Sunday, March 6, 2011

To Presley Dallas on her 2nd Birthday...

Dearest Presley,

Happy birthday, my precious girl! You are so very loved. The last 730 days with you have been anything but boring. You are so very grown up. You do things so much faster than your brother did that it's hard to believe this time that you are still so little. You've been talking really well for I guess about six months now. For the most part I think anyone can understand you (but I treasure the times only your family members can decode for you! It reminds the world you belong to us.) I love it when only Bubba can understand you, like yesterday in the car you were saying 'Mama serus, Mama serus' and Bubba said, "Mommy, she's saying 'Mama, serious? Serious?'" You are a handful, little girl, but I wouldn't change you a bit!!
Right now you like everything Bubba likes, mainly Cars & Thomas. You also like "Bobbie" (Barbie) movies, and you love your 'Miss Pattycake' movie most of all. You'd sit and watch it all day if I'd let you. You still eat everything (except garlic hummus) and you just dropped your two 2-hour naps in favor of one 3-hour nap this week. You go to bed at 7:00 and sleep 12-13 hours. No one sleeps like you Baby Girl!!
You are a complete Daddy's Girl. When Daddy is anywhere near you you say "Daddy hold you!" When he's working late or early, you cry for him and say "I want Daddy back!" It's heartbreaking. Daddy spoils you absolutley rotten. Bubba does too, for the most part, but the sibling bickering is definately beginning, mostly on Bubba's part. I am of course the disciplinarian, and I've given you your first spanking and your first timeout. I so wish I could be 'good cop'! But always know I only want to protect you and train you up in the way you should go.
You have brought us such joy, Presley Dallas. You are high-spirited, energetic, adventureous, shy, charming, demanding, independent, loving, exhausting, & precious. You love your brothers to pieces. You love your MeMe and ask for her everyday. You love NanaPoppy, Jacob, and all of your friends. You are a talking machine!! You love to dance and play and sing and read. You are treasured above all.
Happiest birthday my sweet girl. Every day with you is the best yet.
All my love,