Sunday, February 3, 2008

Finally home!!!

Well, we are finally moved into our new house! I love it! I love the location, the colors, the size, the fact that we don't have crazy neighbors banging the other side of our wall!!! I love everything! I also love our new ward. I think I can honestly say that I don't think I have ever been welcomed into a new ward quite like this one! Everyone has been so eager to meet us and cater to our every need. It has been wonderful! I know that most wards start out good, and then you realize there are cliques, but I really hope that this one isn't that way! I was just amazed at fast and testimony meeting today, listening to the testimonies that were born. I really feel like we are part of a choice group of latterday saints.
my other big news is that Jarom started crawling, toddling along furnature, is cutting his first tooth (wow!), and is getting weaned off his binky all in the last week. He is so cute when he crawls, it is a rather robotic movement, but it is more than obvious that he would rather be walking, as he only crawls as long as he has to to get to something that he can pull himself up to. And as far as the new tooth thing goes... I am not sure what to do. He is so tempramental! I can only hope that he will get over that soon. When he is happy it is wonderful, but he throws a tantrum like a two year old. The weaning of the binky is going well. I wanted to get him off it before he hit a year, and in the last couple of weeks Thayne and I have realized how rediculously dependant we all are on it. He can't do anything without his binky either in his hand or his mouth. So far, he is down to only using it at night and at nap time, which is a relief, and I think it will be easy from here, since we made it through our first sunday without it. we'll just take it one step at a time.