Well, we did it...we survived the first day of kindergarten! Mommy made it through with very little tears, and I was the only one in the family that cried at all! Tucker absolutely had a great day! I went in to work early, and Patrick dropped off Carter & Presley so he could take Tucker in on his own. As soon as we got there we saw our sweet friends and that got Tucker even more excited. Patrick took him to his room and he settled right in.
I was lucky to see him quite a few times in the hall, (so I got in extra hugs and kisses!), and I was also able to have lunch with him while my kids were at recess. Every time I saw him in the halls or in the building he seemed to be in a good mood. I gathered this about his day...
--His friend from the babysitter, Liam, sits at his table
--The girl next to him is named Alex, like his favorite character from "Wizards of Waverly Place"
--He puts his red folder in the yellow basket in the morning and takes it out at the end of the day
--In art they read a book called "Incredible Ned" about a boy who thinks things to life
--He was able to do "even the hard stuff"
--Mrs. Linthicum has a rug that has animals that are letters; the T is a tiger
--Mrs. Linthicum taught him not to "shout at Mommy if I see you in the hall" and that he can "give me a finger wave" (I'm pretty sure Mommy needed this lesson too!)
--At recess he played lots of things
--He played with the Color Tiles & Teddy Bear counters math tubs
--He forgot he had a snack but thankfully had some left over lunch (Mommy had packed the snack safely in his backpack, just FYI1)
--The soap in the bathroom was easy to pump
--Mrs. Linthicum is "great"
--Naptime was awesome because it was really short (probably because it's not really naptime!)
--He got a sticker on his tens-frame
--He got a smiley face in his folder
--He had "the best day" and he "loves this school!"
Can you ask for anything more??! What a precious gift to not only Tucker, but to Patrick and I to know he had so much fun in such a huge new environment. It is also so special for him to be at school with me because my sweet colleagues shower him with extra love and attention.
I have to include one more thing...my sweet friend Hollie works at our school (Carter's namesake) and her two boys Christian (4th grade) and Colby (3rd grade) are there too. Tucker knows Christian and Colby and thinks they are just the coolest kids ever. Well, it was the two of them that Tucker first saw at Boals this morning and he was so excited. After school Christian found Tucker right away and asked him all about his day, and the sweetest thing was that Christian responded genuinely and enthusiastically to Tucker, which made Tucker feel so important. Christian asked Tucker how his day was and Tucker said, "It was awesome! You should be in kindergarten too!" Christian was so cute to say, "You're right -- I remember really liking kindergarten." It was just precious to see him take Tucker under his wing like that.
So all in all, I'd say we had a great first day! Only 176 more to go...