Monday, January 25, 2010

Piggy tails

A picture is worth a thousand words.... this one is worth six-thousand!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

A new project, and a new favorite blog

When Jarom graduated into a big boy bed I made him this awesome quilt with trucks and cars, and... now I feel like it is a tradition that I want to keep going. So, even though Taysia is still perfectly content being in her crib, I decided to start working on one for her anyway. When I stumbled across this blog, I just had to share. They share all kinds of tutorials, have incredible material, and create stunning quilts.

Ignore the fact that it is not ironed, isn't laying flat, and that our room is a mess, also that it is a twin size quilt, laying on a queen size bed. I was just SO excited with how it is turning out, I couldn't resist taking a picture to share!
(and check out Piece N Quilt... after all, that is where I got the idea!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

A new calling...

As most of you know, I have been serving as the Miamaid adviser for the past seven months or so, and Thayne has been teaching the 10 year olds in primary for ... oh, about the same amount of time. We both LOVE our callings. It seems like that is what we say about every calling, but these callings just seemed to be going so well.

Last Sunday, our bishop called us into his office. At first I was thinking, I bet he is just wanting to know how things are going for us. then I realized that it was just a crazy thought, and more likely than not, he was going to give one of us a new calling. it had better not be me! It can't be. I haven't been in Young Women's long enough for them to realease me and give me a new calling.

Bishop visited with us for a few minutes, and after a while, he said, "We called you in here because we need to make some changes." (Of course he was looking at me when he said this.)

The only thing I could think of, was, not me! He can't release me! and then he said, "Sister Dawson..." and paused.

"Don't you dare release me from Young Women's!" It wasn't a threat, just more of a plea. Unfortunetly, it didn't work, and after a pause that felt like it lasted five minutes, he continued.

"We would like to call you as the new primary president."


This was the point where I started crying like a baby, and thinking about all the reasons why I shouldn't be the primary president; first, hello, I am barely 24 - in the top 5 youngest adult members of our ward without a doubt. - there are so many other members in the ward who have WAY more experience than I do! Why me? second, how could he release me from Young Womens? I felt like I was growing and learning so much! third, I am so disorganized, and the queen of procrastination. Wouldn't they prefer someone who is good at being one step ahead, and always on time? fourth, How in the world am I supposed to fulfill a calling this big with so much going on at home? all these things and a thousand more where going through my mind, but there were also good thoughts, you know the kind, you can do this. This is the perfect opportunity for you to grow. The Lord won't stretch you more than you can handle. The blessings that you will recieve will out weigh any struggles!...

As I accepted the call, I still couldn't help but wonder, why me, out of the hundreds of people in this ward, why me?

I cried the entire way through my lesson in Young Womens, and had to reassure the leaders that, no, I wasn't pregnant, just very emotional that day.

Throughout the rest of the week, I felt like all I did was pray. But I know now, that there is a reason why I was called to this calling that initially felt like it was far to big for a small person like me. - Not that I didn't believe that the call came from my Father in Heaven, but those prayers, and the comfort I received reassured me more than words can say!

Choosing my counselors was an experience that I won't forget. It is amazing to feel the inspiration that comes with a calling, and to feel the spirit work through you.

If you had asked me a week ago how I felt about this, I would have broke down and cried, and not known what to say. I felt so overwhelmed, and terrified. To be honest, I think I had my doubts of whether I could actually do it. But today, I feel so excited! I feel that if the Lord called me to serve in this area, then I know I can do it. I believe that my Heavenly Father knows me better than I know myself, and I trust that knowledge that he has. Somehow I know, that if this is where He wants me to serve, then this is where I need to be. I may be young, slightly immature, and a little disappointed about not being in young womens any more, but I believe in myself, and in this work that I am a part of, and I know that if I work at it, I can succede at feeling confident in this calling, and loving what I do.

I truly love the primary! I love being with these sweet spirits who strengthen me, and bear testimony just by their love, faith, and simple, unselfish acts. Although I am still scared to death : ) I know I can do this. What a wonderful opportunity this is for me to learn, grow, and teach these wonderful children. My counselors are awesome! I know that they will be great, and that together we can move forward in this wonderful work!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

the days keep moving forward...

There is a part of me that has been neglecting to post because I feel like there is nothing exciting to post about, but the truth is that it is ll those little exciting things that have kept me from posting... I've been busy!

(he is obsessed with these cap guns that he got for Christmas)

Jarom has taken a new intrest in doing "school work". He loves to work on things with me, like matching shapes, and counting, and coloring. His coloring has improved so much in the last little bit. Six months ago he would come home from nursery with an empty coloring page with one line through the middle of it. Now every part of his picture is colored, and he tells us all about it. I look forward each week to seeing what color mommy's hair will be. He also talks so well. I love the conversations that we have. It is amazing, the things that go through that mind of his!

(playing with Jarom... or should we call it taking over his dump truck?!)

Taysia runs everywhere now. She makes me laugh with her funny expressions. She also went crazy talking; these last two days she started saying, "want some", "no no", "amen", and "all done". I have a feeling that she will be a talker!!! Her other achievement is climbing! If she isn't playing with Jarom, she is on the table. I honestly think I take her down from that perch at least 15 times every day! She is such a pretty little thing, I can honestly say that I am scared to death for the day when she grows up and I have to worry about boys!

(So STINKIN' good looking!)

Thayne started school again January 5th. He was way more excited about the whole ordeal than I was. The week before, he would talk about the classes he was going to take, and how he was excited about this one, and dreading that one; I think the whole idea of him not working for six years helped him jump into the excitement of school and all that comes with it.
And then there was me; The entire week before (especially the end of that week) I was a moody, emotional mess (PMS was only part of it). Every time I thought about him going back to the books and everything, I would start crying again. The whole thoght of him being gone from 6:00 in the morning until 11:30 or 12:00 at night just wasn't all that exciting for me. I will admit that I am excited for him to continue school so that he can be done, but being a 'single mom' isn't exactly the funnest thing to anticipate.
You know what is funny though, the minute he started classes, I was ok. I think I worked myself up worrying, only to find out that really in the end I knew that this is where we need to be. This is what Thayne needs to be doing, and supporting him in school is what I need to be doing. Besides NEVER seeing him, it really isn't all that bad. I think he is stressed out, but I have a feeling that it will get better.
I know now more than ever that Heavenly Father looks out for us. He knows our needs, and provides. It seems like these times when I feel so alone, and so overwhelmed, that the realization of our Heavenly Father's love floods into my life, and somehow all my bad days don't seem so bad any more. He knows how much I can take, and he knows when I need reassurance. Sometimes I feel that I am living each day by faith, and yet it seems to be working. One thing I do know is that when I do everything that I can do, He makes up the rest. The peace I feel, the comfort I receive, the strength I am given, the understanding I find; it is all from Him, and I am thankful!