Sunday, March 30, 2008


Spring is finally in the air! It seems to have hit us over night. One week we had two feet of snow, and the next we are staring at the bare dirt that is so abundant in our back yard. Although the change in weather is wonderful, with it comes the HUGE job of landscaping our full acre lot. I am excited for the end result, but know that there is going to be a lot of work that has to go into it to make it what we want it to be.
Last week My sister Taio and her husband came to visit. It was fun to see them and enjoy the couple of days that they were here. Their two little girls are adorable.
Jarom is getting close to walking. I am hoping that he will do so soon because I can't immagine it being possible for him to get into any more trouble than he already manages to find, so i don't think we will have to worry about that. It is amazing how fast kids grow. I know that everyone says that, and I know that I say it all the time too, but I just look at my little baby that isn't so little anymore, and can't believe how much he has changed and grown up. It is just crazy to see how he has changed from a helpless little newborn into a chubby little boy who is out to discover the world. I love being a mom. It is the most rewarding thing I have ever done, or ever hope to do.
Thayne made me a cake today, he said it was to cellebrate what a wonderful mommy and wife I am. It made me wonder what I did to deserve such an amazing husband. He is so much more than I ever expected to find in a man. He makes every day so fun and special for me. I wish I could be more like him. He is truly my best friend and the person who I look up to the most. I love you Thayne!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

March 4th 2008

Today marks 9 months from the time that Jarom was born. I can't believe it has already been that long. I had no idea that he could be so busy and so much fun at the same time. We had to get a gate for the top of the stairs, and needless to say it as a major attraction for Jarom. He loves to shake it and lean against it, and try to climb up it, and because there is a six inch gap between it and the top step (just big enough for his little bum to fit in) he also tries to sit by it, but occasionally - as this picture so nicely shows - he can't get out of his sitting position. He was quite stuck! The thought did cross my mind to leave him there for a few minutes so he wouldn't be into everything, but after watching me laughing, and snapping a few pictures, he decided that he'd had quite enough.

On one of the most trying days as a mom (trying to keep up with him and trying to be patient.) we decided to go outside and build a snowman. I built it, wile he tried to figure out what all the white stuff was. To be honest, it took longer to get him dressed than we ended up staying outside, but it was fun to have a nice change of pace.

Jarom has also sprouted 4 teeth in the last 5 weeks (talk about stressful!!!) His second top tooth just broke through today. As a result of them coming in so fast, he hastn't really had time to figure out what they are, so he was constantly grinding his teeth and giving us the cheeziest looks as he felt his teeth inside his mouth. We couldn't get the picture that we were hoping, but now we are glad that we got the ones that we did because he stopped the cheese.

On a happier note, I have decided to try to shed some of the baby weight that has plagued me since I was pregnant, and have started jogging a mile and a half every morning for the last week and a half. To be honest, it isn't the easiest thing to drag myself out of bed every morning before Thayne leaves for work, but on the other hand, I haven't felt this good in a long time. It feels good to actually be doing something physical every day (besides chasing a nine month old little boy)!!!