Saturday, July 18, 2015

Kate the Great

In May our Katie bug turned one, and per usual we celebrated with an obscenely large and artificially colored cupcake. 

"Are you serious?! For once something this big is for me?"

"I'm just going to rest this on my chest while I try it out. Really, I just hate this bib and want to permanently stain it."

Sugar rush + Thriller


Until she realized that we were all having ice cream and she had some disgusting cardboard cake. Then she was DONE.

This is one of her tricks that we love/hate: the banana phone. Adorable, right? Until you try washing banana cement out of her curls...

We sure love this little human.

Monday, July 13, 2015

I'm So Glad When Daddy Comes Home

In our family, Dad is the fun one. The one who takes the kids on outings...

is more lenient with bed times and "traumatic injuries"...

buys the kids doughnuts (and not just plain doughnut holes)...

and doesn't freak out about terrible terrible messes (that's because he isn't the one doing the laundry). 

Sometimes I'm jealous of his awesomeness. But mostly I'm just glad that one of us is fun and that we make a good team. Mostly.