Saturday, 15 December 2018

The three VERY IMPORTANT photos.

We feel this issue is VERY important so we are importing all the comments about these three photos that have been submitted/published so far into this post. Putting all the information together and give it the visibility we think it deserves.

The making news fake.

A Christmas bonus for our real truth-seeking readers.

Wednesday, 12 December 2018

Scare tactics - comments continue

This post, as our usual readers are familiar with, has the purpose to allow comments to continue as the original post has almost reached the limit of 200 one that Blogger allows for each comment page.

Tuesday, 27 November 2018

Friday, 16 November 2018

Swinging tablecloth

1. Introduction

It’s said that a picture is worth a thousand words. That is absolutely true.

But sometimes those thousand words have a meaning greater than usual. Sometimes an image can crack a case, even a high profile one like Maddie McCann.

We believe that the picture above is such a case. We have called this picture up to now, the Frog’s BRT. As it’s much more than that, we shall call it the Tapas posh esplanade photo.

Thursday, 8 November 2018

The BRT that never existed

1. Introduction

It has now come the time to start proving that the Big Round Table (BRT) that the Tapas 9 (T9) allegedly used to dine from Sunday to Thursday at Tapas esplanade never existed.

Two things upfront that clearly show that it never existed is the fact is the lack of images of said BRT. The two things being the absence of them from the media and from guests who have been at Tapas before, during and after Maddie disappeared.

Monday, 5 November 2018

Copyright infringement

(original tweet here)
(original tweet here)
(original tweet here)

We would like to know if anyone has reported the tweets above because of copyright infringements.

Note, we do NOT want people to report them in any way. We just want to know if anyone is not comfortable with these users having attached those pictures to their tweets. We are.

That’s all we want to know for now. Please, we repeat, no reporting. It’s not what we want and if the tweets disappear after we publish this post, we are not to blame. 

As we said, it seems perfectly fine with the pictures being used as no intellectual property is being stolen nor are the images being used to achieve any sort of profit by those who have used them.

Thank you.

By the way, and evidently outside any copyright infringement issue, Jules’ tweet is so, but so interesting... Sushi, eh?

Wednesday, 31 October 2018

The Frog's BRT

Foreword: for reasons of simplification, we will assume the Frog to be a woman. We believe it to be a woman behind the character and if we are wrong then wrong we are. As our readers know, gender is something we consider irrelevant and it’s just to save the “s/he”, “he/her” and “himself/herself” in the text.

1. Introduction

Let us start by saying that we hope that we are wrong about what we are discussing here. We truly hope that after we publish this post, the Frog will show us that we’re wrong. If she does that we will gladly admit that we are wrong.

Sunday, 21 October 2018

Section 9

We have thanked JBLittlemore before and now we have to thank him again. He has helped us change our minds about something quite important about the case, and that is the perception people have that the case can be prosecuted in the UK.

We have stated that it could. We have said that it was legally possible but politically impossible.

Monday, 8 October 2018

It's September 2018 - Comments continue II

As per blogeditorial decision of April 18 this year and practice since then, the blog has become a “single-thread forum” preferring the publication of comments over independent new posts.

Blogger has a limitation of 200 comments per comment page, so whenever the comments start to reach that number, we open up a new post so that comments continue. We did that with “The help and the tennis” and will now continue to do so with “It’s September 2018”.

Friday, 21 September 2018

It's September 2018 - Comments continue

As per blogeditorial decision of April 18 this year and practice since then, the blog has become a “single-thread forum” preferring the publication of comments over independent new posts.

Blogger has a limitation of 200 comments per comment page, so whenever the comments start to reach that number, we open up a new post so that comments continue. We did that with “The help and the tennis” and will now continue to do so with “It’s September 2018”.

Thursday, 20 September 2018

Bogus post

PLEASE DO NOT COMMENT ON THIS POST (comments will not be published)

This post was created on October 3 at 17:23 GMT. It is to show that one can fiddle with the date of a post as it will appear to have been published on Sept 20 at 12:00.

The reason for the publication of this post is explained in our comment made at 3 Oct 2018, 17:26:00in our post It's September 2018 - comments continue”.

Thursday, 16 August 2018

The help and the tennis - comments continue VIII

As we have informed our readers in a comment in our post “The help and the tennis”, we would not be publishing any more posts as we wanted this one to remain the entrance door to our blog for now. 

This post, like the previous posts “comments continue” posts, is simply to allow comments to continue as they have almost reached 200 in the second ‘comments continue’ post, the limit Blogger has for comments per page.

Links to the previous “comments continue” posts:
- “The help and the tennis – comments continue”;
- “The help and the tennis – comments continue II”;
- “The help and the tennis – comments continue III”;
- “The help and the tennis – comments continue IV”;
- “The help and the tennis – comments continue V”;
- “The help and the tennis – comments continue VI”;
- “The help and the tennis – comments continue VII”. 

The help and the tennis - comments continue VII

As we have informed our readers in a comment in our post “The help and the tennis”, we would not be publishing any more posts as we wanted this one to remain the entrance door to our blog for now. 

This post, like the previous posts “comments continue” posts, is simply to allow comments to continue as they have almost reached 200 in the second ‘comments continue’ post, the limit Blogger has for comments per page.

Links to the previous “comments continue” posts:
- “The help and the tennis – comments continue”;
- “The help and the tennis – comments continue II”;
- “The help and the tennis – comments continue III”;
- “The help and the tennis – comments continue IV”;
- “The help and the tennis – comments continue V”;
- “The help and the tennis – comments continue VI”. 

Sunday, 22 July 2018

The help and the tennis - comments continue VI

As we have informed our readers in a comment in our post “The help and the tennis”, we would not be publishing any more posts as we wanted this one to remain the entrance door to our blog for now. 

This post, like the previous posts “comments continue” posts, is simply to allow comments to continue as they have almost reached 200 in the second ‘comments continue’ post, the limit Blogger has for comments per page.

Links to the previous “comments continue” posts:
- “The help and the tennis – comments continue”;
- “The help and the tennis – comments continue II”;
- “The help and the tennis – comments continue III”;
- “The help and the tennis – comments continue IV”;
- “The help and the tennis – comments continue V”.