Sunday, September 16, 2012

Super Moms!

I have been thinking a lot about a subject that worries a lot of us moms I'm sure. Probably the Stay-at-Home -moms more, but we women have a history of comparing ourselves to others, and wondering if we really measure up. But my question is, to what? There is always someone who does more, weighs less, has more patience, or a more organized home, juggles better, cooks healthier, manages time or money better.... so what are we really comparing?
In our old ward I often heard the phrase "you are like a Super Mom!" (I'm not bragging, just saying), to which I would laugh and think "YEAH RIGHT! If you only knew". In my eyes I was flailing about, just barely keeping my head above water, all the while watching other calm and collected moms handling (a much busier) life in a way that practically made my jaw drop. I watched moms juggle teenagers, husbands with demanding callings (not to mention anything about their own 2-5 callings which they held) toddlers, house work, sports, crafts, book club, and even major health difficulties, and they still found time to volunteer at their kids school twice a week. But when I would comment (or should I say compliment) them on the way they handled everything in stride they would often laugh out loud and say, "PLEASE!"
So as I (a so-called "Super Mom") compared myself to these "Super Moms", I found that we all have a lot in common and started feeling a little better about myself, realizing that if they too felt far from being the ideal "Super Mom", then maybe the real secret isn't too far off. Maybe, just maybe we are all "Super Moms" in our own way. 
We may not all have a spotless house, and clean-faced kids, but maybe we are good at reading our kids a bedtime story and snuggling with them at bed time. 
Maybe dinner isn't always home-baked and on the table at 5:30 sharp, but maybe we do take the time to volunteer in the classroom, or on the soccer field.
The laundry may only get done once a week, dishes once a day (if we are lucky), and date nights might be spent watching netflix while we try to mend clothes, or catch up on bills, but if that's what we sacrifice so we can help our kids with their homework, clean up the yard, or help someone in need, then so be it. No one said being a "Super Mom" was easy, maybe it is just the way we make it look easy that is key. Being a parent is difficult, time consuming, stressful and emotional, but yet we still do it, knowing that we are making a difference in someone's life. It is the things that we are doing as parents that can't be done by anyone else, and when our days fill up with all the little stuff that can consume us in a second or less, it is easy to lose sight of what is really important. But it usually doesn't take much to help us remember.... just a little "I love you Mom!" or even just their laughter can throw everything back into perspective. So whether our strength is in handling it all, or juggling just a few of the things that life throws at us, just remember that in someone's eyes, we really are a "Super Mom". Because without them, we wouldn't even be a mom... forget the super part.
So the next time someone compliments us on the way we handle something, or calls us a "Super Mom", we can smile and say thanks, because we, of all people deserve to feel good about the job we do. 

Monday, September 10, 2012


 Jarom has officially introduced me into a new phase of life. The School Phase. The phase filled with backpacks, books, homework, adventures and fun. As we were driving to school the first day Jarom told me, "my tummy feels funny, but I'm REALLY excited about school." I asked him if he was nervous and after a moment of thought he replied, "I don't know what that feels like, but I'm probably a little nervous.... and excited."
The truth is, after 3 weeks of school he still LOVES it! He is learning so much and has so much fun telling me everything that he does. I wish I could be a fly on the wall and watch him at school. Maybe it is because I worry about him and everything that I can no longer protect him from. I feel like I'm losing control of everything that I once believed I had control over; knowing that what he learns at home is no longer everything he learns, and that there are 17 1/2 hours every week that he is learning without me.
I love this kid! And I love how he has changed my life, over and over and over again.


We decided to go camping Friday afternoon since Thayne had a few days off between work and hunting. Sadly by the time we actually were ready to head off to a campsite it was 7:00 p.m. So we decided to go somewhere close.... as it really close... as in Beaver Dick Park close. But we discovered that camping is fun, whether it is a mile from home, or a hundred miles from home. 

 The kids had fun fishing with their dad when we woke up.
 Thayne even caught a small fish, and let Taysia help him reel it in. 

 It was a beautiful morning, and a fun way to spend the weekend.