Rain drop keeps falling on my head. It falls everyday telling me to write something or whatever I can write about. Well, I have decided to see the world in a more old-fashioned way and touch on our common, humble, unique, and heroic sensitivities that define the sorrow and happiness of our existence.
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Why the dream...?
I have not seen this man for quite some time. And yesterday he visited me in my dream. A dream is always the opposite of what we usually imagine of someone. He is not that lively as before. But his face reflects two clear indications. One, he appears happy. And two, he is quite excited in meeting me. And one thing that makes me happy is that he is okay now and now I know where he is if I were to see him again. Sesungguhnya ketenangan seseorang adalah hasil dari mengenal dan mengetahui sesuatu. Firman Allah yang pertama, bacalah. Allahuakbar.
Monday, January 30, 2012
Getting the gist....
It sounds hardworking and a very conscious effort. It sounded possessive. As in a small thing to a very big one, it portrays more of the inner than the outward. Or more inner than the inner and more outward than the outward. Sounds fake. Sounds directive. Sounds punitive. And for this particular case, it sounds more inner than the inner, too deep that makes me wonder and keeps wondering and the label I can think of is none other than just nothing. Allah is Great. Berserahlah kepada yang Esa kerana dari Allah adalah Kekuatan yang Sebenar kerana kerangkuman nya menembusi segala-galanya yang tidak terfikir dan tidak terasa sebelum tiba masanya.Ya Allah sesungguhnya hidup ini adalah nikmat kepada yang telah dijadikan. Bersyukurlah. Allahuakbar.
Sunday, January 29, 2012
lontaran ke dalam...
Terasa tak? Macam dibuat buat, semuanya adalah merupakan lontaran ke dalam dan tidak ada lontaran ke luar.Ganjil kan? Ianya merupakan satu permainan yang mana kemenangan ditentukan oleh ketepatan lontaran ke dalam. Anehnya tidak ramai yang pandai berbuat demikian. Tidak disuruh dan tidak pula diarah, lontaran tidak menepati sasaran hanya sipi sipian. Ada yang terus melambung ke luar membikin kucar kacir kepada penonton yang tidak berdosa.Kerana ingin mempertahankan hak tanah air, sanggup menghalau manusia yang tidak tentu lagi beriman atau tidak. Mengapa tidak sahaja manusia ini dipisahkan mengikut banyak dosa dan banyak pahala. Atau membezakan mereka yang banyak rambut dengan yang tidak ada rambut langsung. Atau dibahagikan mengikut kategori cara mati. Kalau cara hidup boleh ditentukan mengapa tidak barangan dibuat mengikut cara mati. Ada atau tidak? Mengapa tidak? Tetapi bagi hidup pula ianya dinampakkan sebagai gaya hidup. Gaya hidup benda yang nampak. Toleh belakang dah nampak gaya hidup seseorang. Cara mati pula hanya sekadar dengar dengar. Gracias framework. Saya terlontar kedalam dengan tepatnya mengena sasaran. Adakah saya beriman? Itu soalan mati. Atau adakah saya berjaya dan gembira? Itu soal gaya hidup. Sesungguhnya dalam segala hal adalah dibawah Kekuasaan Allah. Allahuakbar.
Saturday, January 28, 2012
Gracias framework...
Stand to benefit if the gracias framework is to be set as a background to the pondering of billion thoughts of world events and world episodes from weirdo countries. Can play host to anything. It is just like a very big stadium that can accommodate any numbers of spectators that want to witness anything from a melancholy drama to a comical one. And it can serve as a soul shelter to a lost body. No wonder it so bare of bones and flesh. Because the framework has been upgraded to the highest of known quality standards of benchmarks. It is not of a SIRIM kind but of a KIRIM kind., fast, quick,and flashy. It truly a soul delivery that POS LAJU fail to deliver. In a matter of light nano second, here I am, a flash light of new me.Allahuakbar.
Friday, January 27, 2012
making inroads and that is progress..
Into an uncharted territory. Deep south, deep north, or deep inside me or inside someone where the devil resides occupying places that belongs to someone else. Ya Allah sesungguhnya tidak ada dua bagi Allah. Allah Yang Esa Yang Berkuasa dan Menguasai Segala-galanya. Allahuakbar.
Thursday, January 26, 2012
crystal clear..
It is a crystal clear case of overstepping the moral boundaries of what I am and who you are. I have not been very objective in this. Unconsciously I am dragged into an uknown territory of things that just do not make any sense. Thus the unnecessary fear in myself that causes myself intimidating myself. They are somewhat clear with them. Why not me? But sensing the imbalance in me I think I have been made irresponsible for what I am and in certain cases I have been used. What a joke? Is it not funny? Kepada Allah saya bermohon kekuatan. Allauakbar.
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Penting dan Benteng...
Penting tidak memberi sebarang maksud yang berfaedah jika ianya tidak menjadi benteng kepada pengaruh yang cuba diseludup masuk oleh mereka dan perkara yang hanya memikirkan duit dan keuntungan yang tidak diberkati. Sesungguhnya dengan topik topik yang telah ditulis, diharap ianya merupakan benteng kepada perkara yang ada unsur kerapuhan di sana sini baik dalam diri sendiri mahu apa pun diluar sana. Kepada Allah kita memohon perlindungan dari ketaksuban yang melampau. Ya Allah bawalah hamba Mu ini ke jalan yang benar. Allahuakbar.
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
the mistake has to be wiped out...
If you make a mistake, and if there is no other way of redoing it, then just wipe it out by way you seem fit. To eliminate or disseminate? Question asked but the answer is not easy. Some have just to be wiped out from the face of the earth.. Itulah yang berlaku kepada kaum Nabi Noah kerana keingkaran kepada suruhan Allah maka didatangi banjir besar. Allahuakbar.
Monday, January 23, 2012
Deadly real...
A dream can be deadly real. Then it is no longer a dream. Then what is it? It is a nightmare, a semi conscious state of mind. Anything that is not full is fearful. When can it be full? It is okay to be short but a shortage of anything can be destructive. A prolong state of shortage can dampen the heart and the spirit. It is deadly. So stand up and look up. Hanya kepada Allah kita memohon pertolongan dan berdoalah supaya hidup penuh keperkasaan. Allauakbar.
Sunday, January 22, 2012
We have had enough of these...
I have been following events and news through the newspapers and the electronic media. Personally I think some news are not newsworthy at all. What is written and what is on the air are not worth watching and worth reading. I think I have had enough of stories that seem to fulfill the whims, fancies, and lust of the rich, the famous, and the evil. In the small things lie the secret to life. Awed with big events, but the events are nothing but just sheer display of nothingness and a move towards destruction. Allah is Great. Allahuakbar.
Broke, sick and lonely, Stanford heads to court
January 21, 2012

Texas billionaire Allen Stanford arrives at the Federal courthouse in Houston, in the custody of US marshalls, in this file photo of June 25, 2009. On Monday, Stanford heads to court in Houston to battle charges that he operated a US$7 billion Ponzi scheme from Stanford International Bank Ltd, his offshore bank on the Caribbean island of Antigua. – Reuters pic
Deemed a flight risk in June 2009 by a federal judge, the 6-foot billionaire has been in jail, sporting prison-issue green and orange jumpsuits and shackles instead of the dark, tailor-made suits he once ordered in bulk.
Stanford, a native Texan who was knighted by the government of Antigua in 2006, is accused of misleading investors about certificates of deposit (CDs) issued by his offshore bank, in one of the biggest white collar fraud cases since Bernard Madoff.
Saturday, January 21, 2012
kepincangan individu, sosial dan budaya..
Pemasaran mengambil kepincangan ini sebagai landasan perancangan dan pembangunan barangan dan perkhidmatan hanya kerana hendak memuaskan hati pelanggan dan dengan itu syarikat memperoleh keuntungan yang `diberkati'. Barang mereka telah berjaya di dekati oleh customer. Atau syarikat telah berjaya mendekati customer yang begitu `angkuh dan sombong'. Apa tidaknya, kesetiaan pengguna dalam banyak perkara telah dianggap extreme dan memesongkan. Dengan ini aktiviti persaingan dikalangan syarikat dapat diredakan buat seketika. `Selling' merupakan kursus pemasaran yang membincangka secara khusus dan khyusuk kepincangan dari aspek berkomunikasi antara salesmana dan potential customer. Topik topik tertentu dipilih bagi menguatkan lagi aspek berkomunikasi ini. Pada peringkat awalnya pelajaran agak lurus, bersopan, beretika, dan bertamaddun. Tetapi ada yang mengambil kesempatan kerana jelas customer hanya jelas dengan diri mereka sendiri sahaja. Maka salesman telah menjadi selling satu kerjaya yang dipenuhi dengan noda dan dosa. Siapa tidak hendak buat duit dan cepat kaya..! Sering kedengaran ungkapan begitu diucapkan. Ungkapan yang sangat menyesatkan! Ya Allah, aku bermohon supaya memilih jalan yang lurus dan tidak menyesatkan.
Friday, January 20, 2012
the onus is on who fear most...
In marketing and in making a sale, the producer fears most lest he would go bankrupt if he makes the wrong move. So he would go all out to be informative in order to convince the customer that his product is the product that can fulfill the needs and the wants in the customer's quest for thrill and satisfaction. In similar breadth, in learning, the students fear most and not the teacher or the lecturer. The lecturer only arms with the basics, and it is up to the student to fill in the gaps the basic has created. UiTM only provides classes for the lecturer to deal with the basic. In contrast, the students are being provided with everything and all the hours in order to get the basics filled. Hours in classes are insufficient. The lecturer cannot give the most. The student is the seeker. So in a teaching scenario who fear most? The teacher or the students? Who gets the benefit most? Sesungguhnya dalam percaturan kehidupan banyak yang rugi dan menanggung ketakutan adalah manusia. Tetapi ramai yang lupa. Allah Yang Maha Besar dan memliki Segala-galanya. Memohonlah dan bersyukurlah. Sujudlah kepadaNya kerana kebaikan akan dibalas dengan kebaikan.
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Tidak ada benda yang jelas..itulah hakikatnya dengan kehidupan. Jelas atau tidak adalah fungsi kedua-dua pihak, penyampai dan yang mendengar. Tetapi bayangkan, jika seseorang itu dalam hidupnya hanya menguasai 100 dimensi benda, sudah pasti bagi mereka yang hanya dapat menguasai 20 dimensi, tidak berdaya memahami penyampai yang menceritakan dimensi dimensi yang mana pendengar sendiri tidak memilikinya. Jelasnya berlakulah `communication breakdown'. Maka berlakulah kepincangan. Sesungguhnya adalah dituntut oleh Islam supaya umatnya berilmu bagi mengatasi segala aspek kepincangan yang berlaku. Allauakbar.
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
socially distorted...
Culture, social, and psychological, these topics are always being discussed in all fields of human endeavor. As such it is respected more than anything else. What more it has taken us very far from what truth is. We are somewhat forgetful on where we are going. Culture and social are somewhat misplaced in seeking the truth on our existence. Those two aspects of our concern has taught us to look down instead of looking up.Thus creates all the unnecessary gaps on almost everything. Sesungguhnya Allah adalah Pencipta yang ada di langit, di bumi dan angkasa raya. Allahuakbar.
Monday, January 16, 2012
why the distortion...? In trying to reach for the sky and beyond, we have never be true as to why we are being created in the first place. Placement and replacement, substitute and substitution, words and said, feelings and felt, has become so rampantly abused that only spell disasters to this beautiful world and galaxies of ours. Apa yang saya boleh ucapkan selain dari Allahuakbar.
Sunday, January 15, 2012
We can never really know..
Most of everything are the function of the mind and the brain. By right and by today's benchmark,we should be getting less physical than before. If the call is physical monitoring then we are out of place with the modern technology and modern living. How nice if the Exam Hall is well equipped with CCTV that can monitor all the candidates that sits for an exam or a test. Less work then for the invigilators.Why not? Being all physical is unthinkable in whatever scenario we are in. With CCTV then there shall be no complain of copying. Is that the solution to the problems faced by human beings today? By the way, is there such a thing as perfect exam or perfect life, or a perfect partner, or a perfect satisfaction for that matter? Despite CCTVs, people still getting killed and robbed. Therefore above all inventions and modern technology is the all-time righteousness of thoughts, actions, and decisions. I can still recall my days at the University of Wisconsin where the format of learning is being made flexible. Class sessions and exam is a matter of one's inclination and one's potentials. There are classes which are being made as private or independent studies and exam is all take home, or exam is all open book. Are we getting there? Perfection is only with Allah. Sesungguhnya kepada Allah kita memohon pertolongan dan keampunan. Allahuakbar.
Saturday, January 14, 2012
my own world of words..

Studying is truly an adventure of a different kind. In other words it is only you and you in the competition. As for the American students, I could still recall at the University of Wisconsin, they have to laboriously drag their feet getting through a thick snow in a record coldest winter in getting to 7.30 morning class. Most of them make it just in time. In other words they are very patient and punctual. It is a race with no one. Nobody else is in the race. There is no question of unfairness and injustice in that race. It is very much a part of a broader learning process in getting to a higher level of one's consciousness in whatever knowledge you are pursuing. It never ends. Every bit of the world and the galaxies are at your disposal to make a discovery. Every title of books found in the library are at your disposal to have it read page to page. It is either you or nobody else. While I am writing this, suara azan subuh kedengaran dengan jelas dari mesjid yang berdekatan. Ada yang masih tidur dan terus tidur tanpa mempedulikan ajakan Allah supaya bangun dan segera menyempurnakan solat subuh. Allahuakbar.
Friday, January 13, 2012
alam berdepan...alam maya..

Thursday, January 12, 2012
is it for the thrill..?

Wednesday, January 11, 2012
the mystique and the mysterious...
Like old stories of old days, old radios, and old films, actions, decisions, events are all in the midst of mysterious and mystique circumstances. Even the nights and the days are very much far apart. What more the time and the space, and the people themselves. Be it in the morning, evening, and the nights. The rich and the poor, the small house and the big house, the cars, the bicycles, and the old roads.The towns and the shop houses. All are being mystically possessed by the untouchable sound of the trees, wind, the seas and the rivers, all locked up in emptiness. And today, I one for sure found that mystical behaviors of yesterdays, just in a flash of seconds.What a day! Allahuakbar.
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
dimensi lain...
Dimensi lain dan tidak akan kembali atau tidak ada jalan pulang. Itulah yang ternampak dan itulah kehebatan Allah yang menciptakan serba benda dan berakhir dengan kerosakan, kecacatan, dan kematian. Dan bagi manusia, akan dihidupkan semula bagi merasai alam akhirat. Sesungguhnya Ya Allah Maha Besar Kamu Yang Menguasai segala-galaNya. Allauakbar.
Monday, January 9, 2012
Are we being created weak and small..
And they can't afford to have that kind of thinking. It haunts them everyday. It is a nightmare. And from morning till evening they are perfecting themselves. Some yes and some no. Some little and some more and much. Some good and some bad. That creates havoc and in fact in all sphere of things and even to the tiny action of eating, drinking, saying, writing, and spelling. What more if they are being asked to tell and do something for others. But do they have a choice?Allah is Great. I am still trying to understand whether the principles adhered to and the things created a reflection of small, weak, and just being the way we are. Allah is Great. Allahuakbar.
Sunday, January 8, 2012
anthropology dan astronomy...
The pasts and the present...it is all in the courses of anthropology and astronomy. It brings my true consciousness on what is life, what is fake and what is genuine. By just being in a classroom with others, could sense what is real and what is not. Anthropology brings back to the the very tiny droplet of what we see with and around us at this very minute. Astronomy brings us to the lights of today and the darkness of tomorrow. Well embedded in thoughts, thinking, actions, and behavior, of what can be a drag and can be fast and quick.. Allah is Great. Life is brought out from the seemingly nothing to something that lays the foundation to the seemingly structured life. But it is. That is the one thought we must possess. It cuts across life on earth and life in heaven. But the seemingly bits and pieces of nations, culture, and people has divide us apart. It divides us to a lowly and immoral existence that fail to see what is beyond oneself. Only in Allah lies the true secret of life and death. Allah is Great. Allahuakbar.
Saturday, January 7, 2012
the moment...
is it the answer to the secret of life I have been seeking? Allah is Great. It is a story of the moment. Easily seized by the moment, and I am no longer in control. The seeking is over with Allah's blessing. It is that moment, I woke up and perform my morning prayer, and it is that moment I feel the day is over. Everything then is just begun. Just cherished the moment. Allah is Great. Allahuakbar.
Thursday, January 5, 2012
kebuntuan dan persoalan..
Kenapa berlakunya kebuntuan? Kerana Ditimpa banyak persoalan dan jauh dari jawapan atau tidak nampak jawapan. Di sinilah kita perlu bersabar di samping berusaha mencari jalan keluar. Sesungguhnya sabar adalah separuh daripada iman. InsyaAllah dengan usaha yang berterusan dan tidak mengenal erti jemu kejayaan akan menjelma. Sesungguhnya kepada Allah kita memohon keampunan. Allahuakbar.
Monday, January 2, 2012
Adakah kita seoarang yang beramanah? Sesungguhnya ramai dikalangan kita hanya tahu mentafsirkan perkataan amanah dalam konteks luaran dan yang nampak dan ternampak sahaja. Sering kita melihat mereka mentakfsirkan amanah dalam konteks yang besar sahaja. Juga kita melihat amanah condong kepada mereka yang memiliki saham yang banyak sahaja dalam syarikat. Kepada yang tidak memiliki saham yang banyak tidak didengar rintihan mereka. Walaupun formula pemilikan itu adil dan amanah sifatnya, tetapi nampaknya pemilik saham dan harta yang banyak telah menganiyai pemilik yang kecil. Anjakan kesedaran kepada sesuatu amat menyedihkan. Tanya solan seperti ini, kita bangun pagi untuk siapa? Kita belajar untuk siapa? Kita buat kerja ini untuk siapa? Lantas jawapan akan akhirnya akan menemui kita dengan istilah dan sifat amanah ini. Tidak kira apa jua kita dan siapa kita dan di mana kita, kita dicipta untuk menghayati sifat amanah yang patut ada pada setiap diri seseorang. Wallahualam. Sesungguhnya Ya Allah hamba memohon keampunan.
Sunday, January 1, 2012
Nothing special...?
Is it just another day? Is it a day after another? A day is a great day in itself. Is it? And today is 1st of January 2012. The difference should be more in mind and a step further into the realm of the unknown that is the brain. And yesterday, 31 December 2011, I have the opportunity to see mind in action but not the brain. What a pity, there are still mind that reflects a day that has never moved into the realm of the brain. He talks about the majority. He talks about yesterday. It regresses. It moves backwards. What about today 1st of January 2012 and further into the century? Are there changes? Sesenang itu dia berkata dan mengeluarkan pendapat. Do they talk about change or no change in the society? Are they moving forward or backward? Allah is Great. Allahuakbar.
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