
Criminals in Uniform

Two cops in Detroit performed an armed robbery using police issued weapons and wearing their badges in full view.

A spokeswoman for the Detroit police said “99.9 percent” of Detroit’s officers are honest and hard-working and “when a member of this organization disgraces the badge, we take it personally.”

Yep, I bet they are evert bit as honest and hard-working as the New Orleans police were during Katrina.

Two police officers accused in Detroit robbery, assault

Food Stamp Foreign Aid

NYC welfare food is shipped in barrels to the Dominican Republic - then sold on the black market

According to the New York Post article above there is thriving black market in New York City where who know how many people who are receiving food stamps, but apparently don't need them have created a business reselling free (to them) food.

Ordnance Porn


With more than 600 rounds fired in theater to date, Excalibur is the revolutionary precision projectile for the U.S. Army and Marine Corps artillery.

Using GPS precision guidance technology, Excalibur provides accurate, first round, fire-for-effect capability in an urban setting. Excalibur is considered a true precision weapon, impacting at a radial miss distance of six meters from the target.By using Excalibur's level of precision there is a major dramatic reduction in the time, cost and logistical burden traditionally associated with using artillery munitions. Analyses have shown that on average it takes at least 10 conventional munitions to accomplish what one Excalibur can.


George Zimmerman Flees to the Land of Sanity

Excerpts from MailOnline:

Dash-cam footage emerged today showing the moment that George Zimmerman was pulled over by a police officer in Texas for speeding and told them he was carrying a gun.

Just over two weeks since his dramatic acquittal for the murder of Trayvon Martin, 17, Zimmerman was issued the warning on Sunday in Forney, Texas, just 25 miles from Dallas.

The latest traffic incident comes a week-and-a-half after Zimmerman rescued a family-of-four from their upturned SUV over a thousand miles away in Florida, near  where he shot Martin dead.

With Zimmerman facing death threats following his acquittal, his brother Robert said that his family have to deal with rumors about his whereabouts every day.

He added that they go to great lengths to ensure their safety in accordance with the law.
CBS Dallas Fort Worth have claimed that the officer did not recognize Zimmerman, who has been at the center of a nationwide controversy since he was found not guilty of the second-degree murder and manslaughter of Trayvon Martin earlier this month.

Indeed, Zimmerman is even reported to have asked the officer if he knew his face from television and the officer again told the one-time Florida neighborhood watch captain that he did not.
While being questioned by the officer, Zimmerman, who was driving a 2008 Honda pick-up with Florida plates, told the officer that he was armed and was instructed to keep the gun in the car's glove-compartment.

The officer issued Zimmerman a warning for speeding and then sent him on his way - but not before asking him where he was going, to which he replied 'nowhere in particular'.
'Nowhere in particular, why is that?' responded the officer according to In Forney.com
'You didn’t see my name?' said Zimmerman. The officer then responded, 'wow, what a coincidence.'

The officer then inquired if Zimmerman was free of any warrants for arrest, to which Zimmerman replied, 'absolutely'.

'Alright, I’m gonna go back and just check you, routinely,' said the officer as he checked Zimmerman's proof of insurance and a driver’s license.

'The reason you were stopped was for your speed, why don’t you slow down a little bit for me and, as long as you don’t have any warrants, I’ll cut you loose with a warning,' said the officer to Zimmerman according to In Forney.com.

'Just take it easy, go ahead and shut your glove compartment and don’t play with your firearm, ok?'
The traffic stop according to InForney.Com lasted approximately five minutes and after being given a warning, Zimmerman was sent on his way - being wished 'a safe trip' by the officer.

In the aftermath of his acquittal Zimmerman's lawyers said that he would almost certainly rearm himself and would be handed back the 9mm Kel-Tec pistol he used to kill Martin.

Federal investigators have not yet returned the weapon.

And even though the fact that Zimmerman is back carrying a weapon will certainly be viewed as controversial, Zimmerman is legally permitted to under Texas state law.

Whatever It Takes To Have a Ride

The Invasion No One Noticed

A U.S. Navy destroyer stops four Mexicans rowing towards Texas .

The Captain gets on the loud-hailer and shouts, "Ahoy, small craft. Where are you headed?" 

One of the Mexicans puts down his oar, stands up, and shouts, "We are invading the United States of America to reclaim the territory taken by the USA during the 1800's."     The entire crew on the destroyer doubles over in laughter.    When the Captain finally catches his breath, he gets back on the loud-hailer and asks, "Just the four of you?"    The same Mexican stands up again and shouts, "No, we're the last four. The other 20 million are already there!"

Media Manipulation

They are more than happy for an excuse not to do their job.


Race War In the Future For USA?

"LBJ, and the Immigration Act of 1965 opened the floodgates of immigration from third world nations. California is the first state to show, via 2000 census, that traditional whites are a minority. If the trend continues, whites will be a minority in the entire nation by 2050.

We could so easily see what happened in the Balkans, also happen here in the USA. Apparently multicultural, multi-racial, and multi-ethnic democracies do not survive long. The minute the majority race, or culture loses it’s position of majority, the nation begins to undergo internal fracturing. It is my contention this is/was the plan beginning in 1965.

Our elected Presidents are doing nothing to prevent the coming collision of cultures. Each President has contributed to this looming crisis. I say crisis, not in the sense that these various immigrants are bad, or less of a person than Caucasians in America; I say crisis in the sense of a clash of cultures! To have “their” One World Government, you must first bring this nation down."

Read the story here.

Everything Obama is doing; gun control, open borders, debt accumulation, race baiting, money saturation, class warfare baiting, over-regulation, obamacare, etc is designed to destroy the republic and enable 'one-world-government'.  But he is just the latest President to move this agenda, not the first.  I believe that every President in the past 40 years has been guilty of this with the possible exception of Reagan.