26 June 2009


I know, I know, it has been a long time since my last post. We were busy moving, then we didn't have internet for 5 days, and then we ended up with viruses on our computer so I haven't been able to use it. Enough with the excuses, right? Well we got moved in. We still need to finish the master bedroom. Most of our stuff is unpacked but this place is pretty much a wreck so pictures will be awhile in the making. This Tuesday Eli had an MRI of his head just to make sure everything is OK since he was so sick when he was teeny-tiny. I haven't heard back from the doctor yet but I heard through the grape vine that his scan looks good. I was really nervous about the MRI because they had to sedate him but he handled it like a champ. He cried for just a little bit when they stuck him with the IV and quickly forgot about it. I held him as they administered the drug and he just fell right to sleep. It took about 45 minutes and then we got to go back and hold him as he woke up. It was pretty funny watching him wake up because he just acted like he was drunk. One of the drugs they gave him during the procedure causes kids to get really red and it looks like someone slapped them on the cheeks. They warned me of this side effect but I was still pretty surprised at how red he actually got. In other fun news, both boys have had the poops for about 2 weeks. I finally took them to the doctor this week and had to collect stool samples just to make sure it isn't anything bad (it's probably just a virus). I am definitely not a fan of scooping poop into cups. It really does amaze me some of the gross things we have to do for our children. As a consequence of all the poop, they have both had some pretty bad diaper rashes. Poor little Noah would just cry and cry when we changed him because it hurt so bad. Luckily they are looking tons better now. Eli had a new tooth break through yesterday on the top. Noah is not far behind. Sheesh, they are just growing too fast. Here are a few more pictures for your viewing pleasure.

18 June 2009


We're moving in this weekend (finally)! The master bedroom still needs to be painted and the floor needs to be put in but the rest of the house is done. I'm not very excited about packing...the none stop rain doesn't help either. Oh well...enjoy the pictures.

10 June 2009

Favorite pictures of the day

Eli loves feeding himself. He always finds left over bottles lying around on the floor. The other day I left him in the living room with the TV off and came back in to find him sucking on an old bottle and watching Jerry Springer. Anyway, I love this picture because it is just so Eli. He isn't happy with just one bottle so why not try two? Classic Noah - Downward Facing Dog to anyone who does yoga. I don't know why he does it but he loves to look at stuff upside down. It gives him a different perspective I suppose. Namaste.

06 June 2009


Here are just some pictures from this week. Aaron and I were messing around with the camera today and came out with some pretty cool pictures. We even figured out how to turn Noah and Eli into Smurf babies :)

01 June 2009

We hate painting

Aaron and I have been working on the house like crazy. We were supposed to be moved in already but we're going to stay in our apartment a couple weeks more so we can get most of the work done. We finally finished painting the hall and living room which took as all weekend long. My forearms have never been so sore before. You all are probably wondering, "Why is it taking these two so long just to paint?" Well, we have several reasons: 1) We have twins that have finally reached the "separation anxiety" stage, 2) Aaron is juggling working on research with working on the house, and 3) The walls are absolutely atrocious (we seriously could spend a week straight just sanding and Spackle-ing and it would still look bad). I failed to mention that we all came down with some strage illness this past weekend - the boys broke out in a red, blotchy rash all over their bodies and Aaron and I both had splitting headaches and body aches/chills. Noah and Eli are not fans of the house. They are finally getting better, or maybe they are just getting used to it, but for 3 days straight it was impossible to get anything done because the minute we put them on the ground they would scream and cry. Thank goodness they are adjusting though. They have finally learned to play in their nursery. You know when Noah is sick of it though because all the sudden you can see his little fingers poking out from under the door.