Monday, November 24, 2008

From Happy to Hysterical

Look how happy he is. Jace loves suckers more than anything. My cute friend Mckell gave Jace a big bag of suckers when we were there last week because she knows he loves them so much. He'll do anything for a sucker, including sitting at the table doing nothing but "licking it" as Jace says.

He's all smiles when he has a sucker in his hand.

I never expected to hear cries and screams minutes later. I ran to see what possibly could have happened. This is what I found.....
She stole it and ran out the back door that I had open. She did not want to give it up. Don't worry, that sucker went in the garbage and Jace got a new one.
When Jace looks at the pictures now, he laughs.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Twilight Movie Craziness

Yep, last night, went to the midnight showing of Twilight. I can't believe I was able to stay awake all night, that is a big feat for me. The best part about going to a midnight showing is being able to act like fools and not feel too stupid because everyone else is too. We made a whole night out of this Twilight Experience. First Stephanie and I drove to to Katy and hung out with Mckell for a while before driving over to Emily's house to make our matching shirts. Actually Mckell designed them all for us and made both mine and Steph's while we were at her house. The we colored in the hearts and wrote individual sayings on the back of our shirts. This is Shannon (I didn't know her before last night), me and Mckell.
Emily, me, Marci and Leighanna working on our shirts.
Here is what the front of all of them looked like: I love Edward Cullen. Except for Emily who likes Jacob so hers read: I love Jacob Black (or I heart JB).
Here are the back of them saying starting left to right:
I'd Rather be in Forks
Bite Me
Bite Me (Edward only Please)
Sorry, I've Already Imprinted
I'm only here for the Volvo
Mckell, ran out of time to write hers
And mine said, This Bella married her Edward
After making shirts and taking way too long goofing around, we were going to go eat at La Madeline. But by now it was 9:45 and it closes at 10:00 so we had to settle for Taco Bell instead. Emily drove us and was pretending to drive like Edward the whole time...she was hilarious. She insisted on driving her husbands Lexus, so we could pretend we were in Edward's Volvo the entire night. I was super impressed with all the girls knowledge of the Twilight Series. The knew so many details, and it made the night so fun.
Emily and Marci in the front seat.
Stephanie, Mckell and I in back.
It was FREEZING standing in line. We thought by getting there 2 hours early we were doing good. Little did we know the entire teenage girl population of Houston was going to be there too. We should have known. We had a fun time being part of the "older group" there and still showing our spirit with our shirts. Don't we look so cute. Great design Mckell.
Huddling together eating our Taco Bell, while our insides shivered uncontrollably. Soon after we took this picture the line started moving and they let us inside so we could spend the next hour and a half waiting in the theater.
As an avid people watcher, this was quite the location to be.
Still was fun to chat and get to know everyone I didn't know better and to catch up with Mckell and Marci.
After the movie, five of us headed over to Denny's at 2:30 in the morning to discuss our likes and dislikes of the show. We were full of energy and being the least knowledgeable about the books, I learned a lot and loved hearing all their insight.
My feelings about the First Twilight Movie: (don't read this until you've see the movie, IF you are planning on going to see it)
*I was lucky enough to have seen a picture of the trailer for the movie before beginning the book. Therefore, the person they cast Edward as fit the character for me. I REALLY liked him and thought he was perfect for the part, minus a few complaints.
1. I pictured him much more Marble-esque. Wasn't he supposed to be strong and non-hairy.
2. The book also describes him as gliding when he walks. This Edward was quite awkward to watch at times because of his strange stances. I never thought he glided like he should and like I wanted him to. He was beautiful though.
3. I also wanted him to react a bit more when he was around Bella. He did in the Biology lab, but that was just bad and awkward. Throughout the rest of the movie, I was waiting for him to have much harder time being around her, but they didn't depict that.
4. Oh yeah, one more that I'll talk about. The fight in the dance studio bugged me too when he sucked her blood, you'll see why.
5. I just remembered another one, the shimmering part when he steps in the meadow=very disappointing.
I was probably the least invested in the show because I have yet to finish the series, so going into it I wasn't expecting a lot especially since the book was so good I knew they couldn't compete. I wouldn't say I loved the show, but I was definitely entertained. I guess I just wish they would have made it into the next 6 hour cinema like Pride and Prejudice. I would have gladly watched the entire thing. I left this movie wanting so much more than I got, but still thought it was okay...Not Great.
I am going to cheat and tell you to look at Marci's blog for the rest of my movie review. I think she says a lot of good things and I agree with her assessment. Overall, it was a great night and I didn't get home until 4:30 am this morning and Jace woke up at 6:30 and barely napped today. He's sick. I'm ready for bed and it's only 8:00pm.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Two Twin Sisters

Go back in time with me for a moment. Almost 16 years ago I was entering Junior High at Evergreen Elementary. I remember being scared to start school because we had just moved back from Phoenix and didn't know anyone. My shy personality didn't help much. I don't remember everything from Junior High but I do remember some things. Within the first week, I found out there was another set of girl twins in our same grade, the Simmons. We had classes together but for the most part hung out with different crowds. At the end of eighth grade, it was time for Student Body and Cheerleader tryouts. The Simmons were trying out for cheerleader and I remember one of them telling us we should try out too so there could be two sets of twins on the squad. Anyone who knows anything about Andrea and I, would laugh at the thought of us trying out. Two very subconscious girls with little or no coordination would not be considered cheerleader material. They ended up making it and life when on as usual. I hardly remember anything about them at Olympus High School besides passing them in the hall. In fact, I barely remember doing that.

Fast forward those 16 years to the present. A month or two ago, I got a message on FACEBOOK asking me if I remembered Michelle Simmons. I then found out she had just moved to Katy, TX. Small world. We got in contact over facebook and finally last week we got together. We had a great time catching up and pretty much getting to know each other since we really didn't before. We went to lunch and then just hung out all day. She has 3 kids and is a super cute mom to them. It was fun to talk about everyone else we knew too including our twin sisters. We had a lot of fun talking and look forward to getting together again soon.
We took this picture ourselves with the timer on our camera's. Aren't you impressed with how centered we got it. (It only took us a 100 tries.)

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Bathtime Fun and The Bills Tonight

Tonight we had fun playing and...

....singing lots of songs in the bath. I love his little voice. In fact it is 9:20 pm and he is still in his bed singing Hot Cross Buns over and over again.
I Am a Child of God
Hot Cross Buns

I Am a Child of God, again

Friday, November 7, 2008

Remember LAST Year...

When Jace fit IN a Pumpkin

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Can't Forget This Story

I forgot to include the most important story of the least to me.

I was putting Jace down for a nap at my mom's house. (He did quite well sleeping at different places this trip I must say.) We have a little ritual that I hold him and rock him, while singing him a few songs and then I say, "Do you want to get in your bed?" and he says, "Bed." Then I stand up and he gives me a hug and kiss and I put him in bed. Once he is laying down I say, "Are you ok?" and he usually says, "Ok." And I tell him I love him and Night Night. Sometimes I ask him to say "love you" to Daddy when I am taking him to bed or just so I can hear it. This day in particular I said, "Love you buddy" and he took his binky out and said, "Love you Mommy". I melted. I wanted to pick him back up and squeeze him and love him forever. Instead I told him I loved him a hundred more times and ran out to tell my mom what happened. Thankfully she was just excited as I. I love my little guy so much.

The rest of the Week

Sunday Morning I went to Church with my Dad and Anne to listen to my Dad speak, then later in the day I went to RS with my mom and Andrea. The teacher was hilarious and gave such a good lesson. That evening we had a big Birthday party at my mom and Russ' for all the October Birthday's: Craig (brother in law), Isaac (nephew), and Ezra (brother in law). When everyone gets together there are a lot of people and it was so fun to see everyone. Cute little Em here on the left ready to pop. More on that later.
I think Jace was overwhelmed with how many people were around and wanting to touch him and play with him.

Look how tired he looks.
Monday we spent time at my mom's house some more and Jace had a great time with Grandma Brown. He adores her and responds to her more than anyone. He laughs and giggles with her, talks to her, reads with her, and has snacks with her. The minute we arrived at their house he went right into her room to play. He would pull out "his table" and crayons ready to be entertained. That night enjoyed watching Dancing with the Starts in her room and even got up to dance some.
My family and I love playing all types of games. Monday night we played Runs and Sets for quite a while (kind of like Phase 10). I miss playing games like I do at home. Anyone in Houston a card game fan, let me know. As rare as it is to find vegetables in Jace's mouth, it is just as rare to find Jace content sitting on one's lap unless it is mommy or daddy late at night. Jace was tired, as it was getting way past his bed time and he brought his blanket over to Papa to help him play cards. He started pointing out "4" "6", etc. exposing Papa's great hand. You've gotta watch out for that Jace.
Tuesday I was able to go to lunch with my friend Angie. I haven't seen her in forever and it felt like old times.. Tuesday night we spent over at J's mom's with is family. We usually stay there so it was different to have to plan times to visit this time. Nana Chris bought Jace some trucks and a car track. He loved it. He also loved Belle's pony's and other toys. I think it is cute they are both sitting the same way.
Wednesday, my parents gave us tickets to the Utah Jazz Opening Game. J is the biggest Jazz fan ever and we had such a great time while Grandpa and Grandma Lowe watch Jace. Thankfully he was super good for them. Jace called all of his Grandma's...Grandpa. He couldn't get that concept yet so we tried calling them Grammy and he did much better, but usually reverted back to Grandpa by default.
We, the Jazz, have so many good players this year. I had such a fun time people watching and staring at the players who were only six rows in front of us. Love you Dad and Anne. Thanks for the fun night.
Thursday we had more fun over at my mom's house. Again, there was lots of time spent in Grandma Brown's (my step dad's mom) room. This time he got to play with his cousin Katie too. She was the cutest little Southern Bell for Halloween. That night we celebrated my Dad's birthday and nephew Isaac's birthday again. That night Jace learned how to sing Happy Birthday. He sings Happy Birthday all day randomly now. I'll need to get it on video.Friday....was Halloween. We had so much fun. That morning we went over to J's sister Lindsay's to see his Dad who had just come in town. Jace and I were able to meet his new girlfriend too.
Jace found Nixon's shoes and brought them over to try and put them on. Once we got them on, he put his arm under Nixon's shoulder and told him to, "Get up". Come on Nixon get up, you have your shoes on now. He just wanted to play with him.
After that we went over to my mom's and he played out in the leaves with Grandma Brown. He came in with 2 big leaves for my mom, Nana. She told me yesterday she still has them on her table.

Then Jace looked at pictures on Grandma's camera for quite some time.
Tangent: My mom had these witches and pumpkins all over her house for decorations. Some of them had scary faces and Jace was terrified of them at the beginning of the week. When he'd act scared I told him, "Isn't that a silly witch or a silly pumpkin." Soon he caught on and instead of refusing to go over by them he would go right up to them, pick them up, and say, "Silly Pumpkin" or "Silly Witch" with the funniest scrunched up face. I'm glad he was able to see they weren't so bad.
Halloween Night we went over to J's mom's for homemade Chili (Awesome) and donuts. Jace was a golfer this year for Halloween. So fitting as the son of J. He even kept the cute hat on the entire time we trick or treated. He had to look at each piece of candy. Once I get more pictures (my camera died so I had to use Brynn's), I'll post them. He had so much fun trick-or-treating with Belle, the little Kitty.
Since she was the more experience trick-or-treater, she would run from house to house while Jace would yet from behind, "Belle....wait.". "Belle....come here." We all got a good laugh. Another story about the evening: Jace's costume was such a huge hit. We had a few families invite us in to show other people how cute he looked. Everyone loved it.
Belle-the kitty Nixon-the pirate Jace-the golfer
Jace is not all about group pictures and never has been, hence the reason I am in the picture.
J's Grandma and Grandpa showed up to the party all dressed up. Hilarious. These are the grandparents that make our Mexico trip possible every year.
Halloween afternoon, Emily my step sister was having some contractions. She ended up going to the hospital in the middle of the night just in time to deliver little Max. Great story here.
This is the 3rd Grandchild born while I have been visiting from Houston. I guess they all just want to meet me.
Right after I went to visit the baby in the hospital Saturday, we went back to J's mom's house. J had been asked by his sister Lindsay and her husband Tyler, to bless Nixon. Here is Jace with Papa Ken waiting for people to arrive.
Still waiting and passing the time playing on the stairs.
J gave such an amazing blessing to Nixon. He is such a sweet little guy. Right when the blessing began, Jace started talking. I even tried giving him his Binky and he talked right through it. So I put him in the kitchen coloring so I could try to listen. After it was over, I turned around to find him coloring his hands and his face and mouth. Love washable markers. Playing in the playhouse outside afterwards. Nixon went to sleep after the blessing. They placed him up on Nana's bed. When they went to check on him, their cat Chloe was resting on top of him. This picture is after he woke up and doesn't show the best view. Apparently she loves to sleep by him (or on him for that matter).
Sunday, the trip home. What a day. Luckily we gained an hour because of Daylight Savings. We woke Jace up to take him to the airport for our 8:00 am flight. We took off on time and got to Denver for our layover which was only supposed to be about 40-50 minutes. Oh wait.....we were delayed 3 hours. This is how we passed the time in the airport with a tired little man.
Talking on the pay phone for a while.
Riding the luggage.
Jace didn't sleep at all the second flight like I thought he would because he was exhausted. Just like his Daddy, he has to stay awake in case something happens. He crashed in the car on the way home though.
And the best part was none of us got sick while we were there! First time ever! Hurray!