...but then again, doesn't every one! Today the sun is coming out again and that's such a plus, it's also going to be up in the 50's and tomorrow up in the 60's which is really nice for the little Treat or Treaters. I still have not put my goodie bags together, but will do that tomorrow morning. I have not wanted to be tempted to eat any candy, so all the bags have been stored away.
Today, will be a fun day as I'm off to do a little Christmas Shopping. I'm going to Bath & Body Works, to pick up my Lambie Blanket that they put on hold for me. If you want a wonderful comfy cozy gift for a sweet friend or family member, I highly recommend them. They all super snuggly soft and comfy. I'm also picked up some goodies for a box I am putting together for a charity called the ShoeboxProject. One of the gals in my Fibro Group actually runs this project and when I read about it, I knew the I wanted this to be the organization that I donate to this year for the Holidays. I will be sending her a big box of "Beauty/Skincare" type products that she will then use for some of the shoeboxes that she will put together. I thought it was such a wonderful idea and I am happy to help out.
I am also very excited to be trying out to be on a brand new Design Team that is being put together for a wonderful online store called Cutters Creek. I happen to belong to three Yahoo Crafts groups that a owned by Kim, who is also the owner of Cutters Creek. When I read her 'call outl looking for crafters to apply to be a member of a brand new DT she is putting together, I thought it would be a nice challenge for me to try out. I'm not sure how far I'll go, but it certainly has been interesting to go through the application process. I'm now that the point where the FUN begins, because now is time to create my project submission.
So...today, while I'm in the area of my LSS, I'm going to stop in and see what wonderful papers or things I can find to use on my "Creation". I am not sure what theme I will choose, so I thought going into the store and finding the perfect paper would be my first start. I also have a $20 store gift card that is burning a whole in my purse...LOL! . Wish me luck, as I have never done anything like this before, but to me it's now a challenge and I simply want to complete the challenge and learn from the experience.
That's my day...I'm off shortly and hope I find some wonderful goodies. I also hope to pick up a few Christmas gifts while I'm out and hope I can manage a couple hours of shopping before this Fibro body, gives out!