Thursday, March 29, 2012


Friends gathered after Carson's blessing. Clarissa, Susan, Amber, and Me.
Family. Dakota keeps on telling me he misses his cousins. Especially Gage.

Tharon's parents came to Arizona as well as two sisters. Shelly, Valrie and her husband Cody. And of course Tyson. Grandma Smith made Dakota a dinosaur quilt for his new twin bed. He just loves it! Thank you!

Riding the tea cups at Amazing Jake's with Grandpa Smith and Cody. Dakota got those cups spinning very fast.

Tharon and I enjoying some quality kid-free time in Prescott, AZ. Thank you again mom and dad for taking the kids off of our hands. We went horseback riding and got massages. Our first ever.


He is growing up so fast. He is 3 1/2 months here.
Dakota is still in love with his trains. His reward for staying dry at night is money. And with that money he buys trains. It seems to be working. He is dry over 90% of the time. He will be going to school in Sept. We enrolled him today!

Our drive down to AZ. Had to stop and take a photo of the cactuses as proof. The kids are tying to be tall like the cactus. Stretching our legs!

The st. Paddy's day celebration. Dying the fountain green at Fountain Hills, AZ. It was windy and the cars got "spray painted" with the green water.

Hello there!

This is probably the most snow we got this winter. Dakota and Pepper loved sledding in the snow. We went about 2-3 times when it snowed. Although Chicago looks nothing like this now.
Carson chillin' with his Daddy!

The fam. Those kids are such cheesers!

Oh look! They do love each other. It is a daily battle to help them get along. They are in constant competition.

Pepper being a helper and changing her baby doll's diaper. She even got out wipes and cleaned her bottom VERY well!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Picture Dump (in no real order)

Making cookies on Christmas Eve for Santa!

Crafting! Making snowmen and christmas trees to hang in the window.

Pepper reading to Carson on of her favorite books. Isn't she nice!

Riding on the "Polar Express"

Pictures with Santa. Pepper was NOT a fan! Dakota asked Santa to bring him a train and then he couldn't stop talking about how Santa was gonna bring him a train.

Decorating the christmas tree. All the ornaments ended up on the top half of the tree over the next few day, because I got tired of having to glue them back together!

Our Christmas tree this year. I think we will go back to this place next year.


Decorating the ginger bread house with the kids. Which consisted of them eating the candy. :)

Our family with the newest addition!

Grandma loved her time here, and so did I! She was a lifesaver.

Dakota's birthday cake. Happy 3rd Birthday Dakota!

We threw a party for Dakota at his favorite place. Chuck E Cheese. He absolutely loved it!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Introducing Carson Michael Smith

7lbs. 12 oz. 20 inches. Born 8:45pm November 21, 2011.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Horseback Riding

We visited the Chain o' Lakes state park at they had horseback riding rentals there. The kids had their first experience of riding a horse (pony). Dakota kept on asking to get down, although he was I think liking it. And Pepper, being the animal lover she is, didn't want to get off the horse.


Pepper is just an adorable little girl who loves to love. She has lots of hair and loves to run around and be silly with her brother.

So I FINALLY finished Pepper's blanket that was suppose to be for her first birthday. (She is now over 15 months old). Things never get done on time in this crazy household. She just instantly loved to hold, snuggle and carry this blanket around the house with her. She wants to take it out of her crib when she wakes up and have it with her always. I am glad she loves it so much.

Dakota and Pepper with their blankets.

She is also developed her climbing skills...

And she makes the funniest faces!

My swagbucks