Thursday, September 18, 2008


I only have a quick minute, so I'm not going to spend time uploading pictures right now. I am just over 26 weeks pregnant, and it feels like the time is dragging by. (It never seemed to go this slow with Jarom.) We found out about six weeks ago that our lives were going to be changed by a little girl... not another boy. I've had a feeling that it was a girl the whole time, but part of me just thought it was wishful thinking. There was some concern when the ultra sound was performed that there might be fluid around her heart, but after a visit to the perinatoligist they confirmed that her heart looks great, however I am going in for another ultrasound on the the first of October so they can do an Echo on her heart to confirm that everything still looks good. They also discovered during the ultrasound that instead of her umbilical cord having one vein and two arteries, she only has one vein and one artery. What does this mean? It isn't as uncommon as you would think, however there are some risks that the doctors worry about. 90% of babys born with a "2 cord" are perfectly normal without any problems, the other 10% are born with some kind of birth defect. We have been assured that we are in the 90%, which is reassuring. The other concerns that the doctors have are that she may not continue growing towards the end of the pregnancy (that doesn't seem to be a problem now) and they would have to take her early, or there is also a slightly higher risk of having a still birth, which means they will do stress tests the last six or so weeks just to monitor things. I try not to worry, but sometimes I can't help it. I never imagined how scary it would be to be told that there could be complications or problems; it just never seemed like it would happen to me. I am just very grateful for technology, and that the lord answers prayers.