18 April 2015

Conversations in the car

Tonight while we were all driving in the car this was the series of conversations that occurred.

Sarah: Mommy and Daddy?
Parents: Yes?
Sarah: You guys are the best mommy and daddy ever.
Parents: Awwww! Thank you!

A few minutes later...

Noah: Daddy?
Aaron: Yes?
Noah: Satan is the worst dad ever.
Eli: He isn't even a dad.
Noah: Yea I know! That's why he's the worst!

A couple more minutes...

Sarah: Mommy Daddy? Why is it taking so long for you guys to die?

She related us dying to her growing up and how it's taking so long for her to grow up. I guess we need to die for her to grow up. I think the dying comment sort of contradicts her best mommy and daddy ever comment.

11 April 2015

Cherry Blossom Festival

Since coming to DC the only thing I have really wanted to do is see the cherry blossoms in bloom. We headed down this morning to check it out, and I'm so glad we did. It is seriously so beautiful. Flowering trees are probably one of my favorite things; it's the best time of the year when the trees are blooming. I knew it would be busy, but didn't realize how busy it would be. We drove into DC first thing in the morning. We left a little before 9, and hit really bad traffic as soon as we hit the exit for the Jefferson Memorial. At one point we thought we were going to have to give up and head home since there was no way we were going to find parking. It was at that point that I turned down a side road and found parking for $20. Score! That's cheaper than riding the metro in, so everything worked out. I'm also super glad we left as early as we did. It was already crazy crowded at 9am, but when we left at noon the traffic was backed up for miles. Now I'm just going to post a ton of pictures because I love them all.

Catch up

I've gotten behind on posting pictures and the happenings of our life. Things are actually pretty much the same as always. We've been trying to figure out some next steps in our life plan, but that will take awhile to sort out. Other than that there are no huge updates for our family. Aaron's brother and wife just had a baby girl. My dad is getting married next month, and we'll be heading up to Michigan for that. We are getting close to the end of the school year, so the kids will have some testing to do at the end of this month. I'm a little nervous about it. I will administer it myself from home and send the answer back for scoring. I hope that it will show that the kids are right where they need to be. The kids and I spent a week in Washington with Aaron's parents, so I'll post some pictures from that trip. We've also just been enjoying spring and playing outside.

Sarah and Josie love each other!

Aaron's grandpa has contributed a bunch to the Willapa Seaport Museum in Raymond, WA, so we went for a tour.

I made soaps as wedding favors for my dad's wedding next month. I love the spring colors.

There is this huge playground near the CIA headquarters that is designed with handicap children in mind. The kids had so much fun playing there.

Both the boys made it to the top of the rainbow. The were scared but didn't give up.