Wednesday, January 28, 2009

My Little Bear is Growing Up...

Our little Tucker is not so little anymore! On January 28th he turned four--I can't believe it! It has all gone so quickly. As I think about Presley coming, it's hard to imagine when Tucker was so small and helpless.

We had two special days for Tucker's birthday. On his actual birthday, Patrick and I both stayed home from work, as is our tradition. Tucker and I made a special birthday cake together, which he decorated in his favorite color, pink--sorry Patrick!--and of course we let him have it for breakfast! Then we went to The Wiggles Place with his BFF Haley. After that he spent some time with his favorite Nana. Then on Saturday we had his big shin-dig at Peter Piper Pizza and he had a great time with great friends.

I'm such a proud Mama when it comes to my little guy. At four-years-old, he is friendly, compassionate, tender-hearted, mischeivious, outgoing, and fearless. (Well, except for buffalos!) When I think about how God took a little bit of Patrick and a little bit of me and made us this perfect little guy, I get choked up. Tucker is the embodiment to me of God's love for us. He's just so generous and giving, even when we aren't worthy.

Happy 4th Birthday, Tucker Bear!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

An Update on Presley Dallas

Well, we went to the doctor on Tuesday and found out some interesting news...Presley's coming TWO WEEKS early! Wait, let me catch my breath...okay.

I guess because of the Heparin injections I take everyday it's best that she "evacuates" my womb as soon as she's able! My doctor said that the longer she stays in after that point the more at risk I am for stillbirth. Wait, did he just say that? Why yes he did! So even though I really don't want to have another C-section, I'm going to do whatever is best for my daughter at that point, and if that means another section, then so be it!

Something about saying your baby is coming in six weeks as opposed to eight weeks makes me feel a great sense of panic. We have SO much left to do. If you scroll down and see the pictures of Presley's room I posted almost a month ago, it might interest you to know that I haven't done one single thing to it since then! My little list of all the things I still need to do (the walls, the border, the changing table, the glider...) um, yeah, all those things still need to be done. :o) What is it about the second child that makes you completely neglect them from the get-go?

Anyway, we're getting a jump on our appointments, already being bumped from twice a month to once a week, and on Tuesday I'm having a biophysical profile to make sure all is well with our sweet girl. I'll keep ya posted :o)

So if you're checking out my little countdown there on the right of my screen, well you can go ahead and just add two weeks to the weekly count, and subtract 14 days from the days to go count! March 5th will be here before we know it. We're really in the home stretch now--is that a good thing? Keep us in your prayers!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Jonah and the Whale

Tucker's favorite bible story right now is Jonah and the Whale. Our nighttime routine always ends with two stories from the bible--one "free choice" and then the other HAS to be Jonah. After that we'll pray together. Well, Tucker usually wants us to do the praying, but last week he told me he wanted to pray the prayer that night. He closed his eyes and bowed his head and said, "God, I'll never try to hide from you, because if I do, the whale will get me. But I know I can't hide from you, so the whale won't get me. Amen"

Amen, Tucker!

Friday, January 2, 2009

Slow Movers...

I have to admit we are moving so slowly getting Presley's room together, but finally I have her bedding. I've had a really hard time finding anything I like in the stores right now, so this was perfect!
So now we still have to put the lighter color diamonds on the wall for the harlequin pattern, paint a green border at the tops of the walls, I need to make curtains, recover my glinder and ottomon, and paint the changing table white. But hey, we've still got what some 70+ days left?! I'm just going to assume we'll get it all done! Thankfully we have great friends pitching in, or I would be pulling my hair out right now!