Tuesday, October 28, 2008

It has been way too long since I last updated our blog, and even longer since I got around to posting pictures. I'm sorry. My only excuse is that I've been a slacker!!! I was looking at the last pictures of Jarom that I posted and couldn't believe how much he has grown up since then. Some of these pictures show it, but it is amazing how much he has changed and grown in ways that can't be captured by a camera. He is such a character, and keeps us laughing (as well as running after him and constantly telling him "no touch") Every day he provides me with atleast one moment where I cant help but feel so grateful that I am a mom and that I am able to experience these wonderfully precious moments of his life with him. I could never do it without Thayne by my side. Some days (like today for example) he is the only thing that keeps me from losing it. So thank you Thayne for being such a good sport and for stepping in when I need you most!!!
The pregnancy is going well, everything is right on track with where I should be, so hopefully it will continue that way. I also can't complain about how I am feeling, as I have really felt pretty good the whole time. my little belly sticks straight out, I think even more so than I did with Jarom, I definetly need to post a picture for the fun of it. We are thinking of naming our little girl Tasia (we're stil working on the middle name). I am having a blast dreaming in shades of pink and am so excited to do the whole dressing up thing that the mother of a little boy doesn't get to experience to the same degree.