Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Wonderful Wednesday!!

...After many days of miserable weather and all this awful rain, it looks like it's over for awhile.  I hope so, because the flooding has been terrible.  We need a break from the rain and some warm sunshine to dry thing out.  Tomorrow, I HOPE to see the sun again, at last.
     My back is finally feeling a little better and that's good, because I have a lot to do in the next few days.   Today, has been busy and very productive and after been stuck inside, it was nice to get out, even if only for errands.   I headed off early to the PO to mail off packages to two of the gals  from my SSC Group.  One is for a Swap and this second is an RAK.   I really enjoy Swaps, Trades and RAK's and LOVE to share, so this was fun for me.   And speaking of fun and sharing, I received a nice surprise from my "Secret Sister" on the weekend, which was a perfect for me.    If my Secret Sister happens to read my BLOG, I want her to know that I really LOVED my package and I want to again say -   Thank you!  
   After I mailed of the packages, my next stop was at "Tucks Candies", our local "Candy and Gift Shop.   I bought DH, my Mom and each of my 'Boys' some delicious "Homemade" Chocolate treats for Easter.  I also picked up a few gifts for some upcoming birthdays.   It's really a nice store and the chocolates and homemade taffy is wonderful.  It's hard to be in there and not want to eat or buy some candy.  Yummy!!   I finished up with my gifts and came home to work on some cards.  
    I  finished up two cards that are both for challenges over at the Simply Scrapping Crafts Challenge Group.    I used the same Magnolia "Tilda" for both challenges, but I colored her in totally different colors and used different papers and embellishments on each.  
  This first card is for the Color Combo Challenge and this one is was created  in shades of pinks and pink violets --

  And the second card, is the same Tilda, but colored in shades of aqua and teal and this card is for the Copic Coloring Challenge -

   I also did more practice coloring with the same image for my Copic Coloring classes that I am taking from Suzanne Dean.  I'll be heading there now to post the images and too watch my next video.  I really enjoy the classes and the challenges and it's nice to have this hobby to keep me busy.
   Oh and speaking of challenges, today I received the four adorable digi-images that I won from In-Style Stamps!  for the Copic Colour Challenge.  I printed out one set today and hope to work on coloring them later.  Here a link to "Honey Bunny", which is one of the images I picked out - Click Here!  If you like him, then Hop on over to In-Style and you can buy one for your digi collection.  I think it will make a super cute Easter or Baby card.  
  I'm off now to color.....see you all later!!    

Monday, March 29, 2010

WooHoo! I won a challenge!!

  Guess what?  I just stopped over at the Copic Colour Challenge to post my new card and found out the I won the last weeks' challenge!   Yippee!!

    Here is a link that shows my winning card!   And this is what I won!!! 

"Once again, we have yet another fabulous sponsor for you.... the one and only InStyle Stamps! InStyle are the home of whimsical, retro and anime rubber stamp designs. With designs in both digi and rubber form, there is certainly something for everyone and you are sure to be spoilt for choice with the wide range on offer. What's more, the lovely Virginia from InStyle has offered one lucky winner their own choice of 2 of her wonderful digi stamp designs! What a lovely lady she is :o)"

 And that's so exciting because I LOVE digi images and use them often now in my cards and InStyle Stamps has some great selection to chose from!   WOOHOO!

  This is the card I submitted for the Challenge!

Copic Color Challenge!!

...This is another of my favorite challenges because it is using my Copics and that makes it special right away.   It's also awesome, when I can make one card work for more than one challenge and I was able to do that this week, with my "Purple" Easter card but using the colors needs for the Copic Colour  Challenge.
  The colors for this Challenge -- also happen to be three that I own!   Yippee!  It's always nice when I have the exact colors, which are ~  G99 Olive, BV08 Blue Violet and E59 Walnut.

   And here is my Easter Card for the Challenge which incorporates ALL of those colors along with even more wonderful Copic Colors. 

  And while working on challenges, I also created another "Purple" card which is for the "Glitter/Diecut" challenge over at SSC Challenge Blog.

   And now I am off to see if there is anything else I might be able to finish up today!  If not, I simply color and work on more challenges tomorrow. 
    Tonight is one of my favorite nights for TV because it's "Dancing With the Stars" night and I love the dancing and only WISH I could learn to dance like that!  

    Take care everyone and Happy Crafting!!

A fun 'Purple' Easter Card!

   If any of you know me well, you'll know that PURPLE is my favorite color, so I was very excited that the challenge this week at Magnolia Stamp Lovers is to create a card using the COLOR Purple!
   And this is my "Tilda with Tulips" card that I am submitting to the challenge. 

   This card is actually also going to be my Mom's Easter Card and will be going off in the mail to her in the next day or so!  I really enjoyed making this card and absolutely LOVE coloirng with my Copics.  I had a terrible weekend of back pain, but I did manage to color a lot of images, and that makes it much easier to later put the cards together.

   I hope you'll join me in this challenge -- It's one of my favorites and you can find all the details at the MSL Challenge blog, by clicking HERE!!

   I am off now to work on a new challenge and it's Die Cut with "glitter" challenge, which should b ea lot of fun, since I love bling and glitter, if you might be interested in that challenge, please hop on over to the SSC and you can find that challenge HERE!!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Coloring the day away....

...Some how I managed to do a number on my back and it's still hurting more than normal today. Needless to say that's a bummer, because it's not comfy and hard to do very much.

I decided I would try and simply color and do "homework" for my Copic Classes and that is pretty much all I have done. Here are some of my latest practice images. I like to add them to my blog every now and then, so in time, I can go BACK and HOPEFULLY will see a big improvement!!

  These images are ALL for practice using Blue Blends.  Once I finished with the blue, I went back in and colored in their hair and faces for more of that practice, then finished each image.  I tried them make them all a bit different!  

   I'm working on more blues now with a different images and hope by tomorrow I can get back to work on cards!  I want to get a few off in the mail for Easter!  

   Oh and speaking of Easter, we decided we would make plans to go to Brunch at Latitude 43, which should be wonderful.  It's a Jazz Buffet Style Brunch and the menu looked awesome.  It's also the Restaurant where my son Brian, is the Tavern Manager and even though he'll probably have to work, at least I'll still get a chance to see him, and if he's off, he can join us!  I always enjoy going there, even more so when Brian is working, so either way I'm sure it'll be nice!   Plus, it will be nice to go out for a change and since the guys LOVE Brunch foods, I thought it would work out well and save me from having to cook and clean up!  Yippee!!!


Saturday, March 27, 2010

Brrrr....It's cold outside!!

   It's hard to believe that last weekend we had temps up in the 70's and this morning we were back down in the teens....!  BRRRR it is cold and does it feel even worse after that lovely weekend.   I sure hope this is the last of the cold and the SPRING comes to stay very soon.

   Today, is a slow day for me, and not a great one!  The best part so far was being able to sleep in.  We had gone out for a wonderful dinner last night and I ended up staying up late, so it was awesome so sleep in.  I woke up a little sore, but then I bent of did something wrong, while  putting laundry in the dryer.  I knew right away, because there was that instant sharp pain in my low back...and it's hard now to stand up straight...!  Darn... It's not horrific, but not good, I just hope it will subside soon, as Brian has invited me to lunch and I promised him I would come this week, plus I love seeing him and miss him. 

  In the meantime I did finish up two projects and the first is a cute "Snowman" card (perfect with today's weather), that I had started last night.  This one was created for the Bah! Humbug! Christmas card challenge.  This week we we asked to use "Peel-Offs", but since I never heard of them, and realized I don't have any, I later found out that you can use a "sticker" if you don't have an Peel-Offs, so that is what I did for my card.  I am wondering if Peel-Offs are something that will be NEW to the US Market or if anyone has used them in the past?  They are similar to stickers, but seem to be in metallic.  You can see some on the cards over the the Challenge site and at the link above.
   For my card, I used a snowman sticker from the Penny Black "Stickeroo" line.   Generally, I am NOT a huge fan of stickers, but I have found the Stickersoos are very unique and often look much more like a stamped image.

    What do you think, would have known this was a sticker?  My favorite Stickeroos are the floral images and this one is my very favorite.  You can make several pretty cards with this one sheet.
     Another project I have been working on is a Cricut Cutting project of making mini butterflies as embellishments.  My friend, Colleen found it the idea in the gallery and this is the link to the Handmade Butterfly project done by Jennifer Fletcher.  I decided to try it and I followed her basic idea.  I used the "Stamping" Cartridge along with Design Studio and created a full sheet of the butterflies, I did mine in two layers and used contrasting cardstock in light and dark purple.  Then I adhered the layers together and adding "bling" down the body.   I think they came out kind of cute and thank Colleen and Jennifer for the great idea!!

    I still want to try a set on  patterned paper and I did save the CUT file in DS, so I can easily cut a full sheet again.  I actually fit about 20 on a 12X12 page with room to spare!  This was a fun and very easy project, but something I would never have thought of on my own.
     That's about it for now!  I think I 'll get ready now to go down to the Restaurant and see my DS, Brian.  I'm not sure if I actually have lunch, or simply stop by for a hug and kiss!  I just LOVE him and miss him.   Once your kids move out, it's not the same and I find I miss seeing them every day.  I think it's been about two weeks or longer since I have seen Brian and that is a long time for me!  I have no idea how I will ever get used to Alex being gone, once he enters the Air Force...!  Ahhh... !!

Friday, March 26, 2010

Fabulous Fun Flower Store!!

   I found a fabulous place to buy "Flowers" and wonderful card embellishments and it's called Wild Orchard Crafts.  I had noticed they often sponsor a lot of online challenges, so I decided to check out the store.  I had browsed a few times, and at first was a bit reluctant to order, as they are in the the UK, and I was not very familiar with them.  But after seeing the store promoted several times, I decided to give it a try and I was very happy I did.  If you know me well, you'll know the I love the new "mini roses" that you often see on cards and when I realized they also sold them and lots of other wonderful flowers I placed my first order.

  As I mentioned, they are located in the United Kingdom, but happily ship the the US and you can find a USD Conversion calculator right on the website.  I placed my first order on Sunday, March 14th and it arrived today.  I think 12 days is fantastic and that alone was the first good sign.  The package arrived in great shape and all of the flower set are each individually packages inside.   I bought 7different items (flowers, mini bows and one set of decorative pins and my grand total INCLUDING shipping was only $19.73, which is fantastic.    I am very  impressed and the flowers are gorgeous, I really love them and think the quality and pricing is a wonderful.
  Here are a few of the sets the I purchased --   Click Here -- and I bought these, and these too!  I used my PayPal account, which was perfect and the Customer Service and Communication was fabulous.  I am very happy and pleased and can now happily recommend this store to my crafty friends.

  ENJOY and Happy Shopping!!  I will definitely shop here again!


Happy Birthday Wishes!!

....Today I am wishing Happy Birthday to two wonderful friends. To one of my best friends and someone I have known almost all my life, and that is my friend Patty. We have known each others since grammar school and her hubby Mike is also a neighborhood friend I grew up with.   They are a great couple and have three awesome sons and three grand-babies and have been happily married for over 30 years!  Patty and I love to craft together and spent a ton of time together with our boys (my Brian and her Steven), as they were born only 4 days apart.  She is a lot of fun and LOVES the beach.  We have also traveled a few times together and it's always a blast.  We've been to Florida (All the Mom's and Kids), to Punta Cana (with the Hubbys) and also most recently to the QVC Beauty Bash, last April.  She is super easy going and a great person!  We'll be going out to Dinner to Celebrate her Birthday and I'm looking forward to that very much.
   I also want to send HAPPY BIRTHDAY wishes to a newer friend, Colleen!  She is one of my newer online "crafty" friends who also happens to have Fibro, like me.  It's also such a plus to me others who live with Fibro, as they are the only people who truly understand the illness.  We can totally relate to how we feel and it's always the same.   We first met at "My Creative Classroom" in a Copic Class, and have since taken quite a few classes together and now belong to a few of the same groups. We also have found we have a lot in common and share a lot of the same interests.  She LOVES Card-making and is very talented. She's also a huge fan of Suzanne Dean, like me and we are currently both enrolled in Suzanne's Copic Classes at the Color-Me Creative Classroom.   We enjoy sharing ideas and both really like at lot of the same craft stores and designers. She a sweetie and it's been my pleasure getting to know her.
    Up until two days ago, I didn't even know when her birthday was, but I happened to notice it was listed on one of her group profiles and thought it was really fun to know I had two friends with the same birthday. If anyone knows me well, then you'll know that I share my Birthday with my Hubby, as we were both born on the same day too. It's pretty unique and fun!!
   HAPPY BIRTHDAY Patty and HAPPY BIRTHDAY Colleen! I hope you both have a fabulous day....full of lots of fun, happiness, smiles and LOVE!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Challenge Card Creations!

   After a horrible start to the day, I have moved on to happier and fun things and I am happy to have now finished up some challenge cards I had been working on earlier this week.

     This first card is a new "Easel Card" and I created it for this week's Challenge over at the "Just Magnolia Challenge Blog".   This is one of my favorite challenges because I love Magnolia images so much.  If you do too, then hop on over and you can submit your card.  For all the details to this challenge, look for the Week 47 - Easel Cards.

   The challenge for this week is to create an Easel Card and since they are now one of my favorites, I found it a fun an easy challenge.  I also used this card as part of a practice lesson for one of my Copic Classes and it will also be submitted as my "Hair Coloring"  challenge card for the Copic Coloring challenge at Simply Scrapping Crafts.  Here is a close-up that better shows little Tilda's hair that I colored as a Brunette, with a slight hint of Auburn.

   I'm off now to finish up my second card, which is for the Color Combo Challenge, also over at the Simply Scrapping Crafts Challenge Group.

UGH! Not a FUN day....

....Today has NOT started well....I 'snoozed' my alarm three times...and really wanted to simply SLEEP in.  But, I finally got up had some coffee and then made sure Alex was up.  I heard him get up and and I thought he was in the shower, but next thing I know, he's coming down the stairs to tell me he doesn't feel good and is going back to bed!   He has a sore throat, but I think it's my like him being bored with school almost being over and is also overtired!  He did work all weekend and the last six days in that miserable weather, so he may have a sore throat, but at this point, he could have gone to school, at least I think so?  I was NOT overly thrilled and it bugs me when he misses school, but I gave in and told him to take some Vitamin C and Zinc and REST.  HE is supposed to work today from 4-7:30 and I hope he will or at least make sure he calls in early.  

  Of course, I have now been up for about 20 minutes and had coffee and I'm fully awake, but boy would it have been nice to have known that before I got up!  I think I was half mad, because I had wanted to sleep and by then it was too late!  I finish my coffee and  went on with my morning routine.  Luckily, (I think), DH helps out by carrying down a load of laundry and puts it in the wash every morning, when I get up, I simply put it in the dryer and them, by the time I'm dressed and have the bed made, the laundry is usually dry and I simply fold it and put it away, or have Alex carry it back up before he leaves.   Well today, it was a big heavy load of dark I put it on for extra time and took my time getting back too it.   I was still half asleep when I put it in, so I wasn't paying much attention...and did NOT happen to notice that there apparently had been a pack of GUM in Alex's pockets......GRRR !  Well imagine the LOVELY mess I know have in my dryer!  Some how ALL of the gum melted and stuck the inside walls of the dryer and then turned a lovely "BLUE" shade apparently from the dye in the jeans.  NONE of the gum ended up on ANY of the clothes, and this is the ONLY good part of this.  I have NO clue how to get it out off the dryer walls.  I first tried ice, but it's such a thin layer of gum...that simply won't work...they were a few "balls" of gum and wrappers the stayed together (how I don't know) and they were easy to remove.  I next tried "Goo Be Gone", which is slowly working, but also gave me a migraine within a matter of minutes!  I am NOT a happy MOM and just WAIT until Alex wakes up again.  Between me thinking he's not "really" that sick and NOW this mess....he is not on my "happy" list today!

   UGH!  I have not clue what to do and I am so mad I want to scream, but instead I am just ignoring it for now.  I'm up in my craft room and now simply want to relax and forget it.  I'll let HIM and DH handle this.  I tell them ALL OVER AND OVER to check pockets, but No ONE listens to MOM and now she is NOT happy!!

   I am HOPING they figure out a GOOD way to solve this and quickly, as I have laundry to do every DAY!  If they can't get all the GUM off....then I think THEY need to buy Mom a new dryer...because I do not dare to use it unless I'm certain ALL the gum is gone.  The last think I want to end up is with "melted" gum on any of MY clothes....Grrrrrrrrr!   MEN!   Geesh!!!

    ....I'm off to COLOR ...hopefully that will make me feel better!!!!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

A fantastic crafty day!!

  At last the rain has ended and the SUN is back out, which always makes me feel better.  When I first woke up I was still really sore, and hoping I would manage okay getting to my LSS and the class Patty and I were taking.
    We ended up leaving early, (11 AM), so that we had plenty of time for "shopping and browsing" before we started the class.  Patty is basically still in the very early stages of her Copic Collection, and she added 15 new markers today.  We received (3) free as part of the class, and seeing that the class was only $22, and we also learning coloring techniques and made two cards, that was a deal.  Kate, also let us each stamp extra images to take home, so we also came home with about 10 more "images" and all were from the newest "Easter" line and super cute.
  I also colored my very first Edwin and he's a cutie.  Oh...and speaking of Edwin, I had ordered my first Edwin last week and I bought "Bartender Edwin".  I think he's going to be perfect to use on cards that I create for my oldest son, Brian, since he manages the tavern at a local restaurant and also tends bar there too.   I think he'll be so surprised when I make my first card with that image.  He has seen a ton of my Tilda cards, but it's NICE to finally have a masculine image too.  I tend to love whimsy, but it's a lot more 'girlie girl' and he goes more for a Tim Holtz style and design.  I think though he'll get a kick of the fact that Edwin is dressed up and holding a tray of cocktails.  This is the image I ordered and I should have it any day!  Isn't he CUTE, or should I say "Handsome"??
  We didn't color the Edwin, in class, but it was still awesome.  The class was 2 hours, but it flew by.  We covered coloring faces, hair, clothing and even learned how "MASK"  using the NEW Mask Sheets created by " Tim Holtz" and they are awesome.  They are a wonderful new product that Kate found at CHA and has ordered for the Store.  She and Tim are great friends and he generally comes to our LSS, at least once a year for a weekend of classes.  I HOPE to some day get in on at least one of his classes, maybe this year?   Using these new Masks, makes it so much easier than simply using a piece of  paper or cardstock.    I think now that I've learned this tip and trick, I'll be a lot more like to have "Tilda" actually sitting on a chair or fence.  I can't wait to buy some and try them out.  The masks are clear, more like "acetate" but the also have a sticky side,  You do need to use Staz-On ink on the actually MASK, so it will last and so you can ink or stamp over it and not remove any ink.  Just be certain NOT to use Staz-on on any images you are stomping to color with Copics.  It's fine for other mediums but NOT Copics!  It also is best for Acetate or that type of material and will dry to become permanent.   These NEW masks have a thin film on the back that you remove after you cut you mask and once you remove the firm, that side with be sticky and easily adhere to you card-stock, so that you can stamp or cover over it.  It's also removable and then you simply store it with you stamps.  You only need to make your mask once and can use it over and over!    Unfortunately, she had only her one set to show is for the class, but an order is due in any day.  They are one new item, I'll be buying for sure!  I loved using them today.   I found them in a few places on-line, but it's not worth the price of shipping I'm simply pick up a set or two the next time I get up to the store.   If you want to find them, look for these (pic below).  They are from the Idea-ology line and care simply called "Mask Sheets".  Each  package contains two  11-3/4" x 5-7/8" sheets.
  I'll be sure to pick up some the next time I am at the store.   Kate, the owner, is also a stamp lover and originally she started years ago with a small rubber-stamp store, long before scrapping, card-making and scrapping was very popular.  Over the years the store added more scrap items, but stamps and stamping have always remained her favorite.  She was telling us today, that stamping is booming again and the market and product line continues to expand, which she loves.  She added a ton of new stamp lines and products the store.  I had been there about 4 weeks ago, but the changes was's was much more like a Rubber Stamp store, with cardmaking and scrap items.  I'm thrilled, because I am a card-maker and it's perfect for me.   She is having a huge sale coming up soon and those are always great.  We get the best deals!  The huge sales are only twice a year.  On Black Friday and a second sale including an outside "yard sale" in late May.  I never miss either, and the deals can't beat beat.  Designer papers at 10 and 20 for $1, stamps for 25 cent and up and so much more!
   Today, turned out to be a nice day and I'm sure happy I felt better.  I had a great time coloring, the class was awesome and we bought all kinds of new goodies too.  I bought two new Magnolia Stamps and a bunch of the newest papers from  Bo Bunny and Basic Grey, and of course, more "bling and flowers" from Prima.   I did NOT buy ANY Copics, as my collection is FINALLY complete!  
     Today was a wonderful day!   


Tuesday, March 23, 2010

New Release from Pink Cat Studio.

......I was very happy to have stopped on over at the Pink Cat Studio today and found that Melissa had just released some super cute new Digis for Easter.  
      If you happen to LOVE her images, then you'll want to be sure to stop over at her online store - HERE and check them out.
     There are total of TEN new images and here is a peek of three that I bought today --

   Don't you just LOVE them and this is simply a sampling fo the ten.   I think they are so cute and I've found they are WONDERFUL to color with my Copics.  What's even better is that they are digi's, so I can easily store them and also print them out in any size I want!  
    I print them directly onto the cardstock that I use for Copic Coloring.  I set my printer on "Draft" which uses less ink, yet still produces a great image and I let them "dry" overnight.  If I do want to color right away, I simply use my "Embossing Gun" to heat set each image for about 10-20 seconds.  The heat makes ink dry super fast, which keeps it from bleeding or smudging when I color.
    These are going to make some super cute Easter Cards and will also be perfect as images I can use to color for "practicing" and "homework" in my Copic Coloring Classes.  


Only one card today...

.....and this card is for the "Paws I Care Challenge" over the the Whimsie Doodle Challenge Blog, which you can find HERE!   I thought these new digi images were super cute.  And as soon as I saw they the whole set was ONLY $5.00 I knew I had to buy them.  I bought mine this morning and picked this cute little "doggie" for my first card and also for my challenge card.
      This is my card for the "Paws I Care" challenge!   Even the cute little sentiment comes with this set and ALL of the proceeds will benefit a local SPCA !  How sweet! 

    If you are interested in buying the "Paws I Care" set, then hopeon over HERE to the Whimsie Doodle Store and look for this set!  It's adorable!!

     Have a great night!!


...I woke up to the sounds of pouring rain, it was pitch black out and chilly....and next thing I knew it was thundering.  Geeesh!     My whole BODY is aching and I'm feeling miserable....just not good--everything is sore and I have zero energy.  
     On top of that I have not been very happy with the Design Studio Class I was taking at MCC and decided it's NOT for me.  I was disappointed from the very beginning and found that it was not teaching me anything I had not already figured out.    I foolishly picked the wrong class and should have taken the next Level!  Some you win and some NOT! 
   I have totally LOVED all my other classes, but this one was a bust from day one and I'd much rather concentrate my time on learning things I enjoy.   From now on the ONLY classes I will take from MCC, will be those that Colleen Schaan teaches --  she is FANTASTIC and I have LOVED all her classes.
    On a happier and brighter note I am totally LOVING my classes at Suzanne's Color Me-Creative Classroom.  And I think from now on, I'll stick with Suzanne's classroom.  I am also enjoying all of my challenges and also totally love the "SimplyScrappingCrafts" challenge site and will be looking forward this week's new challenges to be posted tomorrow. 
    And tomorrow will also be a fun day, because my friend Patty and I will be heading off to our LSS to take a brand new "Magnolia/Copic and Card Class.  Plus, the SUN is due to be back out and that should really help lift my spirits.  I have been kind of down this week and I am looking forward to the class.   Magnolia Stamps are brand new to our store and this will be a nice relaxing class.   We have both wanted Kate to offer this line for a long time, so we are thrilled to be going tomorrow! 



Monday, March 22, 2010

Lots of Coloring...

 Today, I am not feeling so hot and I am feeling totally wiped out!   I think I will rest and simply take it easy ALL day.  I am too sore and tired to do a thing...I need a rest! 
  I had a nice weekend and have been super busy lately with my card-making and online classes.  I think I may have taken on a bit too much, so I need to slow down and take my time.  One thing for sure I am LOVING any classes that involve "coloring" with my Copics and coloring is always peaceful and relaxing!
   I am currently enrolled in both Level I and Level II at Suzanne Dean's new Color Me CreatIve Classroom and I LOVE it.  I originally enrolled in Level II, since I have already taken other Copic Coloring classes, but I LOVED it so much, I went back and enrolled in Level I because I did not want to miss a thing.  I really admire Suzanne and her talent and she has always been my favorite designer.  I have followed her blog for a long time and love getting her Newsletter every day.
  If you really want to learn to color with your Copics, I highly recommend you consider her classes.  She does have a ton of Tutorials on You-Tube and her blog, but these are ALL new and all different.  There is a ton of detail and once you enroll, you'll have access the classroom for a FULL YEAR and that's awesome!
   Here are some of the coloring projects I have done in simply for practice and it's fun....very relaxing and I adore coloring with my COPICS!   Copics ROCK!! 

     Bye Bye -- Have a nice day!!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Magic Tilda - Perfect for Spring!

.......This is one of my newest Magnolia's and this is 'Magic Tilda' and this card is a new "Spring" card I created with cute new stamp.
     This card was very different for me, as part of the challenge was to use Acetate in your project and I used mine as a "Window" and actually placed my imagine on the "inside" of the card.  


  And this is the same card in a different view, which really shows how she is adhered to the inside of the card and how you can see the image from the front.  I also added some matching pearl bling on the inside too! 
   This is the first time I have created a "window" card and actually used Acetate for the window, it was really kind of fun and I really LOVE how the image shows on the front and also again on the inside.  I think I may try this technique more often!
     This card was created for the "Magnolia-Licious" Challenge and if you would like to try it, please HOP on over to the Challenge Blog for more details!!

     Happy Crafting....

Busy and Beautiful weekend....

  What a beautiful first day of Spring we had here's was wonderful.  The sun was so nice and the temps even made up close to 70, which is fabulous in March.

    I started the day, by over-sleeping  -- or more like sleeping in,...and then felt a bit rushed to get up, do my morning chores and head off to met some craft friends who have traveled her for a "Scrap Weekend) and were staying a local Inn.  I was excited to get together with Anne for a second time after meeting her a the same event back in January.  We had originally met in an online group and I was so surprised to learn she had visited my home town often for "Scrap Weekends".  She's from New Jersey and that's a good 8 hour drive, but she and her Hubby both love this area and come here for Summer vacations too.   I had a great time with Anne back in January so I was all excited for a full day of crafting with the all at the Inn.  

   I had luckily packing up my Copics and some images the night before, so it would easy.  I can't carry much at once and I am not a scrapper, so I thought it would be nice simply to see her and  practice my Copic coloring too!   By the time I got down there, it was going on 11, but I had planned to stay until about 4 or so, so felt I still had plenty of time.  Luckily they were just finishing up with their breakfast, so we all sat down had coffee and then moved into the scrap room and started to work.   Anne gave everyone a brief overview of Copics and how they work, (as the other gals are scrappers) and NEW to Copics.  She also had since bought the fabulous Air Brush system for her Copics and that was really fun to watch and learn.   Now I have to admit, that I want one!  LOL!  I never thought I would, but once I saw her airbrushing such quick and easy backgrounds, I know I will plan to save up and buy one.

    We were all having a nice time, but our time together ended pretty quickly, when the other gals in the group changed plans and decided they wanted to travel to our LSS yesterday.  (I had been told they were going today, so I was all set to stay there for the day, and color). Had I known in advance, I would have planned better, and I was bummed, when I had to pack up and head out, shortly after two.   It ended up being huge  disappointment to me, especially since I had paid a $25 fee for the day?   I guess the next time Anne comes, I will simply not visit at the Inn and meet her to go off to the LSS instead.    Last time, we met for a full day and on the second day, I went and picked up Anne and we drove to my LSS together.  We were able to spend two days together and that was much nicer.   I wish now I had been told of their change in plans and saved myself the $25.   I had already told the others that I could not go to the store yesterday, as I have a class coming up there this week and simply did not have the funds to go twice!   Oh well!

    Today, I'm now trying to make up for lost time and get back to my challenges.  I've felt behind all week, for some reason and not getting as many done.  I think this first week with the "time" change has wiped me out a bit!  LOL!  

   I'm off now to work on a Magnolia Challenge with a brand new stamp, called Magic Tilda.  Isn't she a cutie!  This is one of the newest released and I bought her at my LSS on my last trip  trip and hope to get another when I go to my class on Wednesday.  Magnolia Stamps, believe it or not, are a brand new line to my store and they just started selling them last month. 

     I'm going to color her four times and use that as my Homework for my Copic Class too!   WOOHOO!  I simply am LOVING Suzanne's classes!  

     Happy Sunday and Happy Crafting!!


A Little About Me

My photo
Northeastern, Massachusetts, United States
Purple is my favorite color and ironically - Purple is the Awareness Ribbon color for Fibromyalgia, a chronic illness I lived with for over 18 years. In, March of 2015, I was diagnosed with Stage IV Lung Cancer which had spread to my brain. I am fighting hard to win this battle and determined to beat it. I have a amazing Oncology Team, along with the LOVE and SUPPORT of all my family and friends! I am a Mom to two grown sons, Alex is now 25 and married to Acacia, my wonderful new "Daughter" and the parents to my precious Grand-Daughter Harper, and Brian amazingly is 30 and now lives in San Diego. My boys are the greatest loves of my life. Hubby, me and our two "Pups", Skye and Zeva, two adorable Chiweenies we rescued in 2012, all live very happily in a tiny coastal town in Massachusetts. We lost our dear "Scoutie", a Purebred Dachshund, in April of 2015. I still miss him and will forever cherish his memory. I am an avid card-maker and totally love every minute I can spend in my craft room. It's become my passion, a wonderful way to relax and is my form or "therapy".