I made a hat--using the free download patterns from Wild Ginger. I have their Pattern Boutique pattern making programs, but the hat was from the free downloads. I had lots of trouble with the sizing--and the crown was WAY too high for me. So I cut it in half--maybe too drastic a move. However, I have had the materials to make this for a year and finally just did it last night. One of the other volunteers at the Aquarium of the Pacific digitized the logo (with permission) and gave me the design. I just decided to put it together--had no directions. The screening is what you might use for windows or screen doors. I bought it at Sew and Vac, the Long Beach Bernina dealer (NAYY). Got the fabric there too. In spite of some difficulties with the size of the pieces, once I chose a size and got going, it went together easily.
I cut 2 fabric pieces for the top--circle--and one of screen. I basted them together with right sides of the fabric facing out. Then I stitched in concentric circles through all 3 layers to stabilize it. Did the same with the brim. I sewed the top to the rectangle that had been pinned together to form a cylinder--the "hat" part of the thing. Then I did the same with the brim. Voila, hat! I did have to pick the brim off, trim some off of the inside of the brim, resew. It was too small for my big head. I finished the edge of the brim with double fold bias tape and now I have a sun hat to wear tomorrow. It still needs grommets and a cord to secure it in windy weather, but it is a hat! Yippee