27 October 2009

The answers

1. Noah, 2. Eli, 3. Noah, 4. Eli, 5. Noah, 6. Eli, 7. Eli, 8. Noah

26 October 2009

Who am I?

That's right. Here's a little quiz for all you Noah and Eli lovers. Leave a comment with your best guesses and I'll post the answers in a couple of days. Click on the collage to make it bigger. Have fun!

25 October 2009

Not much going on

Aaron did great on his 2 tests last week. I'm glad to say that he was able to stay home this weekend and spend some time with me and the boys. We actually went on a date without them on Friday and it was splendid :) We had some troubles throughout the week upgrading our computer to Windows 7. Aaron finally got it running after 3 nights of fighting with it. There's really nothing new and exciting to talk about. Eli has a kidney ultrasound on Wednesday and we'll be meeting with the kidney doctor after that. We won't know the results from the ultrasound for a couple weeks but they still like us to come in so they can check his labs and what not. He's been doing great as far as I can tell. When he was sick a couple weeks ago I had them draw blood and check his kidney function since he had a fever and everything turned out fine then so I'm not expecting any changes. We're excited for Halloween coming up. The boys are going to be the red and yellow M&M. I just made their costumes myself so they aren't the best but they will do for one night of fun. My dad and Brenda are coming to spend the weekend with us and help us with our flower beds (they are a disaster right now). I hope the weather cooperates so we can actually get everything done before it gets really cold. Here are the obligatory Noah and Eli pictures to accompany my ramblings. P.S. This post was actually written by Amanda. I didn't realize I was logged in as Aaron.

23 October 2009

Technical difficulties

I've been experiencing a series of technical difficulties. My dad requested some pictures and this is the best I could do.
I think it's pretty funny that Eli pulled Eeyore's head through slots of his crib. When I came in the room it looked like he killed Eeyore.
I think I will always love this sleep position. He looks so small with his legs tucked up underneath himself.

19 October 2009


I love their Halloween pajamas. They are just too cute!

17 October 2009

Our funfilled weekend

Aaron has 2 huge tests on Monday and Tuesday so it has pretty much been just me and the boys all weekend. Last night we babysat Greg (a boy from our ward who is the same age as Noah and Eli). I really enjoyed seeing how different he is from my boys. He loves to dance and just walks around swaying back and forth to the music (so cute!). They didn't play very well together but hopefully they will learn. We are planning on swapping kids with Greg's parents (Thanks Amber and Noel!) every Friday night so us parents can get a date night every other week. Today we got all bundled up and went outside to play. They are not used to mittens and hats so that was fun trying to keep those on. Eli was particularly set on getting his mittens off. After that we came inside and the boys each had their first slice of pumpkin pie. It took Noah awhile to finish his, mostly because he was just eating tiny bits of it rather than chunks, but it didn't take Eli long to figure out how to shove the whole piece in his mouth.

14 October 2009


Eli thinks this whole walking business is pretty neat!

13 October 2009


I'm so excited because Eli just walked by himself for the first time! He is always surprising me!

11 October 2009


We are so sick of being sick. It has been over a week since I started coming down with a cold and I still haven't kicked it. Everyday I think I feel better but I still wake up feeling sick the next day. The boys came down with it too (snotty nose, congestion, and a fever) so I took them to the pediatrician early in the week. They didn't even test for it and decided to treat them for swine flu. I'm still not convinced that is what we have since we haven't been completely miserable, just under the weather. The boys seem to finally be getting better. At least their fevers are gone. Eli seems to have finally turned off his nose faucet but Noah is still working on that one. In conclusion, I am sick of being sick.

10 October 2009

My list of Lexington grievances

Aaron and I have now been living in Lexington for a year and a half. For the most part I have liked it but there are just a few things that really irk me.
  • Nicholasville Rd. - I try to avoid it at all costs.
  • Inconsistent street/road names. Why do they have to change at every major intersection?
  • The intersection of Tates Creek Rd. and Redding Rd. (or is it Armstrong Mill? I'm not sure which since the names change!). Too bad I have to go to the Thornton's several times per week.
  • The lack of 7-11. I mean seriously, no Slurpees!?
  • There is only one mall in Lexington and it is off of Nicholasville Rd. (that road is seriously my nemesis).
  • Don't even bother trying to go somewhere on game day...
  • Drivers think that using a turn signal is optional. That is unless they are in a turn lane and you know they are planning on turning.
  • Street parking. Before I got here, parking facing the wrong way on the street was unimaginable. Everyone does it here.
  • Whoever designed parking lots in Lexington was on crack.
  • People in Lexington blatantly ignore all emergency vehicles. You are supposed to slow down and pull to the right people!
  • Super long traffic lights.
  • Why can't anyone in this town make a decent pizza?
That's all I've got for now. I think all but one are driving related. I didn't think it could get any worse than Provo, but the drivers here definitely take the cake.

07 October 2009


These baskets are truly amazing - they serve so many functions! I think my mom would love to know that her grandbabies are a fan of the Longaberger basket she got for them. It is full of their toys and first thing everyday they pull it out of its cubby and dump all of it's contents out so they can play with the clear, plastic lining. Noah especially loves walking around with his face pressed up against the inside of the liner - he thinks it is so funny that he can see through it.

Ice Cream

I just found this picture on Mike's girlfriend's blog and I love it. It is of Eli eating his first ice cream sundae on his birthday. He just kept dipping his finger in the whipped cream and then sucking it off. So cute!

05 October 2009

Cheetos Monsters

Somehow Eli managed to reach a bag of Cheetos that was on our kitchen table. The were both in Cheetos heaven!

02 October 2009

Life as a 1 year old

"Why is my brother so mean to me!?"
"Oh, yes, that's better."
"This seemed like a good idea but I definitely do NOT like it. HELP!"
"Oh crap, stuck again."
"Look, Mom...STRAWS!"
"You can't get me..."
"Mmm, delicious puffs..."
"I think I'm just going to lay here and look cute. Is it working?"
"What do you mean, 'No?'"