Sunday, October 7, 2012

An update...

Audrey started school (VPK) this fall. She is loving every minute! In fact, she ran out the door her first day and has not looked back. She left the others of us to shed all the tears. I always thought that those mothers that cry when their kids went to school were lame. Now I know better. I have officially joined that train. Lincoln and I were very lost without her the first few days. Now we enjoy our alone time together and do lots of fun things...i.e. play with Audrey's toys. Audrey attends a Methodist school very close to our home. They do some funny things there. One being the "Jesus Hokey Poky." I am still trying to get her to show this to me. She is still battling a case of stage fright though.

First day of school

The backpack! Audrey posed herself for this photo.

One day we made "snakes" for a craft. The kids LOVED them. They ran around the house yelling and screaming all day.  I think our "snake" talk in the house inspired the snakes outside the house to come out and play. That very same day I saw a cat and snake wrestling in our backyard. I haven't seen snakes back there in a while.  Call it car ma or coincidence or what you will...

Our firetruck guy! 

L and A love to help around the house. One day I caught them washing the wall for me. What wonderful little helpers!

A great Sunday afternoon activity...

A continuation of picture from above...

Funny kids!

A switch...

Monday, July 23, 2012

Science Musuem and such

We took the kids to the science center last week. The museum has touring exhibits so you never know what fun adventure is to be had. This time the exhibit was called "Play." It featured large interactive game pieces for kids to play with.

These were large billiard balls. The slower you rolled the ball the better the music played out of the speakers. 


Diggin up dino bones

Pine wood derby

True Audrey style

Audrey likes to put this hat on and pretend she is a "bandit." It is very funny!

Phineas and Ferb

I decided to take the kids camping in the backyard the other day. Not my best idea... at least not in the summer. It was so hot! No breeze.  Kids couldn't sleep because of all the airplanes flying overhead, cicadas, and frogs. Finally around 10-10:30 Lincoln started begging to go inside. That was all I needed. In we went. Maybe next time it will work out better. :)

I caught Lincoln on the computer. He thinks he is such a big boy...

I caught Audrey in the high chair. I had to laugh. She was so pleased with herself.
In other news, Tim just finished his fifth semester. Only two more to go! Whoo-hoo! If you hear of any jobs, particularly in the west, please pass them along.

I have recently started drawing again. I might share some of my pictures sometime. They will make you laugh.

Life has been good. We feel very blessed! What a great experience it has been for us to move to Florida.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Lincoln's 2nd birthday

We celebrated Lincoln's 2nd birthday yesterday. We had fun! He is a wonderful little boy with lots of imagination. He makes us laugh everyday. We are so thankful to have him in our family!

Rockin' the drums!

Birthday loot! Trucks are all the rage this year.

Audrey "helping" Lincoln open his gifts.

Fire engine cake.

I learned from making this cake that frosting melts in Florida! Refrigeration is a must!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Star Wars Weekend

We went to Star Wars Weekend at Disney. Tim kept saying things like "Oh, the kids are really going to like this!" and "This will be great for the kids' budding sense of imagination!" ...We all know who we REALLY went for!
There were these Stormtroopers on top of the gate at the park entrance. As we walked in, this Storm Trooper pointed at Tim and accused him of being a Rebel spy and threatened to hand him over to Boba Fett. Then the other guy saw that Tim was pushing a stroller with 2 kids and said, "Nah, let's leave him alone. This guy's got enough problems!"


Darth Vader

 Darth Maul
This guy did his job well. He made several children cry.

 Jango Fett

I asked Tim why he as getting another picture with a Storm Trooper. Tim patiently explained that this was a CLONE Trooper, not a STORM Trooper. And he didn't even roll his eyes! I'm so proud of him.


Lincoln LOVES Lighting McQueen. He just wanted to touch it so bad. Audrey calls him "Lightning the Queen." 

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Crazy kids

I have finally locked myself in our computer room to update the blog. Our kids have been growing so fast! There is never a day without lots of laughs.

In fact, just now, I heard Tim say, "Lincoln! Stop picking your sister's nose!" Oh the joys.

Here are some pictures taken during the last few months...


Worn out girl

Buried in the sand!

New swimsuit

Best buds

A very happy birthday boy!

Diaper wars

Easter egg hunt



Woody and Jesse

Tinker Bell

Tim is still diligently plugging away at school. He is running the anesthesia machine in the operating  room all by himself now. He gives epidurals and a bunch of other stuff I can't think of right now. We feel like we have been so blessed because of his hard work!

Life is going good. We cannot complain. We are trying to enjoy our last year in Florida. We hope to be able to move back west when he graduates next spring.

Here are a couple of movies we wanted to share with y'all...