
Gaga and Papa's trip

Gaga and Papa came into town in July for the annual RAMROD trip.  We had such a great time and I so wish they lived closer.  It's so hard living away from family, especially when you see them with  your children.  I want them to know everything about Lucca, I want them to watch him grow, but until then, I'll settle on our trips.  Lucca loves having them here!

Seattle Art's Museum.  This was one of the coolest installations I've ever seen.  An entire uniform made out of dog tags.  All dog tags from our current war...something to think about.

OK, really, this is way above my head.

My dad, deep in thought over the covered piano.  Art is everywhere if you look hard enough.

Somewhere Lucca got it in his head that Papa was taking him fishing.  My dad found this farm in Woodinville, that was cool, but there were so many fish that we had to find distractions so we didn't catch all 5 fish in 5 minutes.  Literally, the drive took twice as long as catching the fish.  Regardless, Lucca had a blast!

We were going to go to a ballgame, but after breakfast we decided the horse races sounded cheaper and maybe more fun.  My dad and I loved the horse races when I lived in PDX.  I still love it, although we have a much nicer track than Portland.

Can I count the ways I love my boys...

Watch out haters, we also paint our nails red!!!  Why not!

Nothing tops off an incredible weekend like a Brandi Carlile concert with the special guest Dave Matthews...that's right DMB!!!

Happy Birthday my baby boy!

I surprised Lucca after his playgroup with a life size three balloon.  I wish I could have captured the look on his face, it was pure joy.  How wouldn't be giddy with a balloon like this?  It soon because him constant companion. 

It didn't take long for the string to come detached from the balloon.  Luckily the kind folks at Red Mill got out a ladder for a little birthday rescue.

Who doesn't wish they could eat a burger with so much enthusiasm...

This is the sugar shaking

Lucca, this year has been a big one for you.  There are so many milestones you're hitting, I wish I could slow down this time.  There's something so innocent about your language and eagerness to be independent.  In addition to starting a new preschool that you adore, you've also learned how to:
  • Zoom around the lake on your bike
  • Climb in and out of the bathtub without assistance
  • Put away your laundry
  • Say "Shut the front door"
  • Go potty and wash your hands all by yourself
  • Feed Lucy
  • Ask people if you can pet their dog and then greet them with kindness
  • Order your own Basque Cake and steamed milk
  • Fetch mama's slippers in the morning
  • Climb in your crib (hopefully climbing out will be a while)
  • Be a good friend
  • Operate a smart phone
  • Put your banana peel away in the morning
  • Eat edamame
  • Charm all those around you
I can't wait to see what this year brings.  I'm eternally grateful everyday that I get to be your mama.

Love you Lucca