My Twins Birth Story (A work in progress)...

Well, I never did get around to writing about my boys' birth last year. So, as the boys first birthday creeps up on me, I decided...better late than never right? So, here is what I remember and/or had written in my pregnancy book:

Tuesday, October 20th around 8pm or so, I decided I wanted to have one last hoorah at Chuck-A-Rama (not like I had any room in my belly) to have my "last supper"! I wasn't in the mood to make dinner, and apparently neither was Jake haha. So we stopped by Chuck-A-Rama on our way home from my parents house after my 11 year old sister Tiana painted my toenails. I was beginning to think that the contractions were unusually strong. I'd been having contractions every 2-3 minutes since I was like 22 weeks, so that was pretty normal...but the strength of them is what made me wonder.

Walking up to the booth, I went to sit down and realized MY BELLY DIDN'T FIT behind the table! LOL...that wasn't too unusual since my belly pressed up against the steering wheel in my VW Jetta pretty bad at that point that it was pretty uncomfortable to drive. Dinner was pretty uncomfortable. I remember my OB making fun of me for not having my bags packed all the way yet. He had said my "baby A's" bag of water was right there, ready to break!

I don't remember much of what I did when I got home, just that I kept wondering if "this could really be it". I talked to my mom on the phone hoping she could be psychic for me I guess LOL. She just told me to try to sleep it off and I would know if I needed to go in if I woke up in the middle of the night in labor. So I timed my contractions and they were pretty consistently ______ minutes apart, and I was pretty sure that they felt different than the ones I had been feeling. The other thing, is that usually when I was up doing things I would contract, but once I would lay down for a while, they would go away. Well, they didn't. They continued all night. I remember trying to sleep in between them, then hitting the start button on my Contraction Master in my sleep!

After not much sleep I decided to just finally get up and finish packing my bags. I called and talked to labor and delivery at about 9am and (probably since I had twins) they told me to at least come in and be checked. Which is what they usually told me when I called. So, I figured I would go in and be checked, then go home and continue laboring there. It wasn't much longer than 2 or 3 hours that I realized...once I got to the hospital, I probably wouldn't be leaving. So, I continued packing things (in slow motion, in between really, really strong contractions) and checking my 5 million lists to make sure everything was ready to go! Ya know...ya gotta do that last minute leg shave! (Boy I'm pretty sure that was quite a feet!) I was SO huge at this point. I even tried to lay my head off the arm of the couch so that Jake could blow dry my hair for me. Well that didn't end up to be very comfortable either!

Around 2-something pm, we headed over to my sister Lora's house to drop off my daughter. I had been leaking water since that morning (quite an odd sensation for me, every time I contracted) so I figured there was no turning back now. At my sisters house I tried (in between several contractions) to apply my "waterproof" mascara, and had my sister do my hair. At this point, the contractions were REALLY strong! Like, "have to stop what you're doing, including talking...brace yourself...and breath" kind of contractions. I remember feeling so sad because I had never left my daughter overnight with anyone before, and with all the H1N1, swine flu stuff, the rules were very strict at the hospital and she would not even be able to come and visit unless she just wanted to look at me and the babies through the window. Well, I figured that would totally upset and confuse her, so I knew I would not be seeing her for a couple days. I guess children just "know" when something is going to happen...Well, I just wanted cry because she was usually such a mama's girl, but for some reason, she would not stand there for one last picture or give me a hug and kiss goodbye. It still breaks my heart just thinking about it.

Jake kept saying the whole time I was trying to get ready..."let's go, let's go, we need to get to the hospital"! I'm like, " I can sit in a hospital bed and be bored? No thanks"! So I believe we headed over to the hospital around 3:30 or so. We waited in the waiting room FOREVER for someone to come check us in. I had to have my temperature and all sorts of things checked (something else to do with the H1N1 thing). The girl asked what symptoms I was having as she gave me my hospital gown to change into to see if I was really in labor. I told her I thought my water had started leaking since that morning and that the contractions were pretty strong and how far apart they were. She didn't seem too convinced when she left the triage room and it was dead silent in there, with NO staff around for over 30 minutes! I was just about to send my husband out to look for someone when a nurse finally came in. It seemed like the other CNA girl had told her that "I thought I was in labor". Well...once I told her the whole story, she said she wanted to check me before trying to hook me up to 2 baby heart rate monitors AND a contraction monitor (which is also usually quite a feet)! Well, her next words to me were, "Oh honey, you're not going anywhere. Let's go see if we can find you a nice room with a view. You are almost at a 7."