We're certainly not as exciting as three toddlers but yeah, we're still here. Sometimes we lose ourselves a bit in the shadow of the trio. We go out in public looking somewhat disheveled knowing that no one will be looking at us anyway. Everyone's eyes go straight to the trio...which is expected. Mine would too. But the most embarrassing part of all is that the second place their eyes go is to my stomach. To check out the damage that carrying three babies can do. It's awkward.
Anyway, we had a fancy night a while back and just got our hands on the evidence. A night with just the two of us and no babies for anyone to look at. We tried to smooth out our wrinkles and catch a nap that day so we didn't look so tattered. Last Christmas we opted out of Clark's company party due to the strict feeding demands of three new babies. This year was obviously different so we got a babysitter and headed out. The party was Downtown at the Ritz and we were able to enjoy some good food and I was able to put some faces with names finally. The people that Clark spends far more time with during the day. I always like meeting people and being surprised with reality vs. my expectations. Sometimes I'm spot on and sometimes I'm so off with the look I've imagined for someone. That next Monday I even had Clark take a picture of his audit room so I could have that straightened out mentally as well.
We had a fun time and headed home after I had eaten way to many gingersnap cookies. On our way out we spotted the free photo area so we slipped inside for a quick shot. Unfortunately we had to pick up the prints downtown and Clark doesn't ever go down there. Due to a flood at his current client, however, he had to work from downtown for a few days. While there he searched through the hundreds of pictures and found our gem.
So here we are. In all our glory...
Triplets and 6 1/2 years of marriage hasn't aged us too terribly right? :) Clark is just as young and handsome as he was the first time we met so I think I made the right choice.
I just couldn't end a post without a few pics from tripletville. I took this picture because all three mouths were stuffed with cantaloupe and COMPLETELY silent. It was a wonderful moment.
I took this one because it was equally as wonderful. All three sitting peacefully and unrestrained. They had a picnic dinner and didn't give any protesting, crying, or food throwing. Not only that, it was just so dang cute to see them all at their picnic table chatting away about sidewalk chalk and the taste of mandarin oranges.
It was a beautiful weekend and we spent it all outside. Picnics, parks, and lots of playing. I love the spring!