I wrote this entry in my journal this summer and just had to post it...
I've been having a conversation with Tucker that spawned from a book I had recently read. The author brought to light how difficult it is for me to accept that Jesus loves me. I totally buy into Him loving everyone else, but I always imagine that I will be on the outskirts of His interactions with everyone else when we get to heaven. (I've been praying over this, and my spirit is starting to see the truth, don't worry!) But the author pointed out how sure John, Jesus most loyal disciple, was that Jesus loved him. In fact, it became John’s identity. When he was writing books in the bible, he didn’t say, “and Jesus said to John…” He would write, “and Jesus said to the disciple that Jesus loved.” “The One Whom Jesus Loves” is how John saw himself. And the author made me realize that we should all feel that way. That should be the identity of every Christian yesterday, now, and forever. So I made the decision to make sure Tucker grew up knowing that Jesus loves Him completely.
I started to do what the author did. I would ask Tucker, “Do you know who you are?” And he would say, “What?” (Not “who”, mind you, but that cute toddler talk again. “What?”) And I would tell him, “You’re the one whom Jesus loves!” And I would smother him in hugs and sugars and talk about how special he was. That was on Monday. He only needed about 48 hours to accept this, praise God!
On Wednesday night, the night of the morning he confessed his fears of “being died”,(I'll post that story soon) Patrick, Tucker and I were laying on the bed watching some TV before it was time to read books. And as we were watching I snuggled in close and repeated our exercise. “Tucker, do you know who you are?” I whispered in his ear. “What,” he asked. “You’re the one whom Jesus loves.” He nodded, and what he did next made my heart want to burst. He turned over to see his daddy and he exclaimed, “Daddy, I’m the one who Jesus loves!” He was so proud! Then he turned to me and said, “I’m the one who Jesus loves!” and he gave me a proud hug. I smiled and laughed and held him tight, and silently praised God for this precious realization for him. His new identity had been confirmed. “The One Whom Jesus Loves” may have been John for centuries, but for now, it’s just for Bear, “The One Whom Jesus Loves.”
Blessed be His name!