Friday, July 31, 2009


This week has been busy. Sometimes I feel so bad pulling Jace here and there as I get all that I need to done. So I decided to take him to the Zoo, just he and I. It was so great. I could let him choose what to do and where to go all morning, and it was so pleasant. Jace loves this seal. Here he is trying to put his baseball cap on him.
Big hugs!

Riding the carousel. Sometimes he loves it and sometimes he doesn't.
Like I said, he chose what he did that day and this day he chose to play in the splash park with full clothes on. I didn't come prepared with a change of clothes for him so thankfully the sun was out, ready to dry him off.
All finished and soaked from the water.
We always love the cows.
We spent just a split second petting the goats.....
.....and most of our time climbing on these.
Gopher Jace

Hanging on the slides. (Favorite picture of the day.)

This is my newest picture that I will duplicate each time we go to the zoo now. He is old enough now to stay there and understands to put his arms out and hold them there.
Our "regular" nest picture! He chose to sit ON the eggs this time.
I asked Jace what is favorite thing was at the zoo and he said "the elephants and the giraffes and the tigers." (We didn't see tigers.)
Crazy how big giraffes are.
We had lots of fun and look forward to our next "Date" together. He is growing up and even though I love seeing all the things he is learning, it is so sad in so many ways. Lately I just want to capture and remember every moment because I feel like it is all slipping by.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Whew, the last few weeks have been pretty crazy. We've had lots going on with friends, church stuff, and lots of other things. My friend Stephanie was due to have her baby any day so Marci came down from Katy so we could all got together to chat and let the kids play one more time.

We had a Ladies Night with a lot of girls from my ward or used to be in my ward. Always love girl talk!
Me and a few of my friends through a baby shower for another friend. I made these little cake balls for dessert and some decoration. I came across the idea on the website Bakerella and instantly LOVED them. I've been making them for a while now, but I really loved how these turned out. They takes a lot of work, but are pretty easy to do. Check out the website.

We've been spending so much time together as a family lately too, and I've loved it. Park time is always Jace's favorite.
I love this picture.
Playing basketball with Dad.
Pretending to be Annie.
Hilarious hair one night after bath time.

So sweet.
I am usually so good at taking pictures to document just about everything, but I've slacked lately. I'll do better.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Museum~Movie~Pool~4th of July

Last week we hung out with friends almost every day. I accomplished hardly anything productive at all. We had lots of fun though. On Tuesday, my friend Tara had put together an outing to the Children's Museum. We rode in her car to the museum and Jace and her little girl Kasiana got to watch a show in the back seat. They each had a set of these headphones to wear and I thought they looked so cute. Neither of them made a peep the whole car ride.

Loved milking the cow.
Driving together.
Many important conversations.
They made sure to cool off outside by dipping their heads in the play area.
They are so funny together. The do whatever the other is doing and laugh all the time.
Then Wednesday I decided to take Jace to his first movie, and Tara and Kasiana came too. Our movie theater does kids movies on Wednesday mornings for the summer and it only costs $1. We saw Madagascar 2. He was pretty good at first, but got a little restless by the end. I think he did amazing except for I am not sure the ladies in front of us appreciated the kids touching her a few times. Here he is waiting for the show to start holding his ticket.
Special Movie Treats.
They insisted on sharing a chair for a lot of the movie. His face cracks me up.
Some pictures taken outside the Theater before we headed over to play at the mall for a while.

Friday we headed to the pool with my friend from Katy and Tara again. I hardly took any pictures but we all got Lots of Sun.

Then for the 4th we hung out with the Fitzgibbons which was so fun as always. Here are Ashley and Jace devouring lots of watermelon.
After dinner and hanging out at our house, we headed over to the park for fireworks. Jace and Ashely were so good. They ate lots of snacks, played together, and danced to the music.

With all the fun we had last week, it is hard to get focused and responsible this week like I need to be.