Friday, September 25, 2009

I don't want to miss a moment

I feel like my life is going in fast forward. Wasn't it just yesterday when I married my sweetheart, and promised to spend eternity being his best friend? And then we had Jarom. I wanted a baby so bad. I swore that when I had a baby I would try to be the best mom I could be, and not complain. Just when things were going perfect, they got even better. We were blessed with the baby girl that I had dreamed of having my whole life. Now I have a little boy who is growing faster than I ever thought he could, and in a matter of weeks my baby girl will be one. Somewhere between the sleepless nights, the tantrums and the baby teeth I seem to have lost track of the important things in this life. These phases, bad days, temper tantrums, and beautiful childhood moments are passing faster every day, and before I know it my babies are going to be all grown up; these days that I am going through will be nothing more than memories. I wonder how I will remember these times; will it be with fond and happy memories, or will I have regrets of not spending enough time and laughs with them. I wish I could somehow keep them little forever; keep them innocent and safe and perfect forever. I know that life is about progressing, but sometimes even the thought is enough to bring me to tears. Am I doing everything that I should be? Am I truly being the best that I am capable of being for them? I can be better; more patient, more understanding, more fun, more loving, more supportive, more like the mom that they deserve. I can always do better.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Copy Cat

It is crazy to me how kids go through these stages in life where they seem to drive you crazy doing that one thing over and over and over until you think you are going to loose it, and then, they move on to the next thing. Let me give you an example of what I mean. Jarom went through a phase where he wanted to do everything by himself (he is still very independent, but it seems to be a lot better now) You couldn't touch him, his food, his clothes, anything without him throwing a fit if he thought you had the slightest intentions of taking away any of his independence. But what do you do? He's 2! There is really only so much that a two year old can do all by himself. So I dealt with it. I did my best to help him help himself. And there was a ridiculous amount of tantrums thrown in the process. Just when I thought I couldn't take it any more. He got better, it kind of dissipated into.... him getting into the fridge. Every day, ten times a day. And yes, I locked it, but, unfortunately, one of the top ten, most annoying thing to have a child lock on, is in fact the fridge, and it was those times between the times that I locked it, that I would find eggs all over my kitchen floor, in the sand box, and in his dump truck. ( I don't know why it had to be eggs of all things.) Well, about the time I thought I would loose it for sure, he stopped getting into the fridge. Now, he simply copies EVERYTHING we do. Or anything that anyone else does for that matter. So, as I watch him join in a wrestling match with his uncles, or take over Thayne's tools while he is working, and try to move Thayne out of the way so he can work on the project, or even when I catch him drinking out of the milk carton, I just have to laugh, after all, it could be worse.

This however was NOT funny! He successfully dumped 5 bottles of lotion all over my carpet within two days - one of which was sunscreen.