I love cows. I love the fact that all they have to do all day is eat. I would have even considered having one as a pet if I weren't severely allergic to their dander. Everything that is wonderful in this world comes from a cow... milk, cheese, steak, cheeseburgers, ice cream, butter, yogurt, chocolate. Brit and I have even had a big fight once over cheese. Smoked gouda. Mmmmm.
I have been sober from dairy for a week now. I miss it every day... every minute. So when Jonelle "Jojo Babbit" emails me and threatens to use force on me if I don't update my blog...(which is funny she did that because we would always wrestle in high school -in front of Robert Martin for some strange reason- and she would always be taken down! She really has no upper body strength) ...she gave me a list of things I could write about, and my love of cheese was on the list. *
(Some other things on the list were too personal to write about...the whereabouts of my green suede shoes with the black ribbon laces. I get teary just thinking about them and the joy they brought me.)
I just knew I needed to share. Now, you might be saying, 'Cristine- they make delicious soy versions of everything you mentioned. Whats the big deal? Buck up, camper!' But I failed to mention, I also am on the gluten free and egg free wagon. Some of the soy items contain wheat and egg. Ironically, some of the gluten free items contain milk and egg as well. What's a poor girl to do?! So why am torturing my body like this? Perhaps a new found health kick or road to a new self discovery? Maybe a new recipe for mood alteration? Maybe I am half vegan?
While I eat my butter pecan soy dream, I look at my sweet little bundle of love and her shredded, beet red cheeks, I could care less about those delicious dairy cows. ( Well- maybe I care a little when it comes to sees candies.) Her food allergy is more important than all the milk in Utah. When her doctor told me to go off gluten, dairy, eggs, tomatoes, and chocolate I thought 'hey, no big deal. I don't drink that much milk anyway. I don't eat that much bread.' The very first day Brit was making fun of me for acting like a homeless person looking in our cupboards. I was starving for the first 3 days. I even cried a little bit.
Now I feel better. I do think my new found diet actually has some mood alteration proponents. A few weeks ago, Chloe was saying the prayer. It went something like this..."please bless mommy to not be so grouchy and we won't have a bad day like we did today or yesterday or the day before..."
I haven't had a prayer like that since, so it's safe to say it was the wheat and cheese that made me grouchy.