Sunday, May 9, 2010

Still There

This is how Weston feels about STILL being in the hospital. Actually it is how I feel about him still being there.

(How cute is his little hospital gown?)

Yes, he's still there. They haven't been able to confirm any viral meningitis which means they are treating him for bacterial meningitis with 14 days of IV antibiotics. Poor guy had to have a PICC line put in because of how fragile his veins are at this age. He is actually handling everything amazingly well. He is a very sweet baby and all the nurses Love him. My mom ended up staying way longer than expected to help out with Jace and help spend some time with Weston at the hospital. I hate him being alone there, so we are all taking turns staying with him. We all look forward to him coming home soon.

Sunday, May 2, 2010


Weston is 3 weeks old. He's had a rough few weeks. Last week he was admitted into the Nicu at St. Luke's Sugar Land with a fever and had the work up done to determine what was causing it. After days of antibiotics and Tylenol he was released Tuesday with the assumption he had caught a virus and was better. He did well at home for a few days and then Friday he started acting the same way he had the week before. He was irritable, extremely sleepy, not eating great, and slowly the fever returned as I took his temp prob. 20 times that day. Back we went to the ER, this time at Texas Children's hospital, when his fever continued climbing. That was round 6pm Friday night. From then until 4 am Saturday morning he had the same tests done along with many others. Another spinal tap was performed and this time his white cell count came back elevated. Indicating either viral or bacterial meningitis. He was admitted into the Level 2 Nicu early that morning. We are still waiting on more results but so far we don't have a lot of answers. Unless a viral test comes back positive over the next few days, they are pretty certain due to the levels in his spinal fluid it is bacterial. We are beyond frustrated, but with as tiny as he is, we can't risk anything at point. With bacterial meningitis, he has to have 14 full days of antibiotic treatment, which means we'll be here in the Nicu for another 10 days. Please keep us in your prayers.