....and struggles?

....after having a lot of extra neck pain and at the request of my chiropractor, I've been trying harder and harder to spend less time at the computer and focus instead on creating my cards.   I'm here today to post an update and share a bunch of the latest cards I have been working on.

     I wanted to start by telling you just how much I absolutely LOVED the "A Cut Above" class.  As I'm sure most of you know, I LOVE taking classes and have taken oodles of them since I started card-making.   I take them both online and at my LSS and have learned so much.   But, this class turned out to be my one of my all time favorites!!  Yes, it's true - I loved it that much and highly recommend it to anyone who loves to incorporate die cuts and embossing with their cards, especially those of you who own a Silhouette or have been considering adding this awesome die-cutting machine to your craft room!    It's opened up a whole new world of creativity to me and there is little doubt that I ever would have figured out all that I can do with this machine, had I not taken the class.    Thanks Jennifer, Kristina and Nichol for such an amazing class!  It ROCKS!!
      These are some of the latest cards that I created using inspiration and tips I learned in the class.   This first card was very fun and easy to make and uses the Print and Cut feature, which is one I had never tried with my Cameo, until I took the class.  It's also the card that I submitted to this week's CAS Challenge at The Outlawz, where our theme was "Travel".

    The next card was also created using my Cameo and inspired by the newest "Greeting Card" challenge, also being hosted this week at The Outlawz.   This card started with one sheet of Hero Arts layer paper (Mocha) which I used to crate this circle shaped window card.  I used the same sheet to cute this floral center and welded that together with a scalloped circle frame.  I adhered that onto a piece of yellow cardstock and then stamped my Sentiment on the same yellow cardstock with some Hero Hues Ink, in Cement  I then finished u the card by adding matching bling to the centers of the flowers and around my Sentiment and glued on some matching polka dot ribbon.

    My next card was created for this week's - May Challenge over at Crafting by Design, where our theme was "Sweet Treats".  I picked out this sweet little digi image from By Lori Designs and colored her up with my Copics.    The one thing I did kind of miss in class was coloring with my Copics, as that is my favorite way to relax and something I totally love!   

       And that brings me up to this week, where I started a brand new class with the always funny and very creative Julie Ebersole, who is teaching a fun "Interactive Cardmaking Class" called:  Fold it - Pop It - Flip It - Zip it - which started Live yesterday!   I wrote a bit about it last week and for anyone who is interested, you can find more details HERE!!   Or over at Ellen Hutson's Store - Here!!   

Fold It, Pop It, Flip It, Zip It! Interactive Card Making Class
    I should first note that measuring, working with precise measurements and also 'cutting' with a knife, Yes...a sharp knife -- is truly quite a challenge for me.   Despite the fact that I worked in Finance and Accounting all my life, I am absolutely awful, when it comes to measuring....or pretty much anything that has to do with fractional sizes!    YIKES!!    Taking on this class is really going to be one of my most difficult challenges, but I'm not giving up yet!!

     It's funny how all the guys in my family seem to know measuring and fractions so well, and that I don't know what 3/8" of an inch is without physically counting out the little lines on a ruler.  I also have to seriously sit there and think, now which is bigger 3/8 or 1/4" and so on..   I think my dislike of fractions and measuring goes back to grammar school, when we first studied fractions!  Never liked them then and still don't know!  I round up, even in my checking account, I round up to the next dollar and I do that when I pay my bills too.  If the amount due if $48.42, I write my check for $49.   I know, I'm weird, but it'so much easier!

    Now that you know that little background, you'll know why I've quickly learned that creating interactive cards may now have a promising future in my craft room.   It involves lots of measuring and when you are talking measurement, you need to be exactly.   On top of that this class requires lots of cutting, which with my die cutter or some nice sharp scissors is a breeze, but this time, we are talking about using a knife...a very sharp little knife!!   When it comes to using a Knife, that's a scary thing and why I think I love die cuts and my Cameo.  No measuring or craft knife is required!!

    Luckily I have completed both Lessons in Day One and Two, but not without a lot of hesitation and a couple of meltdowns too!   .  You see, there is a LOT of measuring, folding and scoring involved in making cards the "move", so this should be very interesting by the end.  Yesterday, I didn't even begin to TRY the first card until late afternoon.  I could see that Julie made it all look very easy, but she's an expert!!   The good news is that once I put my mind to it and folder her video and PDF file very closely, I was able to create my very first "Stand Alone" Card!!  Which is a very cool idea and actually more like a card with it's own little base.  It all folds down too, as you can see a bit easier in the second image!

   My image is one of the sweet angels from "A Day for Daisies" and I color my little Angel with Copics and Glitter and then mounted the "tag" onto lavender cardstock.  I used the same Lavender cardstock to create the "box" the the tag actually stands one and inserts into, when the card is closed.  It's really not that hard to do and I'm sure for some people, quite easy!   It will take me more practice to get this down, but I think it's a great idea and a really cute way to display cards.  I think kids would LOVE it!!

   Today....well today was Day Two and today we created cards, known as Pocket Slider cards.  Another idea that I really like, but this time that darn measuring gave me a lot of trouble.  Oh, and on top of that, I have also now realized that I'm not very good a reading diagrams.  LOL!  Yet another challenge with this class for me.  Thanks goodness for Julie's fabulous video and wonderful laugh.  Otherwise, I really could have just given up!!   I did finish my very first slider card  (pictured below), but it was NOT as easy as it looks.   I think with practice, I can eventually learn this, but I this is NOT fun and relaxing, like cardmaking and coloring typically is for me, so I'm not sure I'll ever become very good at creating "Interactive Cards".   It's kind of like putting together something with lots of parts and instruction and not even knowing where to being.  Those things in this house are done by the Guys...!  Yup, this girl is NOT good a putting things together and finds it a major pain.   I don't know the sizes of tools either....back to those darn fractions, just something I have NO need to know, or so I thought!!   I could have used the help of one of my guys today (who were all at work), because 3/8 of an inch is NOT an easy measurment for me and let's just say I got it wrong twice!!  LOL!   They need to manufacturer "Rulers for Dummies" that clearly mark what each little line is!  And, I need mine to be in extra large size I can actually see it!!


   PHEW!!!  I'm done and I did NOT give up!  I worked on this ALL afternoon to make sure it finally worked.   And it does!!  It opens and closed and fits, as it should!    An amazing accomplishment!!    Let's HOPE tomorrow is easier than today!    I never want to see 3/8" as a measurement again!    Wish me luck!!

A Little About Me

My photo
Northeastern, Massachusetts, United States
Purple is my favorite color and ironically - Purple is the Awareness Ribbon color for Fibromyalgia, a chronic illness I lived with for over 18 years. In, March of 2015, I was diagnosed with Stage IV Lung Cancer which had spread to my brain. I am fighting hard to win this battle and determined to beat it. I have a amazing Oncology Team, along with the LOVE and SUPPORT of all my family and friends! I am a Mom to two grown sons, Alex is now 25 and married to Acacia, my wonderful new "Daughter" and the parents to my precious Grand-Daughter Harper, and Brian amazingly is 30 and now lives in San Diego. My boys are the greatest loves of my life. Hubby, me and our two "Pups", Skye and Zeva, two adorable Chiweenies we rescued in 2012, all live very happily in a tiny coastal town in Massachusetts. We lost our dear "Scoutie", a Purebred Dachshund, in April of 2015. I still miss him and will forever cherish his memory. I am an avid card-maker and totally love every minute I can spend in my craft room. It's become my passion, a wonderful way to relax and is my form or "therapy".