My Blog

Thanks for stopping by! I use to blog to "keep in touch," I use to blog to brag, I use to blog for an outlet. I have now realized I blog because these are the things I want my children to know/remember about our life together as a family. These days won't stop passing, but having a record of it when it is all a memory will be priceless to me.
I read your blog because I love you!

Friday, May 22, 2009

She's got style she's got grace...

This beautiful bride was so fun to take pictures of! We had a blast experimenting and meeting the locals.

There were a few times that I think she got a little shy with everyone watching her but overall she just put it out there and "worked it!"
She is getting married in NYC today but I am sure there will be some great pictures of the reception.

We had a lot of fun! I love bridals they are my favorite thing to do! It was raining on my way to shoot these and we were so worried but overall I think we all only felt a few drops of rain. We really lucked out so of course the weather ended up being perfect! We got to shoot pretty early (thank you clouds) which was nice on my mother-in-law because she didn't have to get the kids ready for bed. These are a few of my favorites but there were a lot of beautiful ones to choose from. But how can you go wrong with such a beautiful girl!

Friday, May 8, 2009


Is mother's day a day to celebrate moms or women in general?

Mother's day gifts

I had a real hard time with the fact that growing up my mom hated Mother's day. As I kid I always thought that meant that she hated being a mother. Now that I am a mom I understand better. I realize that on mother's day we tend to beat ourselves for all of our short comings and weaknesses. So I decided to make sure that I celebrated mother's day as a day where I celebrate the gift of being a mother. Yes it is the hardest job in the world. I realize that I will never be the mother of the year and hopefully my kids won't need too much therapy; but I still feel lucky everyday that I have been chosen to be the mother of my 2 adorable little boys. So all I ever want for Mother's day is something with handprints of my boys. They grow up just too dang fast to remember. Well, this year I decided to give that same gift to the mothers in my life. I got some rectangle vases (on sale I might add!) and had their handprints etched onto it. My life long friend and her husband own the company Artistic Reflections. All I had to do was make a handprint of my kids with regular ink and paper and Aaron did the rest! It turned out beautiful! I love it and wish that the pictures did it justice. Then I made these cute paper flowers. I had to mail my mom's but my MIL, GIL and Grandma will all get the full effect. I even had a vase etched for me and then called Josh and told him (since he knows all I want is hand prints) that I had the handprints covered! It will be a gift that I treasure for the rest of my life! (or until it gets broken- I know reality) Is it cheating when you get your gift yourself? My neighbor told me that she always gets her own mother's day gift because then she is never disapointed. I don't know but all I know is that I love it! (Good thing my mom doesn't read my blog- or it would spoil the suprise!) Thank you Tawna and Aaron for doing this for me last minute- especially since you are about to have that baby any second!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Baby Bryson

Here are some pictures of the cutest baby! Bryson was 10 weeks early and so although he just passed his due date he is as alert as any 2 1/2 month old. We had so much fun with this tender little guy.

Friday, May 1, 2009

My latest shoot

I decided to start posting some of my professional stuff- just to keep things interesting. I really enjoyed my latest shoot. Nicki and Jordan are such an adorable couple with great style. Their colors are black and white with Tiffany blue as an accent. {you will notice their photos go along with that theme} They are also getting married in Manhattan! {No I am not doing the wedding- just all the stuff here in Utah.} I loved doing the engagements and can't wait for the bridals!