Thursday, December 27, 2012

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

~First Blue~

All Jace wanted going in to this swim meet was a Blue Ribbon.  We won't be at the last meet next week so this was his last chance.  We all couldn't be happier that he pulled it off.  His swimming has improved amazingly since we began the season just 2 months ago.  I don't have official times yet, but one of the earliest times I have recorded for swimming the freestyle was around 48 seconds (mock meet).  Last night he swam it around 30 or 31 seconds.  Go Jace!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

~Astros Kids First Call~

A while back Jace got chosen to be the Astros Kids First Call boy meaning he got to call out to officially start the game.  At first J and I questioned whether he would do it or not, but he was excited from the moment we told him about it and did not show any hesitation at all.  He went out on the field with confidence and had the time of his life playing with the mascot and throwing balls to the crowd.  They gave him a new shirt and he wore it proudly.  Apparently they had a back up kid just in case Jace decided last minute it was too much because they said most kids of his age won't do it.  Jace did great!  It was so fun to watch him so excited out on the field and to feel so special holding his microphone.

Before heading onto the field.
 Got his shirt, when down through the tunnels and onto the field.
 Smiled the entire time.

 Except for when the mascot teased him too much he wasn't sure what to do. 
Throwing balls to the crowd.
 Getting briefed about what to do and when to do it....
Waiting for his cue....
   Such a fun experience for Jace and for our whole family to watch him.  Maybe he has a future holding a microphone....he sure does do it well.  

Thursday, May 24, 2012

~Swim Team 2012~

Jace started swim team on May 7.  I wasn't sure if I was going to start him this year or not, but we did and I am so happy with that decision.  Jace has improved so much in just a short time.  Even with missing an entire week of swim team due to sickness, he is swimming strong and gaining confidence.  Today was the first "Mock Meet" to get ready for the first real swim meet in a couple of weeks.  He was cool, calm and relaxed. He got up there and swam his race great!  Here are a few pictures of practice, warm up swim today and his first race (for time only).

Warm up Swim:

 Best Buddy Drew and Jace
 Lining up
 Cool and Calm
 Ready, Set, .......

Monday, April 30, 2012

~Weston 2 Years Old~

Wes, you turned 2 years old already!
You sure do keep us on our toes.
You are independent, stubborn, silly and loving all rolled into that little body.
At 2 years old you love all things Curious George, except you want nothing to do with your stuffed George.
We can get you to do anything if we promise you that you can watch "George".
While you watch George, you ALWAYS ask for a Green Smoothie.
Your mommy loves this about you.
You finish your smoothie quickly and always ask for more.
You are awesome at talking and can say anything we ask you to.
However, you refuse to show off for anyone.
You definitely have a shyness to you when others are around that you are unsure of.
Your favorite foods are all things meat, especially chicken and "nuggets".
You will eat most things.
The doctor said you are very tall and skinny.
You use the word "Noi" very often, and none of us know what it means.
At 2 years old you are still a wonderful sleeper.  
We "lost" your binky last week and you are doing quite well adjusting.
You love doing everything your brother is doing including playing legos, sword fighting, and shooting basketballs.
When you cry, you have a scream that reaches decibels no one expects.
Every day you ask and pretend you are going to church.  You love your nursery class.  
You never want to leave when I come pick you up.
Pretending to cook and eat food makes you so happy.
You are obsessed with keys, cards (old cc), and coupons (any small peice of paper).
You don't like bananas.
You love most dogs, but are scared of all other animals.
I love how you say the word carrot = cayyot.
You call fire trucks "wheo wheo"'s.  
Most kids get ornery at night, you are ornery in the morning and are the happiest child ever in the evenings.
At 2 years old you are understandably stubborn, but can also be very sweet.
You love to sit right next to us.
And you repeatedly look up to see who is sitting by you and say, "Hi mommy" or "Hi, daddy".  
When I tell you to say sorry to someone, you say, "Ok Mommy".
At night when we put you to bed, you don't want songs anymore, you say "Talk", which means you wants us to sit and talk to you and ask you questions.
You hit and taunt your brother Jace, but will quickly apologize when told to.
You love to swim and be underwater.  You will jump in over and over again.
Weston we love you so much.
Your silliness, sweetness, and stubbornness makes our family that much more wonderful.
Can't wait for all of the happiness you'll bring this year!

Monday, January 23, 2012

~5 Years Old~

Jace you turned 5 years old on me.
I don’t know how this happened. Some days I look at you like I don’t know who you really are because you are so old.
At 5 years old your life consists of all things LEGOS.
You will play legos by yourself for hours each day.
When you aren’t playing, thinking about, or talking about your legos, you are talking about Scooby Doo and Ninjas.
Scooby Doo makes you laugh every time.
You are such a good boy and make really good choices most of the time.
You are also very quick to make sure Weston is making good choices too, and if he isn’t I am sure to hear about it.
Your favorite foods today at 5 years old are pickles and shredded wheat….thankfully not at the same time.
You finally enjoy riding your bike all over the place.
Jace, you never forget to say a prayer at mealtimes.
You are also very quick to say prayers when you are scared about something. I love this.
At 5 years old you are 45 pounds and 45 inches tall.
You are growing out of your clothes so fast.
You wake up immediately asking for breakfast and go to bed thinking about eating breakfast the next morning.
You are still an excellent and very deep sleeper.
You have a great sense of humor and love to laugh.
You don’t like to dance, and really can’t figure out how to anyway and that is okay.
You love puzzles and are very good at them.
You love playing Mario on the DS and are getting better by the day.
You still love your white blanky, but have become obsessed with a little white stuffed dog you’ve name Jeeb.
Jeeb is a new member of our family and you talk about him and include him all day every day.
You are very expressive and have a vocabulary that surprises me.
At 5 years old you love writing your letters and are starting to sound out words.
You show me how fast you can run daily.
You are a perfectionist and get down on yourself easy if you can’t do something.
You’ll drink a green smoothie and eat your vegetables because you believe they will make you faster and better at sports.
You think that having a big tummy means you are bigger and stronger, so you push it out to show us after your meals.
You use the phrases “years ago” and “when I was a little kid” all the time.
You play basketball with dad every night.
You are a professional Sulker, but thankfully you get over things rather quickly.
You are sweeter than sweet.
You hold Weston’s hand in the car to help him stop crying.
You have a Love/Hate relationship with Weston. You love when he leaves your legos alone and hate when he bothers you while playing legos.
You will share any treat you have with anyone.
You are very independent and would rather play by yourself than play something that doesn’t interest you.
At 5 years old, you love soccer and tv.
You don’t like playing cars like you used to.
You love that you are old than Weston and get to teach him things. Today I heard you tell him, “Weston no hitting. Why are you such a mean boy. You should be nice like I am, like a grown up.”
You love to snuggle with me and I take all I can get.
We love you Jace and appreciate the sweetness and fun that you bring to our lives every day.
Happy 5th Birthday.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

~Still Four and One~

It seems like I haven't done anything with my blog in forever, but it hasn't been THAT long because the title of my last post was ~Four and One~ and my boys are still Four and One. Not for long, but still! More family pics to come.