Saturday, 27 June 2020

Maddie case: “They don't seem to be very sure about concrete evidence”

Carlos Carmo, former coordinator of the Judiciary Police, analyses new developments in the investigation.

The former PJ inspector considers that the English police works with a budget that allows paying informants and that, therefore, “from time to time some suspects will appear”, but that there does not seem to be any certainty concerning tangible evidence about the German man considered as a formal suspect

Wednesday, 24 June 2020

Monday, 22 June 2020

Gonçalo Amaral - Jornal das 8, TVI - June 21 2020 20:00 (Part I)

Our translation:

José Alberto Carvalho: I now have in the “Jornal das 8”, the former inspector of the PJ, Gonçalo Amaral, the man who led the initial investigation into the disappearance of Madeleine McCann. He has not yet commented on the line of investigation launched in recent weeks by the German police. Very good evening, Gonçalo Amaral...

Gonçalo Amaral: Good evening.

Rogério Alves, Sexta às 9, June 19 2007

While we are transcribing the Gonçalo Amaral's appearance on TVI yesterday, we thought it would be important to publish first Rogério Alves' interview with Sandra Felgueiras in the programme "Sexta às 9" last Friday.

The reason we are doing this is because Amaral refers to it in his interview.

Sunday, 21 June 2020

Amaral's pictures of BC's van - TVI June 21 2007 20:00 News

Back of van as shown by the media
Back of van picture shown by Amaral on TVI
Back of van picture shown by Amaral on TVI
Front of van picture shown by Amaral on TVI   

Christian Wolter, Sexta às 9, June 19 2007

In publishing what we deem to be important in Sandra Felgueiras’ programme “Sexta às 9” aired on RTP1 at June 19 2020, we will skip its first part which we consider to have simply been the “making-of-a-monster” clutter, aimed at driving in the message that it was Christian Brueckner who killed Maddie, even though up to now, we have seen absolutely no evidence whatsoever to sustain this claim.

Joana Morais had the unthankful task of summarising it, starting in the following tweet:

We would like to thank and recognise Joana's effort.

Thursday, 4 June 2020

Henrique Machado on TVI

Post updated on June 06, 13:00 with the transcription of the interview on June 04 2007, 13:00 News.
Post updated on June 06, 16:30 with the transcription of the interview on June 04 2007, 20:00 News.

All TV stations in Portugal, opened their eight o'clock news with the “new” German suspect. Of the various channels we would like to highlight TVI, as it had as a guest Henrique Machado.

Henrique Machado, we remind readers, was a witness for the McCanns in the McCann v Amaral damages trial:

Wednesday, 3 June 2020

Blood and the EVR dog - Part 7 - comments continue IV

In the tradition of our “comments continue” posts, and having the “comments continue” post  reached 190 comments, this one has been put up to allow us and our readers to continue to comment on the case, especially taking into account that a German suspect has been named.

Monday, 9 March 2020

Blood and the EVR dog - Part 6 - comments continue IV

In the tradition of our “comments continue” posts, and having the “comments continue” post  reached 199 comments, this one has been put up to allow us and our readers to continue to comment on the case.

Tuesday, 14 January 2020

Blood and the EVR dog - Part 6 - comments continue III

In the tradition of our “comments continue” posts, and having the “comments continue” post almost reached 199 comments, this one has been put up to allow us and our readers to continue to comment on the case.

Wednesday, 20 November 2019

Blood and the EVR dog - Part 6 - comments continue II

In the tradition of our “comments continue” posts, and having the “comments continue” post almost reached 200 comments, this one has been put up to allow us and our readers to continue to comment on the case.

Thursday, 31 October 2019

Blood and the EVR dog - Part 6 - comments continue

In the tradition of our “comments continue” posts, having the original post reached 200 comments, this one has been put up to allow us and our readers to continue to comment on the case.

Friday, 27 September 2019

Blood and the EVR dog - Part 6

01. Introduction

If we were to try to convince the reader that planes and trains are basically the same thing, the reader would laugh at such a preposterous suggestion.

However, the reader would rightfully laugh because the reader knows that they are completely different and no one in their right minds would confuse one for the other.

But what if the reader didn’t know anything about either? Would the reader then laugh? Maybe not.

What if it were that the reader didn’t know the difference between them and we said that they are basically the same as both are means of transportation of passengers, both are made of metal, both are long in shape, both have windows on the sides, both have small and cramped toilets, both have a “driver” in the front and both have the passengers seated behind him in rows with a corridor in the middle, would we be lying?

Wednesday, 4 September 2019

Titleless post - Comments continue

In the tradition of our “comments continue” posts, this post has been put up to allow us and our readers to continue to comment on the case.