Sunday, March 29, 2009

What Will Preley Wear Today?

So I love having a girl! I already play dress up with her everyday, even though we never go anywhere! Of course, she's too small to fit into about 90-95% of the clothes she has, so I really haven't even begun to tap into the crazy amount of clothes in her closet. Just wait til she hits the eight pound mark and I can start fitting her into 0-3 month stuff! ha ha Patrick thinks the last one of her in the "baby legs" is so silly looking, but they crack me up! Good times :o)

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Texas "Snow" Day

This morning Tucker and I were sitting on the couch and we looked out the window and noticed it was snowing! I couldn't believe it--it was really coming down! Tucker wanted to go outside, and my first reaction was no way, but thankfully I remembered to look at the world through the eyes of a child, and I gave in. So as any good Texas-mom would do, I bundled him up in his winter best, and set off into the backyard for a snow-filled adventure. What? You can't see it in the picture? By the time we got outside it was dwindling down, and Tucker didn't even want to go out past the patio. Texas snow day, indeed!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

First Bath

I've been meaning to post these pics for a few weeks now. I love that Presley fits in this bucket at bath time! I know one day I'll look back and think, how was she ever so small? I actually already think that now. When I'm holding her on my lap I think, how were you inside my body just three short weeks ago? Isn't God just amazing?

Anyway, we've been giving little Presley "swaddle baths" like they did at the hospital, and she really seems to enjoy them. Tucker feels like a big boy in his Daddy's-little-helper role. He stands perched and ready to hand Daddy the baby wash or wash cloth or towel. He loves the little noises Presley makes and he just stares intently at her.

What joy fills our hearts and home these days!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Precious Big Brother

My heart swells with pride as I watch my Tucker Bear with his baby sister. He has not shown one sign of jealousy, only love and admiration for his little sister. He is gentle and loving and kind and patient with her--what a blessing he is to her. I am praying that their special bond will last with them throughout their lives.

The other night I brought Presley into Tucker's room for bedtime stories and prayers, and Tucker wanted to kiss her on the head. Then he whispered, "Baby Presley, I will "pet you" and play with you forever." What could be cuter than that!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Welcome to the World Presley Dallas Chamberlain!

We are so proud to introduce you to our precious girl, our sweet Presley. She came into the world on Friday, March 6th at 12:51 pm weighing 7lbs even, and stretching out at 19 inches. She is doing wonderfully well--she is a great eater and sleeper. She only wakes up about 2 times at night, and she's already gained back all her birth weight, plus three ounces! She's also already grown an inch. It's going too fast!

Tucker is absolutley in love with his little sister, and he is relishing his new big brother role. He loves to "pet" her and help out as much as possible. I adore watching him with her, and experiencing this new addition through his eyes.

I've also fallen in love all over again with my husband. I forgot how much Patrick adores his babies. Tucker and I tease him about being a baby hog, which he totally is, and it just melts my heart. I am so blessed!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Presley's Room is Finally Done!

Hooray! Presley's room is finally done...and not a moment too soon! Special thanks to Keelie for painting her room, painting her name on the wall and making the chair covers for the glider and ottomon; thanks to Nana for making her curtains; and thanks to Stacy and Jed for "painting" the changing table. We're finally set to welcome her home in less than a week...