Kate is getting to the age that she realizes what New Years Eve is and wants to stay up until midnight. Thus, Parker notices New Years Eve and wants to stay up as well. So this year I decided we would let them stay up...until 12:00 am EST.
Throughout the day I changed the clocks, I figured they would notice if it went from 5:00 to 8:00 in an instant. At one point, when not all the clocks were on the same time yet, Kate was really confused and I thought she was going to figure it out. Especially when Parker checked his watch, which hadn't been changed at all. (We are big liars and told him that the battery must be going dead.)
Grandma and Grandpa Teeples came over at about 9:00 pm EST with pizza and I put together our chocolate fountain for dessert. We had noise blowers and rocket streamers to blow off when the ball dropped at Times Square. The kids thought it was great and we didn't have grumpy children the next day.