Wednesday, May 28, 2008

My busy boy

I've been such a slacker lately, partly because I want to post pictures, but never have the camera around to upload them when I think about posting another update. But I've decided to just post the pictures when I get around to it. Jarom started walking a little over a month ago (it was mid April) Now he is practically running everywhere. It is so fun to watch him go after one thing and then another. He is so busy, but honestly, I think it is easier with him walking than it was when he was crawling because his frustration is gone. But in addition to his new walking skills, he has also developed a sudden temper. I am trying to get him to walk more because his squirming 27 lbs is hard to pack around everywhere, but when I try to get him to walk, he throws himself on the floor and screams at the top of his lungs. I can't help but wonder if it is out of frustration of him not being able to say what he wants because when I try to get him to say "up", he will stop crying and hold his hands up looking so relieved that I know what he is trying to tell me. Being a mom can be so challenging on my patience some times.
The other big news that we just found out, is that we have a little number two on the way. I didn't actually find out that I was pregnant until i was 6 1/2 weeks along. The due date is December 23rd. I am just over 10 weeks today. It was a little bit of a surprise that we'll have two kids 19 months apart, but to say the least, we are excited, and trying to prepare ourselves for it.