April 30, 2011

Life as we know it.

Terrell has complete all his work and classes at BYU! Technically he is graduated, but he has to do this final internship to officially graduate. He is trying to get his job at Campus Plaza approved for it (supervisor). It's dumb because we have to pay tuition for him to do this "internship" - he's not even going to school! Lame-o, BYU, lame-o. He continues to work for BYU Police and continues to love it! Terrell loves being able to ride his motorcycle and looks pretty legit! He went on his first road trip with a friend to Park City and can't wait to take me on them too (okay, I'm not sure about that....at least I'm hoping that he can't wait!)

Well, geez, what's new with me? Um. Nothing. I guess I started scrapbooking a lot again which has been great. I keep telling myself that by the end of the summer I will be 100% caught up. I think it will happen! My hair is wavy now, which allows me to put gel in it and that's it and it looks like I did my hair (thanks, Lexi, for changing my hormones and body! hahahaha). I'm thinking about cutting my hair different again, but we'll see. I'm going to be starting the Insanity workout with my friends Alex and Ceci on Monday and pretty much...I'm going to do die. Yay for dying! :) I'm doing a musical number in our ward in a few weeks at the request of my mom and I haven't done one for years! Hopefully I don't sound like a dying cow.

Lexi is doing great right now! She is getting so big and so smart! Her favorite word to say right now is "serious" (just ask Aunt Lisa about how cute it sounds!!!). She's quite a talker, and runs everywhere. She likes to giggle and wave at Meeko and Axe and is very gentle with them. The mirror continues to be her all-time favorite thing and she likes to check herself out. Lexi has figured out how to "throw" a ball and chase after it - she doesn't like to play with others while doing it though! What a stinker! She loved being able to spend time with the Evans crew in Iowa this month (can't wait to see you guys again!). Lexi's best buddy right now is Luc and they play and play together. People often ask if they're twins. Nah, just buddies...or is it more?!?! bahahaha! (first Cayden, now Luc....). Lexi will be starting her Physical Rehab where they will do things like splinting her right hand at nighttime to keep it open, giving Botox injections to her right foot/ankle to loosen it up, etc. She has her consultation on May 20. She sees her neurologist every 3 months. She continues to do her therapy with PEIP. She is still in gymnastics and it has helped so much! We hope she can continue for as long as she wants!

We will be moving out of Wymount at the end of the summer to........yeah that's as much as we know. We are still looking for jobs for Terrell. We are headed to San Diego in about ten days for Daniel's wedding and we are so excited for him! Not to mention being able to relax on the beach with my family! We will be in San Diego for 3-4 days. We had a great Easter! We had some friends over for Easter dinner on Sunday and did an egg hunt with them the day before (Lexi wasn't all that interested, but Luc was all over it!). We did another "egg hunt" (plastic eggs with rubber duckies in them) on Sunday for just Lexi. On Saturday we did our Easter basket hunt. It was great to have a fun time with Lexi on her first Easter and explain to her about our Savior. We got our yearly family pictures taken at Portrait Innovations (post to come!) and they did a great job!

So, that's life as we know it. :)

April 29, 2011

Lexi's First Plane Ride

Lexi rode on her first airplane this month. I was really nervous to fly by myself with Lexi, but she did AWESOME! On the way to Iowa we flew with a ton of new missionaries on their way serve in Iowa so we were extra safe. Lexi was so great! On the way back to Utah, Lexi was wonderful as well! From Memphis - SLC she was definitely ready to be done flying though! Luckily, there was hardly anyone on the flight, and we got our own ROW (6 seats!). Pretty much everyone on the flight had it that way and we didn't even fill up every row! Lexi was able to walk around the plane during cruise time and sit in her own seat. I usually get kinda sick (even with Dramamine!) but I didn't feel nauseaous once! Chalk one up to Heavenly Father for totally looking out for us! :)
Here are some pictures of Lexi on the flight home.

April 26, 2011

"My Favorite Things" - wife/mom style.

Sometimes I feel like all I do is cook, clean, change diapers, cook, clean, give baths, cook, clean, run errands, cook, clean, clean, clean....
Here is a song that I made up to show how much I love it.

(to the tune of "My Favorite Things")

Doing the dishes and cooking the food,
Why do my chores put me in such a mood?
Folding the laundry and matching the socks,
Being a mom so totally rocks.

Shopping for jeans when my hips are too large.
Wearing a dress makes me feel like a barge.
Changing the diapers that stink really bad,
Gee, it's a wonder that moms go quite mad!

Clean the whole bathroom and vaccuum the floor.
Why are my chores a monotonous bore!
White and gray hairs on the top of my head
Why can't I just curl up in my bed?

Where's the chocolate!?
Where's my pillow?!
Cuz I'm feeling sad!
Then I remember that I'm never done!
Oh being a mom's quite fun!

Don't worry, folks - I absolutely LOVE being a mom and a wife! Today, I just looked at my insanely messy apartment and got kind of....well....AH! :)

April 20, 2011

Lexi's Easter Basket

I decided that each of our kids will have his or her own Easter basket, totally different than anyone else's. I decided to make Lexi's this past weekend. I got a pink pail from Hobby Lobby and scrapbooked the rest! Can't wait for her Easter basket hunt!


Some husbands welcome their wives home from vacation with flowers.

My husband welcomes me home from vacation with a lizard.

Now that's what I'm talking about!

I've wanted a Bearded Dragon for a long time, and Terrell surprised me with one when I got back from Iowa! Below is little tiny Berkley, who was barely bigger than my pointer finger. He was so cute!
Unfortunately, Berkley was failing to thrive, as he was a tiny little newborn, so we took him back to PetSmart so the experts there could help him eat and get stronger.

We exchanged Berkley for this fireball-of-a-dragon. He's still considered a "newborn" but he is bigger and stronger and is definitely silly! I named him Meeko (after the raccoon in Pocahontas!) because he acted just like him!

Bearded dragons are considered the friendliest lizards to own. They are playful, yet docile, and are very friendly! Welcome, Meeko!

Hair of Many Colors

So far in my life, I've had about 3 different colors of hair: brown, red-brown, and red.
This week I decided to color my hair a color I haven't done yet.
I now have black hair.

Now, I only need to have blonde hair once in my life (YIKES...don't know if I'll go there!)

April 17, 2011

Aunt Mindy

Lexi loves Aunt Mindy.
And Aunt Mindy loves Lexi.

April 16, 2011

Jespersen Cousins!

Lexi had a major blast playing with all her Jespersen cousins! (She's bored by herself now, being at home!)
We LOVE the J's!

Got Your Nose!

Lexi loves to get people's noses. She thinks it's funny. Here is Lexi getting Jodi's nose! :)
(PS: Her jammies say, Me + My Aunt = BFF. how fitting)

Lexi's First Piano Lesson

My mom teaches piano lessons to around 17-18 kids. She is the best! She even has a long waiting list to get on her lesson schedule! I told Terrell that since he is the better piano player of the two of us that he gets to teach Lexi piano. His response: "That's what your mom is for!" Hehe!
Here is Lexi's "first piano lesson". Yep, we start her young! ;)

April 14, 2011

Plastic Bag Princess

Lexi thinks everything is either a purse, a necklace, or an outfit. She found a plastic Macey's sack and was carrying it around like a purse. I decided to do like my mom and siblings used to do and punch holes in the bottom so she could wear it as a dress (see last picture).

Oh my sand!

Okay, so it's not real sand, but I thought the title was kinda catchy.
Over Conference weekend, I made Lexi a homemade sandbox. I used the bottom of a thick cardboard box, decorated the outside with scrapbook paper & stickers and used dry beans, rice, and oatmeal flakes. Lexi absolutely loved it and played in it for a full half hour all by herself!

Vroom Vroom!

Terrell got a new toy! This is his 2009 Suzuki Boulevard. We got it so he had a means of transportation that would save on gas (almost $4/gallon...seriously???) He has had it for about a month and is a really great safe driver. He has a jacket and gloves now too, so he looks pretty legit! These pictures were taken the day he got the motorcycle.

April 4, 2011

Disney on Ice

At the beginning of March,we went to Disney on Ice at the Energy Solutions Arena!
We never get to do things like that, so we were so excited!
Lexi was absolutely mesmerized with it and never wanted to look the camera so I could snap a picture! She danced and clapped the whole time! :)
We sat up WAY high, so we didn't get any pictures, so I snagged some from google :)