I'm sitting here on a sunny Sunday afternoon and feeling the tiniest bit melancholy - Phill's sick, I'm just getting over a cold, feeling overwhelmed with housework, planning and marking (which was convienently left at work).
Faced with the prospect of filling in my Data & Tracking Book and spending a beautiful afternoon doing my planning, I decided to do neither and popped in the video Grant & Jen made of our wedding reception in Canada... since the videographer did SUCH a bang up job and missed songs, dances and inserted Disney graphics, my fantastic brother-in-law and his lovely wife decided that something should be done about it and they made a new video for us.
I find that now, I don't remember a lot of it... but there's a smile creeping up onto my face and lifting this blue funk because although the reception was to celebrate our wedding, it was a lot about friends and family.
I'm loving all of it - dancing up a storm with Rizwan; Faiza & Naheed singing; Shafik & Aziza dancing - the speeches, the songs, the dances and all throughout the video, hearing Noah exclaiming "Yay!"
I can hear my closest friends and family talking, laughing and enjoying themselves. I love it - all of it.
We had friends and family that travelled across the world, Canada and the GTA to be there and that made every single second of it worthwhile - not to mention the others who aren't with us any longer, or those who wanted to be there and couldn't make it.
I think (without any bias at all) that I am the luckiest girl in the world.
I have some absolutely incredible friends in New Zealand, Canada and scattered in other locations around the globe. Each and every one of them mean something different to me and I value and treasure every relationship immensely. So very blessed. I can't (and don't want to) imagine my life without them.
You know... one of my favourite quotes about family is along these lines "Families are like fudge - mostly sweet with a few nuts." Fantastic! I love my family and I love their nuttiness. Not just my immediate family, but my 'new' family as well - I am not only a Khamis, Kassam/Dhanidina but now a Couper as well - again - so lucky.
Then we have my extended family - same as with my friends, I have a different relationship with each of my aunties & uncles and I treasure those individually as well. I appreciate them all a lot more now that I'm an adult. On top of that, I have the best group of cousins and we always have an awesome time when we're together. We're there for each other whenever needed - no questions, no hestiations, no reservations and that's pretty damn amazing.
All this makes my heart swell up so much, I think I'm going to explode with love and gratitude.
Noah summed it up in a word: "Yay!" Out of the mouths of babes.