May 31, 2010

Rollin' Rollin' Rollin'!

Lexi will NOT stay on her tummy....she thinks it's awesome to roll over. She can almost get back to tummy now too! What a sweet babe!

May 30, 2010

What's up?

Here's what's up with the Frederick Family!

Lexi is the's a fact. She is now 3 months old and is as silly as can be! She can roll over like crazy and loves to smile! She's slowly growing out of her newborn clothes and is (hopefully) approaching 10 lbs!

She loves to play with her "boyfriend" Cayden!

Looking in the mirror is so much fun!

She likes to sit up "by herself". She also likes to stand "by herself"!

Our gangsta baby.

How can you resist this cuteness?!

Her favorite toys are: her rattle, which she can grab and shake; her bouncer seat, which she can pull the toys to make the music play; and her crib mobile, which she thinks is pretty silly!

We went to Boise a few weekends ago - this is Terrell and his Dad in their Monavie biking get-up. They went biking at the Boise Velodrome Cycling Park. Speaking of biking, we're looking at a mountain bike and gear for me so I can start doing awesome stuff!

Here is Terrell and two of his best friends, Nic and Phil, waiting outside the temple for their other best friend, Mason, to come out with his beautiful new bride, Krista! Somehow, I lost all of the pictures from the wedding...sad! But I still have a couple!

The Frederick family at the wedding!

I've been working a lot on Music in Motion and am getting very excited about this coming July when Music in Motion will be held for the fourth time! I'm in the process of making this an actual business and can't wait for it every year!

I can finally fit into pre-pregnancy stuff and that makes me VERY happy! However, I still got a ways to go!!!!

Terrell is looking into a bunch of bike races this summer and is hoping to be able to race in some.

He is also still hard at work for Campus Plaza landscaping and replacing all the vanity sinks in the apartments! What a macho man!

That's what's up in these neck of the woods!

May 25, 2010

The Likeness Scale

We spent the weekend in Boise, and on Saturday, Kaylie (Terrell's sister) was working on a project with her friend. Apparently they had finished their actual project, because when I came over to see how it was going, they were making "The Likeness Scale" for how much you like a boy. It's a scale of 1-10. Haha! Love high school!

May 24, 2010

Music in Motion

I love doing this. Spread the word.

May 16, 2010


become a photographer = awesome. i'm going to start practicing and researching and one day, get a sweet camera.

lose 20 pounds. i'd like to drop below my pre-pregnancy weight.

read the book of mormon again. never can get enough.

get completely ready for the day, every day, for at least a week. having a baby is hard - i can't imagine trying to get ready for the day with more than one kid - yikes!

get up to date on my scrapbooks. i am 2 years behind, ouch.

change up my blog.

May 12, 2010

May 10, 2010

It's been a year already?

On Saturday (May 8) was our one year anniversary! I sure love my wonderful husband! I told Terrell I didn't care what we did, but I didn't want to plan anything, so it was up to him. Honestly, I thought that we'd end up just vegging on the couch, watching movies all day since I told him it was his deal!

Oh, "me", of little faith!

Terrell planned an afternoon and evening of surprises and fun...
Our ride for the day! SOOO much fun!
Getting ready to hop on the mo-ped
Carl's Jr - our food of choice for special occasions. Western Bacon Cheeseburger, anyone?!
Eating at Rock Canyon Park
We then took a long drive on the mo-ped past Hobble Creek Canyon and then drove through Uinta National Forest. So fun and so pretty!
Terrell hanging from a bridge
Us playing around at the creek!
I walked on all the trees!
Me pretending to drive the mo-ped cuz I was too chicken to do it at Uinta! Don't worry, I did drive it in a neighborhood! SCARY! Terrell things this picture is the funniest thing ever cuz it looks like I'm on a kids' playground thing cuz you can see the stand down!
Heading to dinner

Our first try for dinner - Ruby River - but it was a 45-50 min wait, so we left
and went to Macaroni Grill instead! Delicious!!!! We splurged and ordered expensive dishes: Grilled Salmon and Lobster Ravioli!
We ended the evening by getting a Redbox and eating homemade popcorn! We had a fabulous day and I'm so thankful to be married to such a wonderful man for eternity! I love you Terrell!

ps: in case you were wondering, lexi was babysat by her grandma frederick and aunt marcie!

May 5, 2010

The Verdict (for now)

The doctor has "diagnosed" Lexi with a food allergy to milk, soy, and/or protein. I say "diagnosed" because it's not totally official. So, she is either allergic to one of them, or a combination of the three, or all three. The doctor said this is what has been causing her reflux and why it has been for her to eat and keep anything down. Lexi has to stay on Zantac until further notice, and on the "prescription" formula until she is one year old when they will test her for the allergies. She could outgrow it, or have it for life - only time will tell! We will have to monitor her weight gain almost every week for awhile, which means we head back to the doctor next Wednesday for a weight check. If she's lost weight, stayed the same, or not gained enough, she sees her doctor for another appointment.

The doctor promises increased happiness for Lexi so we're very excited to see what feeling better does for our sweet baby girl! She's definitely a silly one! Below is a picture of Lexi lifting her head - of course, when I grabbed the camera, she started to laugh and put her head it's not the best picture of her holding her head up but it's still really cute!!!

We sincerely appreciate everyone's concern and prayers for Lexi, and we love you all!

May 4, 2010

The Lexi Update

Over the weekend, we switched back to Zantac and started on the new formula (it's hypoallergenic - for food allergies - and is also for babies who have trouble digesting protein). We like this formula so much better and Lexi seems to as well. On Saturday, she struggled (went through 6 outfits!) but now it seems like it's doing better and able to eat more and keep more of it down. She struggled with both normal formula and soy formula, so we're going to stick with this new one for a while to see how it pans out.

Yesterday, we went to the pediatrician; she was a great doctor and is really trying to get stuff done. The doctor added Maalox to Lexi's medicine to test and see how the Zantac is working (not sure how that works, but oh well!) She also went through all the possibilities with me and told me all the tests they might do.

  • Pyloric stenosis - tested negative
  • Urinary Tract Infection - tested negative
  • Blood Tests (testing and measuring her electrolytes) - possibly done on Wed.
  • MRI/x-ray type of thing of her chest and throat - possibly done on Wed.
  • Having Lexi drink dyed liquid to observe her system(s) - possibly done on Wed.
  • Urine Culture (testing something I can't remember) - in progress
  • Food Allergies - a possibility
  • Protein Sensitivity - possibility
We also found out that this "cold" that she has had for over 2 weeks isn't a cold. It's her nasal passages reacting with all the throwing up/spitting up and producing lots of mucus to protect the irritated cavities. So, that means, as soon as the throwing up/spitting up slows down, so will her "cold"! Thank goodness!

We go to back tomorrow (Wednesday) for a recheck and possibly more of those tests. We are supposed to minimize car seat and carrier use to keep pressure off her stomach, and hold her upright for 30 minutes after every feeding. She still throws up and spits up a lot, but it's definitely not as much as these last couple weeks! In general though, I feel like Lexi is happier and we sincerely appreciate all your prayers!

On the plus side, we get comments from everyone from random strangers to the doctors that she sees that she has exceptional muscle tone for a 2.5 month old. She has awesome control over her head and other parts of her body. She can hold her head up for long periods of time, can scoot, is able to lift her head exceptionally well while on her tummy, and can make herself stand up while you're holding her. So watch out - this little tyke is super strong!

We'll keep everyone updated on how things go with Lexi! Thanks for reading!

May 3, 2010

Summer Reads

I love reading; I think everyone needs a good book to read now and then.
That is why I'm posting, on the left-hand side of my profile, a "Current Summer Read" with my current selection. (Thanks for the idea, Annette!)
I'm a fast reader, so keep up! I fly through books! (maybe not so much now, with a baby, but I still think I'm pretty quick!)