Sunday, November 23, 2008

A Cowboy Room in the Making

We decided since Presley was getting a room make over, Tucker should too. Really, I just wanted to give him a little boys room. I loved his sports room, but I figured he could always have a sports room, and I wanted to do something that only little boys want. So I asked him if he would like a cowboy room, and want it he did! We still have a lot to do, but here's one wall that's almost done! Obviously we haven't hung anything on the walls yet, and I'm also going to hang rope where the colors meet the white border in the middle, but it's getting there! And that's one proud cowboy!

Painting Presley's Room

Tucker loves to be a little helper, so he jumped right in to help Poppy get Presley's room painted. As much as Patrick would hate that I'm telling the world this, Tucker's favorite color is actually pink, and as he was painting he said, "Mommy, I don't want the cowboy room. I want the pink room!" Patrick spent the rest of the night explaining that "pink was a girl color."

Monday, November 17, 2008

The Fruits of the Spirit...Revealed...

On Fridays, Tucker goes to what we call "big school" with his babysitter and all of her family. In his class each week this semester he's been learning about the fruits of the spirit. He's getting quite good at remembering all of them, and this week he just make me laugh out loud as he explained one of these gifts...

He was sitting in the backseat of the car finishing off his fruit snacks and I asked "Tucker, which fruit of the spirit did you learn about this week?"
"Self-control," he confidently replied.
"And what does that mean?" I questioned, to which he matter-of-factly replied, "NO more fruit snacks!"

Monday, November 3, 2008

Best Friends

Tucker and I headed over to our dear friends The Roseberry's house on Wednesday night for a play date. Since Patrick and Jed were both working late, Stacy and I enjoyed a great evening with the kids--they played so well together! (As they do most of the time!)

As it seems to be tradition for us, we always end up throwing the kids in the bath tub at the end of the night before saying good-bye, and I had to post these precious pictures of our precious kids! We love our Haley girl! (Hopefully I'll be able to figure out this picture posting stuff!)