Monday, March 31, 2008

The 10 Commandments According to The Purple Pixie

I first read this on Nemeton’s Blog….and thought I would try and start a craze. Email me here if you make up your own set of Commandments and I’ll put links on my Blog.
I hope they bring a smile to your face….

The 10 Commandments Purple Pixie Style!

1)Thou shalt not take in any more animals without asking yourself 3 times… is there any one else I can palm them off on to….even at the cost of friends dreading your call!

2)Thou shalt not worry about your hair going grey, the white ones look ‘really’ purple when dyed anyway.

3)Thou shalt not lie on the floor, with your arms and legs in the air, screaming and kicking, when laughter is an option. When all else fails an exception can be made to this commandment.

4)Thou shalt not listen to
Glastonbury Radio 24/7

5)Thou shalt not be afraid of anything smaller than you, unless there is no antidote!

6)Thou shalt not complain that the heating bill is too heavy in winter, then spend all summer trying to cool the house down complaining that it’s too hot.

7)Thou shalt not sacrifice a good long soak in a hot
LUSH bath for anything…. Even good food – Hey a girl has her standards!

8)Thou shalt not buy new clothes in preference to Art Materials

9)Thou shalt not eat anything with 4 legs, or 2 for that matter! even when someone cooks bacon sandwiches and you start dribbling all over the floor

10) Thou shalt not obsessively count down the days until your next camp

Friday, March 28, 2008

Old Kitchen New Kitchen

A few weeks ago I told you I was getting a new kitchen fitted. Nothing special in that, except it’s 20 years since I had this one put in and even then it was second hand from my next door neighbour who was moving.
My neighbour had only had the kitchen a couple of years and I bought it off her….just a few months before the housing association said they were coming to fit a new one. I told then that I had bought one so not to bother. Anyway, to cut a long story short, I applied for a new kitchen and was approved.

Funny it ‘really’ didn’t look that bad until all the surfaces were emptied and everything went into boxes in the shed…. I had made an attempt of painting it a few tomes just to tide me over, but there’s’ only so much you can do. I put off decorating for the last couple of years as I just knew the minute I had it painted the beggars would turn up to rip it out, you can count on that.

This was the kitchen before….

2 and half days later, the electrics were all redone, the washing machine moved and wired in (no more extension lead!), the fridge was wired in and an extractor fan fitted, the cooker was moved, the kitchen was fitted, the tiling was done and all I had to do was make a few cups off coffee and stay out of the way… oh yes and keep my menagerie safe upstairs too. It must have been a record!

This is what it looked like when they left……

2 weeks later T came round and painted the ceiling and walls for me, just the glossing to do now which can wait until a rainy day. Somehow lavender doors no longer go with light terracotta…. I wanted a colour and what a job…. I (like Violette) ‘Don’t do beige! Anyway, I’m well pleased. The dark worktops make a good contrast with food that I prepare so I can see so much better without straining my eyes and knocking things off worktops that I haven’t seem (always good for a laugh) . The photos and this blog entry are for my mum really as she’s unlikely to see the kitchen anytime in the near future.

Anyway, I digress... this is what it looks like now!

I was dreading the whole upheaval of the new kitchen and really thought it would be a mammoth task, but I’m sure you’ll agree, it was worth waiting for.

Flogging Blogging

Sometimes I wonder why I blog. Whose benefit am I doing this for? Then I look back over the last 2 and ½ years I’ve used it and it takes me back to my memories of childhood where I actually kept a diary. I’ve always liked writing….. and I suppose not being ‘Arty’ calligraphy and lettering was a way to express my creativity without feeling useless. I can’t draw….. well not to any great degree and certainly even less so now I have no centre vision. Through the words I commit to paper I am expressing a part of me, part of my inner most core. Words of hope, joy, aspirations…..
I know through past experience that if I was to start and actual ‘diary’ I probably would have given up after a couple of months, then left it so long that after a couple more months of non entry it would have seemed like a waste of time.
I try to be honest in my Blog…sometimes too honest. We leave ourselves wide open for judgement, criticism and sometimes don’t think before we post. Yet there’s something quite special about Blogging. Through out writing, we are sharing our souls…. Our joys and our sorrows, our excitement and pain. We’re not really sure whether anyone is going to read it, but it matters not a jot. In some ways it relives us of our inner voice, whether that voice is telling us something we want to know or not. It’s comforting when people comment because they find something funny and humorous or just that you have touched something within themselves that they can identify with. Somehow it feels safe… like telling stuff to your closest friend…. But most of these friends we will never meet. However, they still pop by to see how you are and show their support and that they care. They comfort you and tell you….no you’re not going mad because of your crazy thoughts….but then add but there again if you are, well that makes to of us!

I Blog about my work, my spirituality, my pets, my love life (ok not in any great detail but something’s are best left to the imagination – lol) I talk about my fears and my travels….oh yeah and mundane stuff like my new kitchen (you’d think I was the first to get one!). Overall I blog to share, to inspire people to create, to touch another human being, to share information and interesting links of something that’s caught my eye or even just to get something off my chest. Blogs build up a network of like minded people that would otherwise never have met.
I ramble on and wonder why people can even be bothered to read some of the crap I write, but still they return. I have had almost 9,000 visitors now….9,000! Can you believe that I write anything that is really that important as to attract people to read my stuff…. Sheesh! It blows me away!
Anyway, I have another night on my own. I’ve had a bust few weeks, so I’ll be blogging like mad tonight probably just to catch up….if for no other reason than to record my life….. for myself and anyone else who’s bored enough to read it. Lol.
With love, light and bright blessings,
Sue xxx

Improve Everywhere I'm like a don't see me for what seems like for ever then I post frantically one after the other.....but I was just checking a well known Druids blog and just HAD to pass this on.
If your day is going bad and find it difficult to raise a smile or even just for that feel good factor CLICK HERE and see what a group of folk are doing to raise those smiles. I KNOW you WILL love it!

And if you want to see more go to

Monday, March 17, 2008

What I think will happen in 2012 (Long warning!)

Ok, I’m the first to admit I have some rather weird, wacky and way out, unconventional ideas about life and the #way it is’. I want to be that person who believes life is fantastic and live I a more positive frame of mind. I suppose my fear is that by trying to put the world to right I come over sometimes as a negative person, but I think this negativity is more frustration at the way the would ‘could be’ if only people would speak out and be counted.

For many years now I have looked at all types of spiritual paths and learnt a great deal from them all. I’ve always searched for a path that would fit me 100% or course now older and wiser I realise that I am a unique human being and there is no one out there quite like me….Thank God I hear you say! Lol.

I ‘know’ that pared down to basics there is very little I want or need in life. I balk at materialism and the social trapping that society gets itself into.
Over the last 9 months I have learnt more about myself than I ever thought possible. Like I’m on some sort of spiritual quest that is like a rollercoaster and I feel a real sense of urgency to put everything I know and have learnt in order and clarify once again just who I am and where I am coming from and indeed where I am going.

Do I think the world will end in 2012?
No. But it will be the end of things as we know it and I truly believe that we (we being those on an alternative – no materialistic path) We are growing in numbers and being more and more enlightened every help those who have not being looking with wide open eyes what is happening all around them. I have blogged in the past about how fast technology is moving and ‘we’ as a society get sucked in to thinking that we ‘need’ this or that…..for fear of looking impoverished or behind the times. There is no doubt that there is huge energy shifts at the moment, not only myself but friends and bloggers all over the world (those in the know) feel it too. One minute you can be all calm and relaxed..... next minute fear and anxiety, or thigs just feeling very doom and gloom, then as quickly as it started it goes away. This can take place over minutes, hours or a couple of days.

What I see is a world where there is no longer a sense of community, no pulling together, people hardly know their neighbours any more! Familys have been moved around in order to get work. People are in debt because it was so easy to gain credit and so HAVE to both go out to work while someone else brings up your kids.
When my son was at school I was expected to help him with his homework and as far as I know this still happens in schools…errrr is it me or what? So, Mother comes in at 6 o’clock at night, makes a meal, everyone sits down to eat at 7, then there’s the pots to clear away …Oh yeah and help the kids with their homework! After you have been up since 7am and got the kids ready for school then done a days work and perhaps shopped on your way home…..Hmmmmm Fantastic.
On many occasions I throw my arms up in despair and wonder if the whole worlds gone mad (Glastonbury Residents excluded – lol)

Anyway…I just want to post something below that I wrote a week ago but thought it may be too controversial for my blog so was undecided on whether to post or not….decided to sit on it….and also didn’t finish it….so excuse me if it makes no sense……but here goes……

I’m not sure whether or not this will ever reach my public blog or not, II suppose I have a fear of people thinking I’m mad or have lost the plot….perhaps I am and have! …but feel that there is some sense of urgency to get down in writing what I have to say….for what reason I’ve no idea! But here goes…..

For quite some time now I have had weird and powerful feelings. These have ranged from the most terrible fear and despair to great feelings of elation and excitement, I must stress here that these feeling aren’t for me and my future but the way the world is going. I suppose being an artistic creative type that sort of fits in with what I do. But somehow, and I can’t explain why, I feel it is far more than that.

The world is changing at a rapid rate. I feel we are all puppets on a string and no one wants to stand up and be counted, yet ‘we’ the ones who are spiritually developed are coming together, closer and closer and there can be no denying that there is a growing number of people on this path.
We as a society are divided between the ones that are asleep, the ones that are stirring gently and then falling back asleep again and those that are fully awake, open and receptive.
There is a huge variety of spiritual paths and belief systems to follow but ultimately it matters not a jot as to which one you’re on…’s how you see and treat your fellow man that will be needed.

The governments need cash flow in the economy in order to gain taxes to fund their spending. If people don’t spend the governments don’t make money….simple as that. After the Thatcher days and when people were relatively still quite badly off this New Labour Government came in and reduced interest which made borrowing money easier than ever before. We began to see that we could have anything and everything we wanted…we didn’t need to wait any longer. Take out a load or buy now pay later, bombarded with credit cards, store cards, cheap mortgages…..Oh I could go on for ever. The more money we borrowed, the more we had to work, a few rises in interest rates and yikes have to work some more…and more and more….
So instead of mothers doing what they do best and having a ‘choice’ that had to leave the care and control of their children to others and also go out and get a job. Now forgive me if I’m a bit off track here, but it seems to me that if the women were at home the kids would have a better upbringing and have a sense of family values and there would be more work for the men that want to work.
Anyway, I digress…..all this had led to people valuing objects money and materialistic things over friendship, community and people skills. What ever happened to the neighbour who used to pop in to make sure the poor pensioner on the end of the block was ok? What happened to the friend who you could ring any time of the day or night if you had an emergency or just needed to chat? What happened to the person who walked past you and said hello as you walked to the shops….just to bring a smile to your face? What happened to the parents that used to play in the street with their kids…joined by other kids and parents? There all bloody working to pay off their debts that’s what!
It’s now the norm to work your arse off to fill the pockets and some fat cat director who does little more than that…DIRECT! While the rest of us slavishly come home late at night, weary and with the worries of the world on our shoulders and because we are so tired we have little time to think…..perhaps that’s the idea!

It’s not rocket science that somehow, somewhere the light will go on. People are already realising that material wealth and objects somehow still leaves a gap in their happiness. They feel unfulfilled. Eventually the light has to go on. People just have to realise what’s really real and who’s pulling the strings here. I can’t believe that we haven’t had a revolution yet. FREE TIME TO ENJOY LIFE CANNOT BE BOUGHT! Once the time has been spent, whether at work or play….it’s gone forever!

I’m not sure what’s going to happen in the year 2012 but what I am sure about is that people slowly but surely are waking up. They are being shown the way by those who have seen it coming. Whether or not they want to listen is a matter of choice. We will be there for them when they do.
Perhaps the big bang is going to happen sooner rather that later. It’s only people WITH money that have it in the bank, those without HAVE NOWT, I have the most dreadful feeling that the banks are going to crash and money will be lost….on a really Big scale. Therefore, people with money (large companies included) who think they have it all could very well have very little. For the first time since the World Wars, people will be on a more level pegging and will ‘have to; come together’. I wonder if those people who looked down on the less materialistic or less wealthy would be so quick to judge then? Hmmmm somehow I just know the ones who will be the most resourceful and least affected by this change.
Is you money safe? Not long ago Northern Rock almost went bust….just what if a large American Bank had a crash and it affected ALL the high street banks…. I really do wonder how safe people would feel then.

Oppppsss....A bit of a prediction there me thinks!
Just tonight, this crash HIT THE NEWS
Now I really MUSt learn to post things when they come into my mind and NOT leave them for fear of being seen a freak with totally weird and onconventional ideas! Either that or keep my BIg Fat mouth firmy shut!

Now that IS weird!

Have a history teacher
explain this-----
if they can.
Abraham Lincoln was elected to Congress in 1846.
John F. Kennedy was elected to Congress in 1946.
Abraham Lincoln was elected President in 1860
. John F. Kennedy was elected President in 1960.
Both were particularly concerned with civil rights.
Both wives lost their children while living in the White House.
Both Presidents were shot on a Friday.
Both Presidents were shot in the head & in broad daylight

Now it gets really weird.
Lincoln 's secretary was named Kennedy.
Kennedy's Secretary was named Lincoln.
Both were assassinated by Southerners.
Both were succeeded by Southerners named Johnson.
Andrew Johnson, who succeeded Lincoln, was born in 1808.
Lyndon Johnson, who succeeded Kennedy, was born in 1908.
John Wilkes Booth, who assassinated Lincoln, was born in 1839.
Lee Harvey Oswald, who as sassinated Kennedy, was born in 1939.
Both assassins were known by their three names.
Both names are composed of fifteen letters.
Now hang on to your seat.
Lincoln was shot at the theater named 'Ford.'
Kennedy was shot in a car called ' Lincoln' made by 'Ford.'
Lincoln was shot in a theater
and his assassin ran and hid in a warehouse.
Kennedy was shot from a warehouse
and his assassin ran and hid in a theater.
Booth and Oswald were assassinated before their trials.
And here's the real historical kicker ...
A week before Lincoln was shot, he was in Monroe, Maryland
A week before Kennedy was shot,
he was allegedly IN Marilyn Monroe.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Free Hugs

Because I'm that sort of person and don't have a problem with this....I want to spread the word and can't think of a better way to put it than this com/watch? v=vr3x_RRJdd4 Click on the link.....I just know that you will LURVE it!

Love and hugs and brightest blessings,
Sue xxx

Monday, March 10, 2008

2012 - The End of the World Is NOT Nigh!

As an avid listener to Glastonbury Radio and in particular Ross Hemsworths show 'Now That's Weird' I am happy to carry out Ross's request. I ask that before you poo poo this, you may like to do a little research of your own. Like Ross's up to you. Ross is a well respected Author, TV and Radio presenter and was a total sceptic on all things paranormal...until he started to research it! lol.
With love light and blessings,

The following is posted directly from the email Ross sent me....

PLEASE read this very carefully.....Many times in the past, so called "prophets" have warned of the end of the world and the "end times" only to see those times pass without any noticeable effect on mankind, and once again the "sooth-sayers" are predicting the end of the world for 2012 in line with the predictions of the Mayan calendar. This time it may be different......Now whilst this time time around something big IS likely to happen, I personally do not see this as the "end times" but the chance of a new beginning!My channels tell me that as a "Planet of choice" we have free will to decide our own destinies, and every now and again we are given the opportunity to rise to the higher planes, or return back to the endless cycle of reincarnations in the human form, and 2012 represents our best chance yet to make that jump to those higher planes.To take that leap - we must get the message out to the masses that this is a time for change (no small task!) and that some serious work is needed to rid the world of wars, hatred, anger, greed and make that progression as a race. Impossible you say? No actually it ISN'T!My travels around the world have shown me that now as never before, people are opening up and listening, and more and more people are following this exciting new course and finding happiness and contentment. I mean given the choice of this or going back and living your human lives over and over again facing the same battles, dilemnas and pain, which would YOU choose?I would ask that you copy and paste this blog and send it to 10 of your friends, and ask them to do the same - to spread this word worldwide, and let each individual KNOW what is happening and give them the free choice to decide whether they want to progress and evolve or stagnate!The governments of the world are pushing us towards globalisation, control by debt and a police state, and false-flag operations such as 9/11 and a massive future "alien event" - and as Ian Crane recently said in one of his lectures "after the World Trade Centre we were fooled once, but will we be fooled TWICE?" Some call this the New World Order and maybe they are right - but we have the power to accept or refuse what is being forced upon us.Peak oil? If oil was THAT low wouldn't we be on rationing by now? Would they be extending airports if there was no fuel for the planes? Wake up and smell the asparthame!! You are being CONNED by your governments every day and NOW is the time to yell the WAKE UP CALL!You may think I am mad sending out a message like this and if 2013 arrives without consequence, then you can tell me so - but are YOU willing to take a chance? I believe I have enough evidence now to certiainly convince ME and I shall be acting on it. Whether you do so is again a matter of free choice.So please - send this on to ten friends (no spamming please!) and let each and every individual make up their own minds.Together we CAN make a difference.
Ross Hemsworth


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