I can't believe how fast time flies by and the weekends ALWAYS seem to go by the fastest! WHY?
Today started out as another wonderful weather day, the air is nice and cool and dry and it was beautiful and sunny in the morning. Now, it's getting dark and is all cloudy, its' only 4:30 PM and I had to put on the lights to see, it feels more like 7 or 8PM. We do need some rain for the flowers, but I sure wish it had held off until later tonight, so that people could enjoy a full weekend of good weather. It certainly has NOT been a good Summer here, but has improved.
Today, I worked on my Project 365 page and I used all the flower picture I had taken earlier in the week. I like how the page came out and that's a change for me, and I'm not the best scrapper. I even picked colors that are NOT generally my favorites, but it all went together well. This if the final version....

I really am learning to use my Cricut more and more and I like it more every day. Between that and my Cuttlebug...I really have learned how to make a lot of new things and I've learned to add lots and shapes and textures to my cards and pages.
After I finished my page, I worked on the "Swap" packets for the Product Swap. It's turned out to be a wonderful group and perfect for me. Everyone does a lot together and there are two other gals with Fibro, so I feel very at home. I also really like Kim, the group owner. She's such a doll and I can tell we are going to be good friends. We share a lot of common interests and things in our families. The girls are all so nice and easy to know! Deborah and I have also found out that we share a LOT of common interests and she now is the process of creating a new craft room, so it's been fun to chat about that. The funny thing is that I've been shopping at Kim's eBay store for well over a year...but only recently learned about her group and her online store. I'm so grateful that our little chats ended up bringing all these new ladies into my life and that I now have a great place to to and learn from some super craft girls! Woohoo!! I can tell already, that I'm going to have some wonderful NEW friends in my life and that's such a nice thing. I'm blessed and LOVE having a lot of friends, both online and here locally. Having friends all around the country is really nice and these gals are much like the MISfits...all are really fun and easy to know! I just LOVE my groups and all the fun they bring into my life. I think without them, I'd be a bit lost! FRIENDS are awesome and one thing...you can never have too many of!
Now.... the fact that I am often home bound, (due to Fibro), doesn't bother me, nearly as much as before. I may not be able to do ALL the things I once did, and I may be home almost every day, but it's okay. Having all these wonderful new friends along with my crafting has turned out to be a blessing. I think without those changes, I would have ended up very lonely and depressed! Thank goodness for the Internet...it's brought a whole new world of friends to me!! And because of limited activity, I feel that it's even more important for me to have so many online friends, people that can understand this illness and can relate to it. Thanks ladies...it's been such a pleasure to meet ALL of you.
Well now it's about time for dinner and I need to get DH to get the grill going. He's going to grill some burgers and dogs and I already made big green salad...a perfect summer dinner for us and an easy one too
Bye Bye...