I just felt the need to brag on my husband. Some of you don't know that my husband has worked tirelessly for the last 15 months opening a brand new golf club in the area. Patrick passionately and dedicatedly worked day and literally night to put this new club on the map. He was in charge of absolutely everything, though that was not explained to him when he took the job. He didn't care. He's a hard worker and a good man. He did everything from order the necessary office supplies like pens, papers, and rubber bands, to decorating the clubhouse, to hiring/training/releasing employees, and anything and everything in between. He got to work early and stayed at work late, and when the pipes froze in the ceiling and ruined the security alarm system, my husband even slept at that club every night for two straight weeks, with the exception of Christmas Eve but including Christmas night, to be on Fire Watch and be sure the club wasn't broken into or damaged. He did all of this at the expense of seeing and spending time with his family and friends, to the extreme of not being able to bring me and Baby Presley home from the hospital because his bosses were in town, and he did it all without complaining. Patrick's work ethic is second to none. To say as an employee that he is dedicated, passionate, and willing to go the extra mile would be an understatement.
But compare Patrick's work ethic to his love for his family and that all looks like nothing! My husband is encouraging, accepting, loving at all costs, funny, and friendlier than anyone I know. As a father, none (well, except for mine of course!) could be better. He
adores his kids. He loves them more than life itself. Regardless of the stress he endures, when he walks into our home and he is with our kids, all is right with the world. He doesn't even need "a minute to himself" when he gets home--he goes straight to playing with the kids and helping out with them. When Patrick is home, I can truly put my feet up and relax.
Due to a bad economy and a boss' need to secure his own job (that's a wife's assessment!) Patrick lost his job two weeks ago. I hate this for him. Not because he nor I desired him to put in the long hours that he did, but because he loved what he was doing, regardless of the powers-that-be. This job loss has been bittersweet, because while we did lose a position Patrick enjoyed, Tucker, Presley and I got our beloved Daddy and husband back! I can honestly say I didn't even realize the toll this job was taking on him, because since he's been home I'm seeing a side of him I haven't seen in a long time. He's laughing again. There's so much laughter. A strained relationship between Tucker and Patrick brought on by such an absence of presence has been rapidly restored. As for our marriage--who knew how much communication could be lost when a spouse works so much! It's not that we stopped talking to each other, but that we didn't really have time, and I don't think we even realized it until these last two weeks that he's been home. I
love my husband! I really, really do. He is, without a doubt, my best friend.
I'm so blessed to have a God that cares for me. God planned Patrick and I to be perfect for each other. And though times are stressful right now, I know that He's going to provide for us, and while I cling to Jesus, I'm overwhelmed to have Patrick by my side. He is the love of my life.
I just had to brag...