Monday, November 29, 2010


Finally...a post that is all things Carter! I can't believe I have totally neglected my perfect third child on my blog, in pictures, and all those things I did with Tucker & Presley that I just haven't done with poor Carter! (I had vowed to not make these mistakes with my third, since I myself am a third and have almost no pictures from my childhood! LOL)

Carter Jackson will be six months old in six days, and we have loved every second with him! He is truly the perfect baby. He is so laid back, so easy, and so sweet. He sleeps about 13 hours at night and takes three long naps during the day. He just started eating food four nights ago; he's enjoyed sweet potatoes and suffered through peas. Developmentally he's still 5 weeks behind, so he hasn't been able to eat until now, and he has been starving! He is almost 20 pounds -- he's our tank! -- and we are all glad he's finally getting some real food in his tummy. He has jumped from the bottom of the charts (at or less than 10) to the top (in the 80s) in height, weight, and head size.

Carter just rolled over for the first time a couple of days ago, which I had looked over just in time to see.

My sweet dad came over this weekend and painted Carter's room, so he spent his first night in his bedroom last night. He did okay, but we heard him up on the monitor a lot. We never went in to check on him, and this morning when I went to get him he was like an ice cube! Poor little guy -- his room was so cold!

We are so lucky to have our little tank! He is just so loved by all of us (especially Presley), and we all fight for enough time to get to hold him. We are just so thankful that our little NICU baby is doing so well.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Yesterday was a special day because Daddy was on campus being the daily Watchdog! What's that you ask? Our school is participating in a national program called WatchDOGS (Dads of Great Students). We are trying to have a greater male presence on campus, having a dad/uncle/grandpa/etc every day. Yesterday was Patrick's day, and it was adorable! Patrick helped with getting kids out of cars, was on the morning announcements, was in Tucker's room for an hour, went to lunch/recess/computers with Tucker's class, spent time in the art room with 4th grade, and in PE with 2nd grade, helped a 2nd grade class learn about the election process, and listened to stories read in a 3rd grade class. It was such a fun day! (He was wiped out by lunch!) My student teacher is in her total-teach window, so I was able to hang out with the fam for the day :) What a great day at school!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Halloween 2010

Happy Halloween everybody! We had a another great year at the Chamberlain house. My parents and my sister came up to help celebrate which added to the fun. Tucker had decided to be an army man after a week of community helpers lessons at school, and Sissy was a princess (Belle from Beauty and the Beast). She's recently started to enjoy dressing up, but as it goes, she wasn't loving her costume! I think it itched her, so we remedied it by letting her wear a onesie underneath. Carter wore Tucker's 1st Halloween costume and was pretty much the cutest cow you've ever seen! We didn't get a ton of pictures unfortunately.

We walked the neighborhood with our sweet neighbors and their kids, Grant (5), and Sean (3). The boys ran fast and furiously from house to house, while Sissy took her time toddling along. Once she went to the first house and discovered she got candy she wanted to hit every door! (She also insisted on having a piece of candy in her mouth at all times!) After about an hour of walking the streets Tucker got tired and wanted to ride in the double stroller. When we would get to a house he would say, "Grant, Sean, just ask for an extra piece for me!" Can you say Lazy Bones! I told him if he wanted to get candy he wasn't gonna have to do the work himself! ha (He was happy to oblige). At the end of the night, when we ran out of candy, Tucker insisted we give away some of his candy to the trick-or-treaters. What a sweet boy!

Happy Halloween!