31 July 2008

Pregnancy updates

It was so much fun getting the 3-D ultrasound today. I love seeing my babies and the 3-D makes them look so real. Both babies are healthy - one is weighing in at 4 lbs 12 oz and the other is 4 lbs 15 oz. The doctor is continually shocked at how big they are. And he likes to refer to them as Bo and Luke. We now know that I'm for sure going to have a c-section. Both babies are breech and they don't have any room to turn around. We will probably end up scheduling it for the first week in September but I'll most likely go into labor before that. But we are definitely getting excited and are counting down the days until our boys arrive. Its pretty crazy to think that we'll be "Mom and Dad" within the month!

3d Ultrasound Pics

Baby B

Baby A

Baby B Again

25 July 2008

Showered with diapers

I had my 3rd and final baby shower tonight. It was fun and I met several girls from the ward that I haven't met before. It was a diaper shower so we got lots of diapers and wipes which we will definitely need. We counted 300 newborn diapers plus some larger sizes - this seems like a large number but when you do the math they probably won't last us very long. We figure each baby will use at least 8 diapers per day which ends up being about 112 diapers per week. So those 300 newborn diapers will last us approximately a 2 1/2 weeks. Hopefully they don't grow out of the newborn size before then. So I see that Aaron posted some pictures of me. I have been protesting this for quite some time but I finally caved and let him take some pictures. He made me put on what he calls my "basketball shirt." You can decide for yourself if the shirt makes my belly look like a basketball.

24 July 2008

Amanda's Pregnant Belly

So I finally got around to taking some pictures of Amanda. Here she is, beautiful as always and showing off her nice pregnant belly. By the way, she's about 31 and a half weeks in these pictures.

Here's another one.

And another - a close up.

21 July 2008

Umbrella of Death

We were on our way home last night as a storm was passing over. We noticed the trees were swaying pretty good and leaves and branches were littering the road. All of a sudden, this huge patio umbrella that's turned upside down spins out in the road in front of us. The metal pole was swinging around viciously, narrowly missing the front of our car. The wind changed directions and shot the thing around the front of our car and towards the side. We took off and luckily escaped without a dent.

20 July 2008


So far, I've been very impressed with how much Aaron and I like Lexington. I still miss good old Provo, but I have to say I'm getting used to living here. When we decided to move here we had lots of ideas of what Kentuckians would be like...red necks with strong southern drawls. I am positive there are parts of Kentucky like this but not Lexington (however, I have run across a few stereotypical Southerners in Lexington but this is not the norm). We have been greeted with kindness, especially in our ward. I expected that the church would be much smaller and weaker than in Utah. I have to say that this ward is the strongest ward I have ever been a member of. The members are so kind and helpful and really go out of their way to welcome new people and to take care of those in the ward in need. So many people have gone out of their way to make sure I am doing OK. My visiting teachers have been kind enough to throw me a diaper shower which I am very excited about and several members have invited us into their homes. Aaron and I had a blast getting to know two families in our ward this evening over dinner and I am glad to say we all have a lot in common - including a love for The Office and Lost. Aaron has even found a couple of running buddies and they hope to train together for a marathon coming up this fall. All in all, this move to Lexington has been a much better experience than expected.

19 July 2008


Baby Legs.

A baby face.

A baby foot.

The First Entry

So Aaron has been telling me for awhile now that we need to start a family blog. I have always agreed but never felt the inspiration to actually sit down and make one. But alas, I finally have. I will try to remember to keep it as up to date as I can. This may be a somewhat more difficult task once the twins are born but I promise I will try.