Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day!

This year I decided I wanted to start making Valentine's really special for my two little valentine's. I want this to be a new tradition that my kids will remember when they're older. So last night I decorated the kitchen, and Tucker was so excited when he got up this morning! He came into our room at 5:30 and whispered in my ear, "Mommy, it's Valentine's Day! Come look at the table!" I worked to override my exhaustion and got up to see the table (really to see Tucker see the table!) Then I went down the street to the donut shop and picked up pink and white donuts -- they were a hit :o) I'm planning on heart-shaped sandwiches for lunch and a heart-shaped pizza from Papa Murphy's for dinner, which will be served in the dining room via candlelight :o)

Happy Valentine's Day to you and yours!

Snow Days!

Here are a few pictures from the biggest snowstorm in DFW record books! We got a whopping 7 inches in our yard! I couldn't believe it...and neither could Tucker!

Friday, February 12, 2010

Quotes from our 5-Year-Old

On stating the facts...
Daddy: "Tucker you need to help clean this mess up and pick up these toys."
Tucker: "'BTW'--I didn't get them out."

On dishing out conviction:
As mommy was nagging/getting on to daddy about something...
Tucker: "Mommy, can I talk to Daddy like that?"
OUCH!!! That one hurt! LOL

Sunday, February 7, 2010

11 Months Old (and one day)

I can't believe in only one month Presley Dallas will be celebrating her first birthday! She is growing up so fast! In this past month Presley has completely abandoned baby food in favor of whatever we happen to be eating! She's enjoyed Nana's spaghetti, lasagna, carrots, mac 'n cheese, tuna fish with all the fixings, cereal, yogurt, bananas...she's in heaven! We're starting her on milk once we run out of formula, probably within the next few days. No more baby stuff for our baby girl!

In the past month Presley has started cruising the furnature too. She loves to be up on her little legs, and is quite the explorer. She's into everything, much to the chagrin of the rest of her family! Every square inch of our house seems to be baracaded at the moment in an attempt to keep Miss Presley contained :o) All of her crawling and exploring must wear her out because she still sleeps about 18 hours a day!

Presley continues to bring the three of us so much joy. This stage is truly my favorite and I am savoring every minute. Thankfully we know we'll get to do it all over again really soon! We love you Presley Girl!