Saturday, March 29, 2014

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Monday, March 24, 2014

FHE- Crocodile Hunt

For Family Home Evening we had a lesson on "Spiritual Crocodiles." As so many of these nights seem to go, I plan a lesson and... the best laid plans don't always pan out as I envision.

This was an epic FHE for sure.  With Mom and Dad visiting we had a "Crocodile Hunt." I first (accidentally) traumatized my boys as I showed a video of real crocodiles and how they hid under the water waiting for the animals to come for a drink and then they catch them.  I think they were a little young for such a graphic visual.

Then I sent them on a hunt with their pop guns and safari hats to find all the paper crocodiles I hid around the house.  At first the boys loved this and wherever they found one we would hear the pop guns shooting like fireworks.  But then, of course, one brother took one out of turn and the other brother shot thin with the pop gun...and in minutes the tears were flowing and the "perfect" little family home evening lesson was chaos. ...And that is Life with little ones.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Monday, March 3, 2014

CTR Capes

I am always saying that these boys are spoiled.  Spoiled by grandparents, aunts and uncles...and even our friends. I don't know how they end up so lucky, but regardless, they enjoy it.  And these capes are awesome.  Mindy and Anna must have spent a lot of time and energy sewing these cute capes, and my boys were the lucky recipients...again.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

5 months

5 months old!
Still as sweet as ever.
She's totally in love with her brothers!
Found her feet!

She's moved to 4 feedings a day and 3ish naps...more like 2 naps and 2 cat naps. Still fighting the colic and the acid reflux at night and still spitting up like a crazy girl.  But we love her!
She wakes for her morning feeding around 8 and then falls back asleep until about 9.  Then wakes up until 10:30/11 until her 1:00 feeding. Plays for about 2 hours then naps from 3-6. Just in time to wake up and eat.  Then up and still having her fussy I carry her over the tile all evening while she spits up, tons. It's like having a seagull. Then she's up until 9:30/10, with a little cat nap somewhere in the middle. When she gets her last feeding and is off to bed for the night. Still loves napping in the swing and sleeps swaddled in the bouncer.

Still no teeth.
Rolling over, but not consistently.
Still loves her pacifier, being swaddled, the swing, and her blankie snuggled in by her cheeks.